《Words and Emotions of Me》You'll Burn Just Like All Your Roses


You think you can just

Continue this shit that

You've kept going on for far

longer than I would have liked?

You think you can just

Replace me with the first

Person you find

Walking into your life?

Well, honey, sorry to

Burst your bubble,

But that won't work,

No matter how much time

Has passed since

I "broke your heart".

'Cause no matter how

Hard you'll try,

No one will ever be able to

Be the same for you

As I was since the very first day.

And you'll end up searching for me

In every face in every crowd,

Never to be found.

And if you ever think

You have found that one someone,

Deep down you'll know

That they're nothing like me,

And in the end you'll just

Miss me more.

And to them,

I wish you all the luck

In the whole wide word,

To stand a chance

At being compared to me.

If you think that roses

Are so much better,

Why did you fall for the lily

In the first place?

Why didn't you keep up

The "standards" you

Said you had?

I hope you know that

Nothing will ever be the same

Without me next to you,

And even if they seem good for you

One day you'll know that

They'll be just as disappointed in you

As I was to find out

About the shit you did.

And if you think for even

The shortest moment that

You can make me jealous by

Changing partners every week,

Sorry to break it to you,

But you had your chance

And I don't fucking care anymore.

Goodluck with all the people

You'll burn just as

You tried to do with me.

Good thing I put out the

Fire that you started.

And I hope you know

It wasn't my fault

For you not seeing

All the signs

Of me being the one

Or of me shattering us,

Because you doomed us

From the beginning.

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