《~Trust Me ~》Chapter 12


It is Xander's birthday today. I do miss him a lot. I had baked cookies and made the muffins like I always did. I baked them for him on his birthday after we started dating and after that it became a ritual.

Also I have joined cooking classes. Yes my cooking is edible but definitely not delicious. I wonder how Xander never once suggested to hire a cook.

Because he knew how much you loved cooking for him.

I headed to the hospital as I had nothing better to do. Sitting at my house will only make me miss him more and if I loose my mind in the end I may end up calling him.

My first patient today was a young couple. The girl was having a stomach ache but the sweetest part was the boy's expression. He looked like he was about to cry. The girl didn't know what to do. Whether to take care of herself or her boyfriend. And it made me remember my love.

"Xander, its okay. It is just a headache. I will take medicine and I will be be fine."

"Is it hurting too much baby? What am I suppose to do? Should I make you tea? Or do you want coffee. Oh no you don't drink coffee. What am I even saying? What can I get for you? Should I get you cookies? Or do you want to eat some chips?"

"Xander, baby I am fine. Really. I will take the medicine and take a nap. Then I will be fine once I wake up."

Xander kept running fingers through my hair. He looked more in pain than I was and was on verge of crying. Also whenever I had menstrual cramps he used to sit with me the entire time rubbing my back slowly. Whenever I was in pain or was sick he used to treat me like I was a fragile doll. That even holding me a little tighlty will break me. Placing me on his chest and making me sleep like a baby he would rub my back the entire night.


Being an only child I was pampered enough. But he pampered me even more than my parents. When I was not feeling well he didn't leave me even for a second. Infact he made me sit on the kitchen counter while he cooked dinner for us. I was more than lucky to have him.

Cuddling with him made me feel safe and protected. His soft and gentle kisses made me feel loved.

His love was pure. It could never be pretentious. He cared for me.

Did I commit a mistake in leaving him?

"What's your name?"

"I am Olivia and this is my boyfriend Alex."

"Alex, she will be fine. Just one medicine, and she will be absolutely perfect. Trust me. And sorry Olivia for not acknowledging you but your boyfriend needs the words of encouragement more than you."

"I know doctor, he hasn't slept the entire night. I have been telling him that I am fine but he doesn't listen."

"You are lucky to have him Olivia. Always love and trust him. And you too Alex I may be out of line but always love and trust her."

" I will doc. Thank you."

"Its Sophie. And in case there is an emergency like this any other day feel free to call me. This is my number. I will give it to the other residents too."

"Thank you so much Sophie. Have a good day."

"You too. Take care."

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