《Haunted Love | Colby Brock x reader✔》Chapter 8


Today I haven't done much. I've woken up. Got ready. And went out for lunch with Colby, Sam and Katrina. We got back and Sam asked me if I was up for a game. I agreed on doing it although I don't know what game he was talking about.

He said that Katrina, Brennen, him and I will be playing the game 'cause we were the only ones up for it. He didn't tell us what game we were going to play but it was a game occurring at midnight, somewhere around that time.

It was now currently 10:45 p.m. and the only people in the house are Katrina, Brennen, Sam and myself. We were in the game room busy watching Rings. I love watching horror movies but this one wasn't scary.

Maybe for some people it was scary but it ain't scary for me. Katrina and Sam were all cute and cuddled up which left me and Brennen alone on the bean bags. Brennen didn't look like he was scared, but Kat genuinely looked frightened.

Finally the movie ended. It was about 11:30 p.m. "Let's go to my room and we could start the game." Sam said and we all stood up, following him to his room. We got in his room and closed the door. Katrina sat on his bed while Brennen sat on a chair and I also sat on the chair in the corner of his room.

"Hello everyone, welcome back. Today I am joined with Katrina, Brennen and Y/N." he said into the camera and continued. "They were the only ones up for the game." he added.

"I've done my research." he said. "So basically we're about to play the Midnight Man game." he continued and I groaned. "When you said a game I thought you meant like hide and seek not fucking Midnight Man." I said in frustration.

Katrina laughed along with a few chuckles from both Brennen and Sam. "The Midnight Man is basically a ritual that was performed for punishment towards those who disobey the god's but now used to be played as a game for thrill seekers. What you do is you invite the Midnight Man into your home. It is recommended that you do not try this." he continued letting out a nervous chuckle.

"First we're gonna have to write our full name onto a piece of paper." he said and gave everyone a piece of paper and a pen. I began writing my full name.



"Second we're gonna have to prick our fingers cause we're going to have to put our blood on the paper and let it soak in." he continued and showed the knife to us. "This is the only thing I've got." he said and a weird smile formed on his lips.

I think I might've heard Kat shriek. I have done the game before but I have never pricked my finger with a knife.

Sam furiously cut into his finger before blood came out. He smeared the blood on the paper, wiating for it to saok in and cleaned the knife . It was up to Brennen now.

Brennen did the same as Sam but a bit more harshly. He smeared the blood onto the paper, waited for it to soak in and cleaned the knife, handing it over to me. I hesitantly looked at the knife before giving in and beginning to cut. Finally I got a bit of blood and smeared it on my paper, letting it soak in.

Kat said she doesn't want to cut her finger. We we're fine with that. Anyways we couldn't make her do it. It's her life, her choices. It was 11:35. Not much time have passed. Sam decided on reading the rules.

"This is while the Midnight Man is in your house." he said and we all nodded.

"If you're candle goes out, it means that the Midnight Man is near you. Relight it in under ten seconds. If you fail doing that surround yourself in a circle of salt, the Midnight Man will not be able to harm you in any way." he said and I felt a wash of relieve through my whole body.

"The signs that the Midnight Man is near you. You will feel a drop in temperature which means you will feel cold. You will hear low whispers. You will see a shadowy figure of a man in the darkness. And of course your candle will go out."

"The Midnight Man is able to preform hallucinations of your greatest fear. Whatever you do, do not stop moving. This may lead to the Midnight Man catching you. The aim of the game is to avoid the Midnight Man at all causes." he said and looked up, looking at all of us.

"If he catches you he will rip your organs one by one out." he said and we all started getting nervous. "Let's begin." he said and almost everyone let out nervous chuckles.


"Place your paper with the blood on the other side of a wooden door. Light a candle and place it on the paper and close the door." he said and we followed the instructions, placing it in the closet.

"Switch off all lights. That's already done." Sam continued while switching off the room light. "Knock on the door twenty two times. The last knock must occure exactly at midnight." he checked his phone. It was 11:59.

We started knocking.






















Knock. Exactly on midnight.

"Next we have to open the door, blow out our candles and close the door again. You have now allowed the Midnight Man into your home." he said as we all blew out our candles and shut the door.

"Now we have to relight our candles." he continued and we opened the door and quickly lit the candles again. "Okay now we have to move around the complete dark house till three thirty three a.m. with your candle in your hand." he said and we started walking around.

"If any of your candles go out relight it within the next ten seconds. If you can't, surround yourself in a circle of salt and stay in it till three thirty three a.m. If you surpass the salt the Midnight Man will catch you." Sam continued reading.

"Staying in the same spot for a long time will only result in the Midnight Man finding you. It is recommended that you keep moving around." he ended and we all nodded.

We were now walking down the stairs when suddenly Katrina's candle went out. "Relight it!" I yelled nervously at Sam. Sam relit it and we walked a bit faster.

We were now in the kitchen when we heard a noise. "Are you guys hearing that?" I asked and they nodded. "It almost sounds like a static noise." Sam said and everyone agreed.

I saw a light coming from the game room and my whole body froze. They noticed that I was in shock. "Y/N what's wrong?" Brennen asked and I pointed to the light. "Did we leave the TV on?" I asked and they froze as well.

"I switched it off when we went to my room." Sam said and I began walking to the room. "Are you sure you want to go there?" Brennen asked unsure what to do. "I need to see what's going on." I answered and Brennen walked with me followed by Sam and Kat.

As I got closer I began to shake a little. I walked in the room and looked at the TV. As I thought it was static. "Doesn't static show signs of poltergeist?" Kat asked and I nodded unable to speak.

Suddenly Brennen's candle went out and Sam ran to him, lighting his candle. We decided on moving to a different room. As we were walking Sam's candle also went out. He quickly lighted it and we went on with our lurk through the house.

I suddenly felt the temperature drop and chills going down my whole body. From my head to toes. "I've got chills." I said and they all looked at me.

We were now standing outside the game room when suddenly the keyboard started playing by itself. My candle went out and I asked for the lighter. Sam quickly passed me the lighter and I lighted it back up. We huddled upstairs.

I was so freaked out. Just as I got upstairs my candle went out again. Everyone looked at me shocked. I relit it again. And again. And again, but it didn't want to relight. It kept going out. It wouldn't stay lit.

As I tried lighting my candle back up, we all rushed into Sam's room and closed the door. Sam switched on the light. "We are done with this game." he said into the camera. "We are done." he repeated.

I was in shock. I was just standing there. Frightened. The fact that my candle kept going out is horrible. It wouldn't light. "Are you ok?" Brennen asked me and I kept my eyes on the ground. "I don't know." I said.

"That was terrifying. If you liked this and you would want us to do this again make sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more scary three a m. challenges and games. Also comment down below a video suggestion. Check out their channels and I'll see you guys again." Sam ended his video before putting down the camera and sitting next to Kat who was sitting next to me.

"That was terrifying." he said. "Agreed." I answered still not taking my eyes off of the ground.

It was absolutely horrifying.

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