《Cut Deep (Eren x Reader ft. Titan Eren)》~ Chapter 9 ~


"Jean?" I whisper softly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"(Y/N)!" He stands up in shock, tears staining his smooth face.

His eyes are bloodshot and his his hair is messed up. His uniform is creased as well as his expression, and the look on his face brings me great sadness.

"What's wrong?" I say as calmly as I can.

He rubs his eyes and takes a large breath of air, then looks up into the night sky. It is painted a velvet blue, with thick grey clouds covering most of it. The bright moon shines through, smiling at us both and lining the lake with a cold chill.

"I miss Marco," He finally whispers, a final tear leaking from the corner of his right eye.

My heart sinks at the mention of his name. Marco. Marco Bott.

Back when Marco was around I was a whole different person. I was happy. I was confident. I used to talk to everyone, I used to be really happy. He was one of my best friends...even something more. He would always encourage me, tell me how good I was.

"Wow, (Y/N), way to go," His sweet voice would sing.

"You're so brave, (Y/N). Guys, did you see how awesome that was!" Marco shouted when I killed titan cutouts.

"Promise me, whatever happens today...we'll stay best friends," Marco smiled the day we took back Trost.

"What do you mean?" I smirked in reply.

"If one of us is the reason for a death, we'll have to accept the other person's decisions. We can't blame each other, for anything,"

"Or if one of us dies," I say.

"But that won't happen, (Y/N). Promise me you won't die today!" Marco laughed.


"I promise!" I giggled back.

I never made Marco promise me anything. I shutter at the thought and tears leak from my eyes.

"Jean, I'm so sorry..." I cry.

He wraps his broad arms around my shoulders and embraces me in a warm hug, something that fills the night air with warmth and my soul with a tinge of happiness. I bury my face into his chest, crying and letting out all the pain of the day. I hear the crunch of leaves and look around but can't see anything. It was probably my imagination. I look up to see him rubbing his eyes.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this...I actually miss him because I need advice on something..."

"What is it?" My heart races.

"Well, I'll guess I'll have to do it without Marco for now. " Jean sighs.

"He's always with us." I say, tears staining my flustered face.

"(Y/N), I wanted to ask you something at dinner...but was too shy to do it in front of everyone..."

My cheeks burn red. Jean was going to ask me to go with him? What would I say? I couldn't say yes...but what would happen if I said no? Jean had been nothing but nice to me, like Marco...I couldn't reject him because he would be heartbroken. But I couldn't say yes, because I don't love him like Eren.

"Yes, Jean?" I whisper in reply.

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