《Cut Deep (Eren x Reader ft. Titan Eren)》~ Chapter 7 ~


"Mikasa? What are you doing here?" I ask, surprised what she might be doing here.

"(Y/N), we need to talk," She invites herself into my room closing the door behind her.

I pull out my chair from my desk and she sits on it, still wearing her uniform. I sit opposite her on my bed, looking deep into her eyes searching for questions she may be asking me.

"What is it, Mikasa?" I ask, my voice slightly shaking.

"Are you okay from today's titan testing? You seemed a bit...lost." She says.

"Honestly, Mikasa, I'm okay. Thank you for your concern. I am slightly bruised from where it held me, but I'll be fine."

She let out a long, shaken sigh and looked into my (E/C) orbs. "You don't like titans like Hanji does, do you (Y/N)?"

"No...but they do interest me," I say nervously. Technically I am telling the truth...

"You like them for a different reason though, don't you, (Y/N)?" She grins deviously.

"Excuse me? What do you mean?" Panic is laced in my voice.

"I'm not stupid like Conny or Hanji may be, (Y/N). You do have an interest in titans but not half as bad as Hanji's, or for the same reason, either."

"Mikasa," I choke.

"You like Eren, don't you (Y/N)?" The words spill from her mouth and fear stings inside of me. If I don't admit it she'll know I was lying, but if I told her the truth she would kill me. Mikasa isn't only one of the strongest members of the Scouts, but Eren's personal body guard. If anyone got near to touching him they would fill a place on her list to kill. Her backstory is deep and her relationship with Eren is unbreakable...what on Earth would she do if he got a girlfriend that wasn't her?


"I...of course I like him," I chuckle weakly. "He's a good friend. Like you, and Armin, and Jean..."

"You're avoiding the question, (Y/N). Do you like Eren...in a different relationship than a friend?"

"Mikasa, I'm sorry," I cover my face with my hands. I lift my palms to my forehand and stare into my lap, honesty pouring out of my chest.

"I do like him, I really do. But trust me, I know you do as well and that's why I can't go to the ball." My hands shake and soft tears begin to fall. "I hope you understand...I'm happy to settle for Jean or Armin..."

I hear a soft giggle turn into a roar of laughter. "Oh, (Y/N)," She laughs.

My stomach drops. What is she going to say to me- or more like what is she going to do to me?

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