《If You Let Me》Chapter 5


Peace and blessings manifest with every lesson learned

Four days later...

I was sitting at my desk, going over the studio and Dave's schedule for the upcoming month. It was going to be busy as hell. Next week Fabolous, Nas and Method Man were supposed to be coming in for a joint collaboration, and everything needed to be organized.

On top of that Nicki Minaj and Cardi B were booking studio sessions for the same time and I needed to figure out how to reschedule one of them or keep them from seeing each other.

I may be a hermit crab, but everyone knew that those two have some kind of beef and I wanted no part of it to go down in this building.

Then East also has a listening party coming up for his new EP that I needed to plan and confirm.

It was only my fourth day here and I was always busy. Between running around with East to attend meetings and dealing with the studio's managerial work, I was exhausted.

Nonetheless I was finally getting the hang of things. After a few screw-ups and one meltdown, I managed to get everything under control - with Eva's help of course.

She was literally, the only person in the office that I actually liked. No one else interacted with me because I was their 'boss', which I don't have a problem with but it would be nice if they at least tried to be friendly.

Sighing, I kicked off my checkered print Vans and spun around in my desk chair to look out at my office's city view.

It's finally a Friday, and I can't even go home to relax. I have to finish packing all my stuff to move into Dave's condo tomorrow morning.

My current apartment is owned by my best friend, Brielle's parents, so it was easy to get out of my lease and rent it out.

A good thing about this process is that I got to play interior designer for a while and I had a $5,000 budget to buy all of the furniture and decor I want. A few days ago, I took the time to plan out exactly what I wanted my area to look like and I can't wait to put everything together.

Slipping my shoes back on, I logged out of my computer and started to text Eva to ask her if she wanted to go out to lunch with me.

But before I could click on her contact, a message from East popped up.


I need u to get lunch for me and the team. We're in Studio 5.

Nigga can I get a please

Sure. What would you like?


How many people?



I groaned opening up my Chick-fil-a app. I didn't feel like eating this but I am not about to go to two places for food.

I placed an order for a spicy chicken sandwich tray, chicken strips tray, fries, two gallons of lemonade and a regular Chick-fil-a sandwich for me.

I was not about to ask what they wanted individually. I made that mistake once and spent the entire day running back and forth confirming food orders and I still ended up leaving someone's food - mine.


I quickly texted Eva asking if she wanted anything and submitted the order for delivery.

Great now I don't' have to leave the office for food.

You ain't back yet?

I rolled my eyes, not bothering to answer him. I took the elevator downstairs to the lobby to pick up the food and made my way to Studio 5.

I mentally prepared myself for the crowd of people behind that door. I'm pretty sure it's only the East, the sound engineer and some of his friends in there. But I get clumsy and nervous around new people.

Okay, Allaya, you'll only be in there for five minutes then you'll dip. In and out, no questions asked. Just put the food on the table, turn around and leave. Yes, I can do this.

I opened the studio door and immediately all eyes were on me. The sound engineer turned off whatever was playing.

"Finally you had a nigga starving and shit.", East said rather rudely.

I rolled my eyes and placed all of the food on the table.

One of the guys got up from the black leather couch and helped me to lay everything out.

I gave him a small smile and said a polite "Thank you" before turning on my heels to leave out the door.

"Where the sauce at?!" one of the men said.

I sighed and sifted through the bag in my hand and pulled out sauces that they requested and dumped it on the table.

"Aw shit my bad, Allaya this is Shoota, Freaky and Jay" he said gesturing to the three men around the table.

At first I was a bit confused as to why he only introduced me to them and not the two females who were also on the couch behind them.

"This is my new assistant Allaya"

Freaky was the first respond with "wassup ma", followed by the other guys. He caught my attention first with his mouth full of ice and face tattoos. They were all fine and staring at me.

I suddenly became nervous and waved a quick "Hello" to everyone.

As I turned to walk out of the studio Shoota spoke up, "You ain't eating with us?".

I scanned the room quickly, looking at the two women mugging me on the couch.

I stumbled over my words trying to come up with a quick excuse.

"Ahh I'd love to but I have a lot of work to do, maybe next time." I responded with a quick shrug.

He just smirked at me, probably knowing I was lying, while the others nodded.

I walked back into my office breathing a sigh of relief before eating lunch.

Suddenly my phone began to vibrate on my desk.


"Allayaaaaa Lalani Samira Daniels! Why haven't I heard from your big headed ass in over two weeks?!", my best friend Brielle screamed at me.

I simply laughed at her using my full government name and shook my head.

This crazy ass girl.

