《Starting Over In Sin City》Chapter Nineteen
It was after midnight as Lana, Bennie and I sat outside around a small fire with Bennie and Ducks' daughter Ruby, who was 12 and a couple of the other kids of the club members, waiting for everyone to get back from the charity ride.
Earlier in the day, after Cole and Ghost brought me back, I helped Lana and Bennie get a lot of food made up ahead of time for tomorrow. Cole was going to be deep frying the turkeys while we did the sides. While we prepared the food this afternoon I told them everything that was going on in my head and why I ran, Lana offered her advice, Bennie listened.
While we cooked, they did the ride, now we were waiting for them to come back, I had to tell Cole my plan.
I had been thinking all day about a solution with Ryan. It was so simple I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it earlier.
Money...buy my freedom
I have millions in my trust, I haven't ever told anyone how much money I actually have, it's no ones business, but this can work; I just know it.
"So, what did you think of Rex? Not as bad as you thought huh?" Lana asked
I gave her an 'are you serious look' "well I'm glad he lives 6 hours away, Let's just say that. He wasn't that bad but I know he doesn't like me"
"He doesn't like the idea of Cole with an old lady, it's not you, he thinks his mind won't be on the club 100%. Don't take it personally, he will come around" Bennie told me and hesitated opening her mouth, taking a breath, then said nothing.
A but lying in undertone
"But what?"
Her eyes were looking very hard at the dirt in between her feet like she couldn't look at me. My heart started to race and I felt sick "What?!" I yelled not meaning to come across so harsh.
Her head snapped up at my harshness
"Look Hailey I like you. I like how Cole is around you...but you will keep him from focusing on the safety of the club if he is always worried about you running and that effects my family. I don't know what happened to you, but I know that you've been taken in now as part of this family, Cole and everyone else will keep you safe if you let them. I also know about Roxie and that whole deal. I have seen a tough side to you in glimpses since you've been here. You need to grab a hold of that small part hiding inside you and fight for her, become that woman. Cole is with you and whether or not he's officially used the words "old lady" about you or not, everyone knows you are, so stop letting every slayer whore looking to ride his dick get to you. I told you the first night I met you that this would happen for awhile. Be that bad bitch I have seen you be and let any other bitch know you aren't running anywhere and Cole is your man" her voice is cold and harsh by the time she finishes laying it out for me but she doesn't stop there
"Do you think I have never had to fight some dick climbing whore for Duck? Even this ring on my finger isn't enough to keep those kind of women away, they will do anything to fuck a patched in member. Can you fight?" Bennie asked me serious as a heart attack
My eyes were wide and my heart fluttered at the thought "I've fought for my life before but never physically fought a woman for a man, I never had to" I said and cringed how that came out "I didn't mean it like that. I have only been with 2 people, my high school boyfriend, Josh who was sweet and boring so I broke it off when I left to college...and Ryan who was so obsessed with me he never let me out of his sight. I mean, I had my fair share of dates, but only two serious people" I explained myself so it didn't sound like I was tooting my own horn.
My text went off as Bennie was about to respond. It was from Cole
"They are on their way home" I smiled
"Okay this is what I'm going to do, I'm going to teach you how to fight. I'm going to harness that bad bitch in you and bring her out of you. Take the help and advice you're offered. Believe in Cole and the club. Lana you too" Bennie said throwing Lana a look "you need to learn to and since I'm like the mama around here, even though I've only got a few years on both of you, I've only ever known this life. My old man was patched in to a club when I was born. I've seen my mom deal with it my whole life. By the time I'm done with you, the next Roxie that comes around, you'll know exactly what to do" she smiled and gave me a wink and for the first time today, since Cole left, I felt like everything was going to be ok and work out with Cole; if I could get over my insecurities.
"Can I have on of those marshmallows please Ruby?" I asked as she held a perfectly golden toasted marshmallow on her roasting stick
"Sure, do you want this one?" She smiled sweetly holding up her stick to me. She was a beautiful girl with dark hair, whiskey colored eyes and freckles.
