《Cut Deep (Eren x Reader ft. Titan Eren)》~ Chapter 1 ~


I sit down on an old, wooden chair at my desk, in my cramped bedroom in the Scouting Legion's castle. Due to the fact that my room is small, I try to keep it as clean as possible, and the furnishings consist of a single bed, desk and chair, and a small cupboard to keep my clothes in. Most rooms in the castle have bathrooms, but they are larger and fit more than one person in them, so in my case there is only myself, so I have to use the same bathroom as a few other members of the Scouts that own private rooms.

As I sit down I can here the crack of thunder outside, along with the howling wind and rain that cascades down on the roof. The plan today was for my group to help Hanji with Titan testing, but unfortunately I was booked to have the day off before we found out. I didn't tell anyone about my disappointment though, because no one other than Hanji herself has as much interest in the titans. My interest in titans is not only half as bad as Hanji's, but mine is for a different reason as well.

My reason, is due to Eren. Eren Jaeger. The boy that stole my heart from the first day of training as a cadet, and has kept my heart for the last five years. His transformation nothing but amazed me, and my love for him has grown my interest in the titan's species as I have so many unanswered questions.

There is nothing I can do except relax and try to enjoy my day off. I open up my notebook and sketch a light picture of a young girl who resembles myself, and a young boy who I picture as Eren. I draw them clutching hands running up a hill, something I used to do as a child but alone, since I didn't have any childhood friends in my village.


I am startled by my door being opened abruptly, with none other than the Corporal himself standing at the door.

"(Y/N)," Levi barks and which to his call I slam my notebook shut. His eyes focus on mine rather than to the book I shut deviously to his words. "Hanji needs an extra person in her experiments, and since you were supposed to do it today, you'll have to do it," He says, a stoic expression painted on his face.

"Of course, Corporal," I stand and salute to his words. "Will I have to put on uniform?" I ask, thoughts flooding through my head. What could be so important in Hanji's experiments that she needed another person? What could they be even experimenting in the rain?

"Yes, that would be suitable." He nodded. "Meet Hanji near the forest's edge for experiments," Levi ordered.

"Yes, Captain," I smiled, trying not to show how ecstatic I was.

As soon as Levi left before I shut off my lantern that gave me light, I got my uniform out from my cupboard. I changed into my uniform, finishing it off with my green Scouts cape, which I assume I will need as the rain pours down from the sky.

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