《Cut Deep (Eren x Reader ft. Titan Eren)》~ Chapter 16 ~


"Can someone please explain why you're all in here and not in bed?" Levi asks, his brows furrowed accompanied with a scowl.

"Well, (Y/N),..." Conny began before yelping due to Ymir punching him hard on the arm.

"(Y/N) what?" Commander Erwin interrupts the laughter of Sasha and Jean.

I look up to the Commander's strict face. I take a breath in and begin to speak.

"I was crying...and upset, Commander Erwin...everyone was helping me...that's all..." I say. He nods in approval to my answer and is ready to take his leave, but Levi pulls on Erwin's uniform before he begins to suss me out.

"Why were you upset?" He asks, taking a step forward into the bedroom.

"I...I...um," I begin to tense up.

"Spit it out! We don't have all night!" He yelled.

"I was upset because no one's asked me to dance with them at the Ball yet!" I answer back, my throat burning.

Everyone in the room sits in awe and silence.

"I told you having a dance was a dumb idea," Hanji looks over to Erwin.

"Well, you don't need to dance with anyone," Erwin assures me. "And we have all week..."

"I'll dance with you if you want, brat." Levi smirked, winking.

"Really?" My face lights up, with a slight blush. I don't like Levi at all...but the thought of someone asking me out brings a smile to my face.

"Is that why you were upset? You wanted to go out with Levi?" Hanji bubbles with curiosity.

"No!" I hear Sasha shout. "She wants to go out with Eren!" Everyone passes their looks over to Sasha, who awkwardly blushes and rubs the back of her neck. "Shouldn't have said that..."


"Jaeger? You want to go out with JAEGER?" Levi angers.

"Yes," I mutter. "Please, all of you...don't tell him I like him..."

"Tch, as long as all of you get to bed, now!" Levi yells, taking his leave with Hanji and Erwin.

We all leave from Ymir's and Christa's bedroom, and I take a turn and walk into the joint bathroom to get ready for bed.

When I slip into my crisp sheets, I stare up to the ceiling, and see Eren, holding Mikasa...tears blur my vision and I turn around so they can slip from my eyes down to my chin. I am startled with a knock at my door, and I open it to see Levi.

"Levi," I whisper, him admiring my pyjamas. He wipe away my tears with his index finger, and I blink back the fact that Captain Levi is trying to comfort me.

"So, (Y/N)." His voice is loud and sharp. "If Jaeger doesn't want to dance with you, you can come to me to make him jealous,"

"Why would he be jealous? He doesn't like me, he asked out Mikasa..."

"Well when you look beautiful on Saturday, I want to be part of making him look like an idiot," Levi smirks.

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