《If You Let Me》Chapter 2


It was all a dream

"Beep beep beep"

"Ugh what the fuck is that??"

I forced my eyes open as I reached across the nightstand for my phone.

"What?!!", I shouted into the speaker.

"East man where the fuck are you? You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago for this interview", my manager and friend Wayno huffed.

Fuck. I forgot I had to be up early this morning to host an interview for my new personal assistant.

My old one was a thieving bitch that didn't know how to keep her hands in her pockets. If she wasn't trying to touch me, she was touching my fucking money and I don't play that shit so her ass had to go.

"Yeah man. I forgot, gimme twenty minutes and I'll be down there."

"Aight hurry up." , Wayno responded then hanged up.

I looked up at the ceiling trying to find the courage to get my ass out of bed, that's when I heard it.

Someone moaned and a leg was thrown across my torso.

"Good morning daddy, what's for breakfast?" she breathed.

Aw hell, I forgot I called this broad over since I was high as fuck last night. Should've made her ass leave in the middle of the night.

Prying her leg off of me, I glowered. "Girl yo breakfast is at yo house. You need to get your ass on outta here."

"But baby, didn't we have fun last night? You don't wanna spend the day with me ?" She said placing her hand on my dick.

I dragged my hand over my face and rolled out of the bed.

This girl is crazy, I'm convinced.

What's her name again? Mia, no that's not it. Maya? Nah she don't look like no Maya. Michelle? Michelle, yeah that's it.

"Look, Michelle, I ain't gonna tell you to leave again. I'm going to shower and by the time I get back, you, yo rough ass wig and all yo shit better be gone. Don't anybody wanna see you back here. Now if I need my dick wet later, I may call you, maybe not, because that shit last night was wack as hell."


And with that, I slammed the bathroom door and began stripping.

I walked underneath the water stream and prayed for today's strength. Life is good, I thought.

My businesses are booming, this rap shit is working out, and my baby girl is healthy.

Even though my baby moms be working my last nerve. I couldn't complain about anything.

Yeah, there were setbacks but they didn't outweigh all the good that was happening to me. I just needed someone to share all of this with.

Sike! Fuck outta here with that shit. These hoes is crazy.

Millie's ass scarred me for life. The only good thing that came out of our relationship was my daughter, Kairi. Baby girl is three going on thirty. My favourite person in the world outside my moms. She's the reason I work so hard. I wish I had more time to spend with her.

That's why this PA interview is so important. I need someone to keep me organized and on track. Someone I can trust, who ain't nosey and knows industry shit.

I finished my shower and the rest of my routine and walked into my room to see that broad and all her shit gone.

Theses bitches know better. Ha ass was cutting up.

I sat on my bed and quickly checked my phone for notifications. Scrolling through my messages, I texted Wayno letting him know I was on my way. I messaged my mom making sure she was straight and ignored Millie's dumbass message asking me for money, so she could get her hair done.

I know this bitch lying.

I dropped my phone on the bed and started getting dressed. It's a simple white tee, designer jeans and Jordan 1's kind of day. I may be a businessman but I won't be wearing suits and shit all day. I need these niggas to see my drip.

After spraying cologne, putting on my jewellery and grabbing my phone off the charger. I took the elevator to the parking garage and hopped in my all-black Mercedes G-Class.


This was my work car. The first whip I ever bought with a rap check, a testament to all the money to be made in the future.

I sped through the New York streets down to midtown, barely missing the morning rush hour traffic and pulling up to the building where my head office was located.

To think this building is filled with a bunch of businesses owned by rich white men with family money and my business is on the top floor owned by a hood nigga.

Music may be my passion but I know I'm not gonna be in that shit for too long. As soon as I made some real money, I hired a financial advisor and began investing. I started David Brewster Harlem Industries. Under this corporation are all of the businesses I own and my staff operates - two restaurants in NY, my recording studio and rec centre in Harlem, a night club in Atlanta, along with the properties I invest in all over the world.

Many niggas may only know me as that New York rapper Dave East, but I am David Brewster the multi-million dollar mogul from Harlem.

As I got into the elevator to my office, my phone rang and the name "Ma Dukes ❤️" popped up.

I clicked the green button and answered, "Hey Ma"

"David Lawrence Brewster, tell my why Millie's trifling ass done dropped Kairi up here at seven o'clock in the morning, knowing damn well it's her week and I'm going on vacation tomorrow.", she shouted at me.

I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes as my blood began to boil. Millie is always pulling some dumb shit like this. Showing up outta nowhere to leave Kairi, so that she can do hoodrat shit. Then she acts like she's the greatest mother in the world and that I never do anything for our daughter.

"Ma what the fuck was her excuse this time?", I asked curiously.

Millie knows for a fact that it's her week and I ensured that I told her that none of us would be able to watch Kairi because we were busy.

"David watch ya mouth. She talking bout she have to go to Atlanta for work. What work she be doing? Huh?! Last time I checked all she did was take pictures for fucking Instagram."

I held back a laugh as I pictured my mom rolling her neck talking about Millie.

She continued speaking, her voice softening. "Anyway Dave, I can't cancel my cruise, you know me and your father been looking forward to this for months."

"I know ma, imma come and get her tonight and I'll keep her until you or Millie get back.", I sighed.

I was genuinely upset that Millie and I could never get shit right for our daughter. It's a fucking shame that she has to inconvenience so many people just because she can't get ha shit together.

"Alright baby, and don't you go cussing that girl, you know that negative shit just fuels her ass up."

"Aight ma I'll talk to you later."

By the time our conversation had ended, I was already fuming and walking into the office ignoring everyone in sight.

Opening Wayno's office door, I spoke up.

"Man where that girl ass at. I got shit to do and this one better have some sense."

This was the fifth interview we did this month, and every single person Wayno brought in was either dumb, dumber or stupid.

He sucked his teeth and said, "Damn man, no good morning or nothing and don't worry about it. I got a good feeling about this one".

He spoke through the intercom and told Kylie, the office receptionist, to bring the candidate in.

Man, I just want this shit to be over with.


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(Juicy by The Notorious B.I.G)

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