《DESTINY-The Fallen Warmind》CHAPTER TWO-Venus-Report


It wasn't right. Staring at the symbol on a Fallen structure. I shook my head. Maybe it was just another piece of scrap metal they found. But as I looked at the structure, it looked like a Warmind. It just, did. I took a deep breath, walking backwards. While walking backwards, I bumped into something. I froze, turning around slowly to see a Fallen Captain looking down at me. It raised its gun, pointing it at me as it yelled something in its own language.

I ducked under its first shot, and then jumped into the air, kicking off of it again to jump further over him. I then began running as many more Fallen fired upon me. Once back to the to where I landed, and had my Ghost call my ship. A single red arc blast flew through my left shoulder, making me stumble a bit and almost fall off of the cliff just a foot ahead. I layed against a large stone while waiting for my ship.

The Courier finally arrived. I stood, jumping up to it and climbing inside as another red blast tore through my right calf. I left the ship in my Ghost's hands this time as I tried to recover from my wounds. Ghost flew the ship over the structure as we began escaping. I looked back down at it, I could see a few red cords going throughout it. Moving through it.

We flew off into space, towards the Last City.

Once at the Tower, I still hadn't regenerated my wounds, and my Ghost failed to heal me twice. I stumbled into the Hall of Guardian's and fell onto the table at the center.

Cayde stepped back, " Whoa, you okay there, Guardian? " he asked.

I shook my head, screaming, " I can't heal! "


Ikora rushed over to me, helping me stand and sit on the ground next to her.

She leaned down, " What happened? "

I took a deep breath as it felt like my arm was being eaten away, " The Fallen, they're on Venus alright," I said, clenching my jaw, " So is a Warmind."

Zavala shook his head, " That's not possible. None of our scans have shown a single Warmind structure anywhere but Earth."

I nodded, " I don't think it was there," I said, " They've built it."

Cayde tilted his head to the side, " Wait, so they're making a Warmind. In that case, we don't need to really worry do we? " he said, looking to each of us, " It wouldn't be as deadly as Rasputin anyways."

Ikora sighed, " We don't know that, Cayde."

I struggled to stand as my right leg felt like crumbling at any moment.

Ikora crouched down beside me, " Lay down, I'll try to figure out what's wrong."

I nodded, laying down as she inspected my wounds. My mind began drifting off to what I had seen. A Warmind on Venus. Not just a Fallen weapon like the other times.

I opened my eyes instantly, " There's something else," I said, " There's a new Fallen House there, wearing the same colors as the one that got killed in the Cosmodrome."

Ikora stood, " There's nothing I can do, Emilia," she said, " There's something inside of you."

I nodded, regaining my strength and standing through the pain. This wasn't right. Guardian's were supposed to shrug off wounds and death. But this time, it wasn't so simple. I would have to wait for my body to heal.


Zavala spoke up, " This is bad, Guardian," he began, " A new House and a Warmind at the same time. This isn't like anything we've seen the Fallen do before. We'll need to send someone to find out more information."

" I'll go," I said.

Ikora placed her hand on my shoulder, " You're not...strong enough."

I walked grabbed my gun and used it as a cane, " Oh I am, even if I die, I'll still come back."

Zavala looked to Ikora, " She's the best shot we've got, we have no other choice."

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