《If You Let Me》Chapter 3


Try and keep your head up to the sky

The receptionist's heels clicked loudly on the tiled marble floor as we exited the quiet reception area into the more noisy workspace.

The area was a large expanse of desks, chairs and computers. Surrounded by tall windows providing a lot of natural light. There were people everywhere, walking around and murmuring about their assignments.

I followed behind her as she weaved through the crowd of people.

I must have been not paying attention for a while because I didn't realize she stopped, so I slammed right into the back of her, trying to regain my balance.

When I was about to offer my apologies, she spat, "Watch where the fuck you're going".

My face instantly morphed into an unpredictable scowl, while I fixed my mouth to say something smart to her. Before I could respond she opened the office door and revealed two men in casual clothing.

The scowl must have still been on my face because the darker-skinned man cleared his throat and said,

"You aight ma?"

I quickly changed my facial expression into a polite smile and responded with a handshake.

"Yes, I'm fine. My apologies, I'm Allaya Daniels", I spoke professionally.

I stuck my hand out to shake his and he took it. I moved it to the other lighter-skinned gentleman with tattoos but he just looked at it and told me to have a seat.

My face flushed and showed my embarrassment as I took a seat on the opposite side of the desk.

Here we go.

The man I guessed to be Mr. Williams finally spoke.

"So this interview is for the personal assistant position for Mr. David Brewster aka Dave East", he motioned to the man next to him.

His name sounds familiar but I can't recall. I'm not really into new school rap or hip hop.

I nodded my head and he continued.

"So tell us about yourself."

I sat up straighter and began to ramble off the information on my resume.

"Well I have a BBA in Marketing and Advertising and I'm currently pursuing my graduate's degree at NYU. I have prior marketing and PR experience through several internships during my undergrad studies. I've interned for L'Oreal, Google, Instagram and most recently Chanel. I have technical experience in excel, google analytics, tableau, and digital marketing. I'm organized, honest and I have great communication and interpersonal skills. I know two languages - English being my first language and Italian being my second."


He looked up at me impressed.

"Wow, you seem like you got your shit together. So, do you have any experience in the music industry, mainly working with big profile artists in hip hop or urban music"

Now I know this man just heard me go on about all my experience and not once did he hear me mention any damn music.

I smiled tightly and proceeded to give my best answer. If it's one thing I know how to do properly, it's bullshit my way through any situation.

"Well though I have no formal experience in the music industry, I have experience in other consumer-centric corporations that focus on some of the same main points that the music business covers. Basically, the same skills that I have harnessed and learned from my prior experience can transcend into any job including this one."

I was extremely proud of my answer. I was inwardly giving myself a high five for using all of those intricate words to bullshit my way through this.

Hahaha Allaya you the shit, you're an elite human being.

"So basically the answer is no, you don't have any experience in the music industry."

My smile faded as the man who had not said one thing during this entire interview finally spoke up.

His brown eyes looked straight into mine and burned a hole through my face.

I finally got a good look at him, he was good looking, one might even say fine-in the bad boy/hood nigga way. Tattoos, braids and a fresh line up. If he wasn't grilling me right now, I might have been drooling.

I snapped out of it and shifted in the hard leather seat preparing to answer him.

"No, I do not have any experience in the music industry", I said with a slight attitude.

I can't help it. I'm a quiet girl but when I feel threatened, I instantly get an attitude and turn on my defence mode".

Mr. Brewster looked back down to my resume and asked.

"Where do you see yourself in ten years?"

Ugh, I hate this question, like I can't see into the future so how the hell am I supposed to know?


"Well, I would hope to be a Marketing Executive at a luxury fashion brand like Chanel or Prada or maybe even a beauty conglomerate like L'Oreal. By that time I would also like to have a growing business of my own and an impressive investment portfolio."

Mr. Brewster nodded his head and asked a follow-up question.

"Describe your ideal employer."

Ok, this is new, no one has ever asked me this before, so I had to think about this one.

"My ideal employer would be someone who has respect for me, my time and my goals. Someone who gives me credit when credit is due and knows how to approach me when I make a mistake. Ultimately, a person who creates an environment for growth and opportunity."

Whew, that was good girl, my inner self chimed in.

"Ms. Daniels as an employer, I can definitely say that my respect is earned before it is given."

Nigga what¿

I smoothed my hands on my pants and said with a raised brow, "I would like to think that one would have earned your respect for simply being a human being that has agreed to work for you. I mean that's what any decent person would think."

Ha! Take that asshole.

Brewster was about to reply when Mr. Williams interrupted with a slight smirk on his face.

"Allaya, I assume that you know all of the requirements and details of this job. You'll be required to move in with East and be on call 24/7. Therefore, you will be required to attend events at clubs and travel across the country - all expenses paid of course. You'll get one fixed off day per week and the rest, including vacation, will be negotiated."

"Yes, I read the job requirements, is there anything else that you may need to know from me?"

"Well, I have one more question before I hand the interview over to Mr. Brewster. I noticed you said that you've recently graduated and you're beginning your graduate studies. How will you be focused enough for school while working such a demanding job such as this one?"

Great question but I have an answer for this.

"Well, my program is part-time and I have a close relationship with my professor and advisor. He has assured me that I will have his full support while completing this degree. Moreover, my program is an online one, where I can complete all of my courses at night on my own time"

He nodded his head handed the rest of the interview over to Mr. Brewster.

The rest of the interview was filled with East (I'm not calling him Mr. Brewster anymore because he doesn't deserve my respect) grilling the fuck outta me.

I knew he was trying to crack me just for his amusement. Mr. Williams, whose name I learned to be Wayno just sat there smirking the entire time.

With every stupid ass question asked, I grew more irritated with my accent coming out in each response. I was so close to telling this man to kiss my fucking ass when he finally concluded the interview.

"Okay, that's it. Do you mind sitting in the waiting room for a bit, while I talk to Wayno?"

"Of course not", I answered politely.

I left the office to sit in the waiting room and said a silent prayer.

God, I know that you're always with me and that your plan is my plan. But please let me get this job. And if I do get this job, please let this man act like he has some sense. Am-

My prayer was interrupted with East standing in front of my clearing his throat.

"You've been hired and you start today. You probably didn't drive here so you'll ride with me to the studio."

Being the passively quiet person that I am, I didn't even protest.

I nodded my head and gathered my things, following him out of the building.


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(You Gotta Be by Des'ree)

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