《Tragic》Chapter Twenty-Six: Double Standard


The buzz around school on Monday morning is that Judah got jumped. From what I've heard so far, he's been pretty tight lipped about it. I knew he wouldn't say anything, but it makes me nervous how much people are talking about it.

We're only five minutes into lunch period and the theories are already flying. Cameron is still sitting across from me even though we barely speak anymore. I know she somehow thinks I'm angry over Dylan, but I actually find it ridiculous. You can't even consider the minimal time we spent together dating, and I basically gave her my blessing.

When I look up from my barely touched salad, her green eyes bore into me with accusation. "You're awfully quiet." She takes a sip of her iced latte. "Or don't you care what happened to Judah?"

I glare over at her. "Of course I care what happened to him." I glance around at the curious eyes surrounding me at the table. Attention usually doesn't make me uncomfortable, but right now I feel like I'm on trial.

Poppy Lincoln leans in from beside me. "So what did happen?" She twirls her spoon around in her yogurt before taking a small bite. Of all the girls in our group, Poppy loves gossip the most—especially the juicy kind that involves her friends. Like I said—sharks.

"I have no idea. Judah and I aren't really talking at the moment."

Cameron scoffs, and I raise an eyebrow. She catches my look of disdain and squares her shoulders. "Your little arrangement not working out anymore?"

My stomach clenches. I'd rather not get into it with her in front of everyone. "We broke up."

"Kind of convenient don't ya think?" Holden chimes in from down the table. Holden Parker is one of Judah's best friends, and if anyone is going to choose sides, it's going to be him.

I instantly get defensive. "What's that supposed to mean?"

He shrugs. "I don't know, maybe Judah got into it with whatever guy you're dating. You haven't exactly been around lately."

"So that means I must have some secret boyfriend nobody knows about?"

"Seems reasonable."

"Whatever." I direct my attention back to my salad, aggressively poking my fork into the lettuce, but he doesn't let it go.

He leans forward across the table at me. "Did you know he's in danger of being on academic warning next semester?"

My stomach knots further, but I don't look up at him. I was worried something like this would happen. Judah never mentioned his grades were in jeopardy. It's not what I would expect from him. He's always been smart and barely had to study. He must have taken our separation way harder than I realized—or he's been drinking too much. My guess is it's a combination of both.


When I don't acknowledge Holden, he laughs once. "And he got suspended from the team for missing too many practices."

This causes my anger to spike. I pick my head up and narrow my eyes at him. "And how is any of that my fault?"

He motions toward me dramatically. "You're the fucking reason. If he hadn't been coming home so much because of you this never would have happened."

Dylan nudges him from beside Cameron. "Hey, man. That's not cool." He nods to me. "It's not Elle's fault Judah's acting irrational. Every time I've seen the dude in the past couple of months he's been wasted. I'll bet he picked a fight with the wrong guy and got his ass handed to him."

Holden sputters a laugh. "You would defend her."

Cameron stiffens in her seat, clearly pissed that Dylan would speak up for me. Poppy's spoon is poised mid-air, and everyone else is just staring at us waiting for the next outburst to erupt. So much for staying out of the drama.

I catch Ollie walking up out of the corner of my eye, but Holden doesn't see him. He points his finger at me with a sneer. "You've been fucking him around since the beginning of the semester. I bet he caught you fucking someone and finally snapped." He gives Dylan a shove sideways. "Wouldn't be the first time."

A few things happen at once. Dylan clenches his fists and prepares to punch Holden for shoving him. Cameron gets a scowl on her face because now she thinks Dylan and I slept together, and I didn't tell her. Holden's smirk disappears from his face when Ollie grabs him by the back of the neck. I just sit there, unable to process all the bullshit that got spouted at this table in the past five minutes.

Oliver gives a dark smile and leans down to Holden's ear. I can't hear what he's saying, but I watch the color drain from Holden's face. He nods quickly and then glances in my direction. "I'm sorry, Elle. That was out of line." His voice trembles a little and Ollie loosens his grip.

"All right. Come with me." He motions upward, and Holden lets out a nervous laugh.

"Where are we going?"

Ollie's jaw ticks, but his face remains stoic. "Let's go."

I'm starting to panic. "Ollie."

He doesn't look at me. He keeps his gaze on Holden. "Mr. Parker wants to cause a scene during my lunch period, we can take this out in the hallway. Let's fucking go."