"Oh no, that's ok, I kind of want to do my own" I lightly laughed
She passed over the bag. I thanked her with a smile and felt bad that we just had that whole conversation in front of her "sorry about that Ruby, I shouldn't be talking about those things in front of you"
She raised her eyebrows at me "oh it's ok. I hear a lot more than my mom thinks" she whispered and slide closer to me "I see things too" she said low just so I could hear.
I looked up to see Lana and Bennie talking to Drew
"What-What do you mean?" I asked her as a pit of despair boiled in my stomach
"Rex told Roxie to go after Cole hard. I saw her and Cole in the workshop when I was above in the loft in the meeting room" she looked down knowing she wasn't supposed to be in there "I heard Rex tell her that and then he left right before Cole came in. She was talking to him at first, laughing and deeeefinitley flirting but Cole kept working on his bike not flirting back but he didn't tell her to stop. That's when" she swallowed hard. So did I. I felt so sick, he lied to me. He told me he didn't do anything. I felt tears well up in my eyes
"Oh no. No Hailey he didn't...you know...um he didn't do anything with her. She came up behind him when he was looking for a wrench, she wrapped her arms around him and put her hands on his" she pointed down, her eyes not meeting mine. This girl is 12 I feel so bad she's seen this stuff.
"When she touched him, he pulled her hands off him and he pushed her back and told her to get the F off of him and away from him. That he was with you and for her to not talk to him anymore. I'm just a kid to you...but I have grown up like my mom in this life, It's all I know. All the big tough rough guys? All big teddy bears on the inside, most of them, I've never seen Cole turn down someone like Roxie before and I just wanted you to know that because I like you and I don't want to you leave" she smiled.
I took in everything she said. This little firecracker of a 12 year old who speaks and carries herself as a 20 year old, I only had one question to ask her "Did Cole know you could see him, that you were up there?" I had to know, because if he knew, then it was all a show.
"No. I am like a ninja" she laughed and so did I. I liked this kid "he didn't know Hailey. I'm very good at hiding and disappearing when I want to, I learned it from my dad"
I licked my lips and rubbed them together looking at my perfect toasted marshmallow making my mouth water "thank you Ruby and I tell you, I definitely don't think you're just a kid in this world. I appreciate you telling me about what you saw" I smiled at her and when she smiled back at me it reached her eyes
"Anytime. I'm going to bed. I'm getting up with my dad to go out on a sunrise ride with him, it's our thing" the smiled didn't leave her face
"Night" I told her focusing on getting my marshmallow off the stick and into my mouth
The kids went off to bed in the workshop, Bennie lit up a blunt and passed it to me. As I took a big hit, watching the ember glow as it burned the paper, I heard the familiar rubble of bikes and could see the dirt cloud that followed them.
A few minutes later Cole, Ghost, Duck and Seven rolled up, everyone else went to their own homes for the night before coming for dinner tomorrow.
I couldn't help getting up and meeting Cole halfway as he made his way to the fire pit. I jumped up into his arms dramatically as I wrapped my legs tight around him but damn...
"I missed your face" I tell him before giving him a long sensual kiss
"Damn baby, when you miss me, it changes the way you kiss me" he groaned before kissing me again in a long and deep, toe-curling kiss.
Once we pulled back, I slid my hand down his arm, into his warm hand, intwining our fingers and leading him to the firepit.
"I have an idea I want you to hear and see what you think"
We lay down together in the chaise lounger, Cole was on his back and I was on my left side cuddled into him, looking out at everyone seated in the chairs around us.
"ok lets hear it, whatcha got babe?"
As I looked at everyone around the firepit, I realized I had come to trust the faces looking back at me. Duck, Bennie, Lana, Ghost, Seven, Drew and Cole. The magnificent seven who saved me.
I turned my head up a little more to look at Cole "pay him off. I-I have a trust fund-
"Hailey I swear to God, if you give that douche bag a penny, I'll kill you myself on principle" Lana angrily voiced her opinion on the matter
"Lana" Cole warned "let's hear her out it is her money and her life"
I closed my eyes as I listened to everyone voice their opinion, more like arguing over each other.
I got up from the chaise and started pacing around the pit "Bennie do you still have that blunt?" I asked when I stopped in front of her. She nodded and reached into her Marlboro box and handed me half a blunt and lighter.
