《L♡VE On Speed Dial ✓》D a t e


Hey Sparrow.

You're texting to know where to take Hayley for the date..

Well, you are dumb enough to make me understand what's going on..

Wait, you're not gonna complain that I called you dumb..?


Well, it depends on the girl..you know..

How does it even matter ? I'm never going on a date with you.

Well, for me, I would want to take long walks through the museums and libraries..and well, a trip to the amusement park, maybe ? And probably a picnic under the stars..

Well, what can a girl do ? The books have raised the standard of boys so high, that everyone looks like an idiot dumbass to me..

Yep. Now shut up. We're not talking about other girls, not me, but about Hayley. Okay ?

Okay. So, I was saying- wait, did we just-


No, not that. I'm surprised that you even know what The Fault in Our Stars is !

Ah. Makes sense now.

Um, she likes art. She literally obsesses over them. So, why not take her to an art museum or gallery ? Or maybe an art exhibition, and then lunch and coffee at Madame Eudoria's Cafe. I heard the cafe is filled with art, or is art inspired. She'll love it.

Of course. I am a professional.

Oh come on. Two hours in an art museum won't kill you..

So, you're gonna go out there, be a good guy, all gentlemanly, and treat her well.

Okay ?


Did what ?

Whatever it is, I'm too busy.

She's gonna think that you're blowing off.





Um, well, uh, bye..

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