"Hello Brielle and how are you?"

"Nuhuh tell me why your ass was MIA for the last couple weeks. I'm over here in Mexico and I can't hear from you during my entire trip"


"Briii baby baby baby I'm sorry. I've been kinda busy with my new job and packing up my apartment..."

She cut me off and shouted,

"JOB...PACKING?!. Bitch what? Devon baby hold my wig. When the fuck did this happen?"

I laughed at her as she took the wig off her head and shoved it into her boyfriend, Devon's hands.

"You are so fucking extra, but remember when I told you that I had a job interview earlier this week...well I got it! And as for the packing part, I kinda have to move in with my boss as a part of the job"

"Again, I say bitch what?! You never tell me anything", she pouted.

I instantly felt bad. I have this weird thing where I distance myself from people when I'm down. I don't do it intentionally, I just lock myself in a box sometimes and give people space. Even when they don't ask for it.

"I'm sorry but I didn't wanna bother you while you're on your baecation", I looked up at her.

"Girl I don't care where I am or what I'm doing. You call me!", she smiled in the camera.

"It's only me, you and Nene out here in the city and we gotta stick together."

I smiled back at her. Bri has been my best friend ever since we started college together. We were the only two students from Turks and Caicos at our university. We instantly clicked and became roommates until we graduated.

She's a PR strategist at Prada while I'm working on my masters. I'm so proud of her and how far she's come. We've survived the toughest, most brokest times together and now we're finally (well almost) living our best lives.

"I know Bri and I'm really sorry", I pouted. "But tell me all about Cancun."

"Gyall everything nice outchea. I mean there's sun and there's rum and then there's Devon...sooo it's lit."

I heard a door open and close, insinuating that someone left the room. Bri looked back and then moved closer to the camera.

"Ok now that he's gone, I can really tell you everything", she said with a devious smirk.

I knew where this was going, time to hear about Bri's sexcapades.

"Laya that man fucked me on the balcony!", she said with a slight gasp.

I instantly regretted taking a sip from my lemonade before hearing what she said, because I ended up spitting the contents of my mouth on my computer.

"Bitch you out here fucking in public now?!", I asked with a shocked expression on my face.

"We just came back from dinner one night and I was outside watching the sunset and that's when it happened. I mean he just did it right there, panties around my ankles, just juicing the shit out of me."

Well damn

"All I gotta say is that I ain't ever gonna leave that white man. I mean you ever seen a white dick with a curve in it? Didn't think it was possible until Devon put that shit on me, I'm pretty sure everyone in the hotel heard me call him DaddyDevon"

At this point I was in tears laughing at Bri's stupidity.

"I hope you're using protection", I said in between laughing.

"Ine ga lie, fuck a condom. At this point I wanna have his kids".

This girl is too much. I remember when she first met Devon at her job. He worked in the same building as her in Manhattan. One day they got stuck in the elevator together, and walked out with him asking her on a date.

When I first saw him, honestly I was shocked. He was cute but a bit nerdy looking. Everyone that knew Bri Johnson, knew that white men weren't her type. She was a short brown skin island gyal, that was boisterous and bold. Her presence could command a room and her beauty would stop anyone in their tracks.

Who knew Devon would be the only one to calm her down.

Those two have been dating for a year now, they've just moved in together and went to Mexico for their anniversary trip.

They're honestly the cutest couple. Bri has even influenced Devon with our ways, so he's just like one of us. We're all pretty close.

"Bitch you are too much", I said in between laughs.

"Anyway don't think we're finish talking about your job. I want all the details. Oh shit I almost forgot! It's Nene's birthday next week so we're going to the club."

I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes.

I hated the club. Out of the two times that I've been I can safely say that I would rather be in a jail cell.

Dramatic much? I don't care.

The club is always hot, people are sweaty and the drinks are overpriced. The music is also sometimes shitty with people bumping into you. Then to top it all off, I don't dance so I'm either sitting or standing in the corner all night sipping on a drink.

"Laya I'm dead serious. I will drag your ass out if I have to"

"I hear you Bri, I'll be there. You know I love Nene."

"Anyway imma let you make that shmoney while I go find Devon for a quickie by the pool"


"Girl shut up, you need a quickie and maybe you won't have that attitude.", she exclaimed while sticking out her tongue.

"Anyway I love you bye, and call me later"

I rolled my eyes yet again and said "love you too" then hung up the call

I don't have an attitude.


Quick vocab for some of the dialect I used:

Ine ga lie - I'm not going to lie

Juicing - another word for sex


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(On & On by Erykah Badu)

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