Holden's eyes meet mine once more before he pushes up from the table and stalks toward the doors. Ollie gives a menacing look around at everyone and then turns and walks away without another word.

"Shit," Dylan breathes. He shakes his head with a laugh. "Good thing Ollie's a teacher. Teacher's don't hit people."


My stomach drops again, and I discreetly scan for Hunter. It's not his period to monitor lunches so he has no reason to be here. Even so, that never really stopped him from sneaking in to wink at me or do something cute to make me smile.

I breathe a little easier when I don't see him. Abandoning my tray, I get up from the table and sling my bag over my shoulder. I think I hear Poppy call my name, but I don't stop. I keep going until I make it to Ollie's office on the other side of the building.

When I push open the door, I expect to see him and Holden in a heated discussion or a headlock—but the room is empty. The knot inside of me twists tighter at the thought of Ollie being stupid enough to assault someone over me too.

I set my bag down on the floor next to his desk and sit back in his comfy office chair. I pull my legs up under my chin and try to formulate some kind of way out of this. It's only a matter of time before they find out about Hunter and me. He could go to prison, lose his teaching license—so many bad things that he doesn't deserve. I'm sure bad things would happen to me too, but nothing that would ruin me. I'm not trying to get into a particularly good school, and I could always work for my parents even if I don't go to college.

That's the difference between us. He has so much more to lose, and that's not fair. Why should either one of us have to sacrifice something all because we love each other?

My thoughts are interrupted by the door flying open and Ollie storming in. He doesn't notice me at first because the light is still off, and I watch him struggle with the knot in his tie, swearing under his breath.

"You okay?" I ask in a small voice.

He jumps and then looks down at me with a laugh. He reaches over for the light switch and flicks it on. "Jesus, Elle. I'm on edge right now if you haven't noticed."

"I gathered."

He sticks his finger in the knot to loosen it further. "I hate game days at school. On top of everything else I have walk around like a douche wearing a tie all day."

I smile. "I think you look very professional."

He gives a sarcastic sneer. "Yeah, well, I feel like an asshole." He plants his hands on his hips and gives me a hard look. "You okay?"

I sink back into the chair a little and lower my legs. "I'm fine, I guess."

Ollie shakes his head and moves around the desk to sit on the edge next to me. "He won't fuck with you again."

My eyes widen. "You didn't—"

Ollie laughs. "I'm not an idiot. I didn't hit him. I just gave him a strong warning and some very interesting detention activities that will take quite a while."

"You can't tell Hunter."

Ollie taps his head. "Again, I'm not an idiot. We're barely through the last assault and battery. No need to add a second."

It must be something he sees in my face, because his face falls, too. "I'm sorry, Elle. Guys are terrible. They can sleep with whomever they want and be some kind of God, but if a girl does it—well, Holden is an asshole."

"I didn't sleep with Dylan."

He holds his hands up. "I never said you did."

"You insinuated you believed him."

Ollie shakes his head. "No, I didn't believe him. I know you're not like me, but I also know that's how guys think. Judah probably thought the same thing, and that's why he had such a problem with Hunter."

I twist a long strand of hair around my finger in front of my face, avoiding his eyes. "He has a problem with Hunter because he knows that I love him."

Ollie's voice is soft. "You told him that?"

I nod.

He blows out a long breath. "And he was okay with that?"

I laugh and look up with him. "Of course not, but what's he going to do? He made his bed, now he has to lie in it."

He chuckles and stands up from the desk. "Good one."

He pulls his tie off and throws it around a hook by his door before turning back to me. He gets his serious brother expression on, and I prepare myself for more bullshit or some actual brotherly advice.

"Elle, I need you to really think about what this could do to Hunter if it all goes to shit."

"I know that!" I say, almost too loudly.

He holds up a finger. "Let me finish." I clamp my mouth shut and he grins. "I'm your brother and more than willing to help you. Lie, steal, light assault—I'm down for basically anything, but you need to remember one thing."

"What's that?"

"If you do get caught, and Hunter goes away, you won't have him then either."

My heart nearly dies at the thought of Hunter going away for any period of time, let alone forever. I clutch my chest and try to soothe the ache already burning.

Ollie's sees my pain and sighs. "Be careful from now on. That's all I'm asking."

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