《Lean On Me • {Jared Padalecki}》08. TELL ME ALL YOUR SECRETS


Willow stopped just outside the waiting room, looking up into Jared's eyes. He looked back at her, questioning her with his eyes.

"You told me you love me," she whispered, looking at him with seriousness all over her face.

"Yeah, I did," he confirmed, nodding.

"I love you too," she told him, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him lightly on the lips. She nodded, grasping his hand once more and stepping inside the waiting room.

Dom ran at them as they entered, taking Willow firmly in his arms.

"How is he?" she asked him, and he shrugged.

"They won't fucking tell me anything because I'm not family," Dom said, glancing behind her to where Jared was standing.

"Oh. Dom, this is Jared. Jared, Dom," she introduced them, immediately taking off toward a nurse's desk. She rang a bell and a nurse came out of a back room, looking at her kindly.

"Hi. My name is Willow Parker and my brother is here somewhere, Jackson Parker?" she questioned, and the nurse was immediately typing on the computer in front of her.

"Ah. He seems to have a mild concussion and a few broken bones, an arm and a couple fingers. He's in a minor surgery right now to reset the bones in the arm, but he's going to be just fine, Miss Parker. The surgery should be over within the next twenty minutes or so," the nurse said, smiling at her.

"Thank god. Thank you," Willow whispered, and the nurse nodded.

Willow made her way back to Dom and Jared, happy to see that they'd fallen into casual conversation. They both looked up as she approached and she sat down with them, leaning heavily on Dom while also intertwining her fingers with Jared's.


"He's going to be fine. It's a concussion and a broken arm and a couple fingers. He's in surgery right now for the arm but it'll be over soon and he'll be fine," Willow told them, and she felt both of them soften just lightly.

"God, that idiot. I was so scared," Dom said, and Willow nodded.

"Yeah, well, my last words to him were 'you're a fucking asshole', so I think I win on the guilt/fear scale.

"Definitely. You're a dick," Dom told her, making all three of them laugh. She punched him lightly in the shoulder, leaning harder into him as they waited for her brother.

Moose 😍


How's Jackson?

he's alright. home now and sleeping.


Glad to hear it! Also, Dom seems nice. I can see why you're friends with him.

yeah, he's pretty great but also kind of an ass sometimes too haha


Me too.

true. 😜

why did you start this conversation, moose?


What do you mean? To ask about Jackson.

yeah, but why else? a lot of stuff happened last night that we should probably talk about.


That's not why I texted you, I swear.

well either way we should probably talk about it, j.



i'm sorry about kissing you and about the things i said. i know that when you said you loved me, it was just because you were trying to calm me down and it didn't mean anything and i don't want you to feel like anything has to happen now just because we said those things.


I meant what I said, Willow. Sure, in the moment I said it because I was trying to help you but I wouldn't have said it at all if it wasn't true. To be honest with you, I don't know what's going on between us, but I do love you. You're my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without you.


i don't know what i'd do without you either. thank you for taking me to the hospital last night.


Of course.

Oh and by the way, don't you dare apologize about that kiss. I think both of us know that neither of us regret that.

that's good. you're right, i don't regret it.


Me neither.

can i tell you a secret?


Tell me all your secrets.

i want to kiss you again.


I'm about to leave to get coffee before work and then I could give you a ride over there if you want?

sounds good, my best moose. 💕


Be there in a few minutes. 💖

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