"Thanks" I told her when I grabbed it and lit it, inhaling deeply and holding the smoke in my lungs, letting it go straight to my brain. I blew out the cloud of smoke and started pacing again.
"Listen, if I know anything about Ryan it's that he loves money more than me. I'm willing to buy my freedom and part with my money if I won't have to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life. I don't want to be the one to call him though, so we need to come up with a plan to call him, set a drop off and I don't know. I just-
"Hey" Coles arms were around me filling my body with warmth and security and I felt myself relax in his arms "let's sleep on this and worry about the details of the plan after Thanksgiving tomorrow, one more day won't hurt?" He whispered into my ear "let's go to bed baby" then placed a soft kiss under my ear making me shiver.
"Goodnight guys. What time are we making the food in the morning? I asked looking to Bennie and Lana.
"I'm usually up at 6am getting everything going" Bennie replied
"Ok see you in the morning" I said and smiled as Cole lead us off into the house.
Once we got into the bedroom, we both got ready for bed, taking turns in the bathroom washing up. I put on a simple silk lavender nightgown that had spaghetti straps and fell to my mid thigh, no panties. Cole slept in just a pair of boxers or fleece pants depending on how cold it was. Tonight was chilly so he had on black fleece bottoms showing off his rock hard chest and abs as he lay back on the bed propped on his elbows, making his abs ripple from flexing. I wanted to lick them. I swallowed hard.
"Come here my gorgeous vixen" Coles voice was deep and low. It made me wet every time he used that voice.
"I want to lick every inch of you" I said so seductively I turned myself on as I crawled slowly up the comforter on the bed to him. I straddled his left leg just above his knee. When I looked into his eyes they were smoldering for me, making me never want to doubt him again.
My hands went right to his chest, almost burning as I touched him, his hooded dark-eyes closed as I slowly and torturously, moved my hands down to his rock hard abs. My breathing had picked up, so did His the lower I went. He didn't say anything. He let me do what I wanted to him.
I bent down and licked his deep V along his hip, moving at a glacial pace across the hills and valleys of his abs. The deep guttural moan that came from him about made me cum
"Cole I want you so fucking bad" again my voice is so seductive it doesn't sound like my own.
Lifting up his waistband of his boxers I grazed my finger just under the elastic band making him moan "Hailey" his voice begged in desperation. Was it bad I liked it? I liked seeing and hearing him so vulnerable to me.
"Look at me" I whisper as I watch him with my head tilted as if I'm trying to figure him out. I'm using his line on him but I want to see his eyes. He opens them slowly and they almost sparkled for a split second as I see myself in his eyes, how he sees me anyway, before the darkness returns but it's too late I saw it.
I removed my hands from his pants and glided my hand down over his bulging hard on and palmed him as I leaned down into his neck. I licked from his collarbone up to just under his ear. His grasp on my hips became firm and his knee lifted up under me and he moved my hips back and forth on his thigh. His knee pressing into my core making my head fall back, incapacitating me for a moment. I bring my head back up to meet his eyes.
I kept my eye contact with him for the first time ever because I was ready to let him completely in and let him read my soul.
I grabbed his pants as he lifted up his hips. I shimmied back on the bed as I took off his pants off leaving him laid bare in front of me, physically and emotionally. Something was very different.
Caressing up his thick thighs made my core throb, and as slow as I wanted to go, my body wasn't going to have it and it betrayed me. I firmly grasped his throbbing cock in my hand, brushing my thumb over his pink tip, glistening with pre cum, making him release a carnal groan.
He couldn't take his eyes off me and I loved it. This was a different side of me he was seeing, for me too, maybe this is who Bennie saw?
I couldn't wait anymore and I lifted up and guided him into me with one hand as I support myself with my other on his solid chest.
The feeling of us coming together was explosive. He was so deep, he'd never felt this good and I couldn't help myself. I couldn't stop the flow of emotions I felt as I rode him slowly, sitting straight up, my hands gripping his stomach. Then it happened...It just came out in an exhale
"I love you" my voice was so soft as I exhaled it I hoped he didn't hear me.
I knew he did when he froze
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