《DESTINY-The Fallen Warmind》CHAPTER ONE-The Last City-One More Threat


I stood impatiently, waiting for Commander Zavala to finish another one of his speeches. I looked over to Cayde-6—we usually just call him Cayde—and he shrugged. He understood me, we were both Hunter's after all. Zavala suddenly stopped speaking, so I turned to leave.

He cleared his throat, " We're not done yet, Emilia," he said, " You haven't been listening, have you? "

I turned around, sighing, " I heard everything you said, the Hive—"

He shook his head, " The Fallen," he interrupted, " They are up to something."

I walked back into the Hall of Guardian's, " Aren't they always? Just send me in and I'll shoot them like usual."

Ikora Rey sighed, " It's not that simple," she began, " We may not know what the Fallen are doing, but they are definitely up to something big."

Cayde patted me on the shoulder, " C'mon, you know we'll send you in anyways," he said looking back to the rest of the Vanguard.

He then leaned in to whisper, " Make sure you bring me back a cool weapon."

I hid my smile, looking back to Zavala, " So, where's this...threat? " I asked.

Zavala put his arms behind his back, " Venus. The Fallen presence there has increased rapidly."

Of course, they sent me out to figure out what the Fallen were up to. Those Fallen, always up to no good and always making the world, more like solar system harder to live in for others. But it's not like I minded them fighting the Hive or Cabal even. Hell, I didn't care if they fought the Vex. My Ghost brought me my ship, the Courier, and I climbed inside. I flipped a few switches, making sure to take it off of autopilot before I flew off into space. Within a few minutes, I was just above the Venus. I looked down to its slightly misty form, looking to see if there was anything I could see from orbit.


The planet had an orange and yellow hue to it. Once I landed my ship just in front of an old Golden Age building, I stepped out and looked around. Of course there weren't many Fallen in sight, most of them went into hiding after we killed Skolas, and even more so after we destroyed SIVA.

My Ghost appeared next to me, " We're close to where Zavala sent us but, I don't see a thing! " he said, spinning around.

I nodded, pulling out my gun, " Well, we'll just have to look around," I said, " Again."

My weapon of choice this time, was the Monte Carlo. It was quite a good Auto Rifle, as it did many things and even had a blade on the front. We, well, I walked forward as my Ghost floated behind me.

After about an hour of walking, the Ghost called me, " Guardian, come look at this," he said.

I turned around, going back to where he floated, " What? "

He scanned a metal object I didn't see before, " This isn't right," he said, " This is technology from a Warmind."

I grabbed the item. It was smaller than I thought, but had the familiar Warmind symbol. The white diamond had two, wing like shapes coming out of the back.

I turned to my Ghost, " I hope it isn't SIVA again," I said.

The ground beneath us began to shake. I looked up, spotting a Fallen Ketch flying over the tall building. Behind us, I could hear Fallen screeches. I looked back up to the Ketch, it was silver in places, as was the symbol that was on it. A single arc bolt shot just past me. I turned, crouching and aiming my gun at the Fallen Vandal. I pulled the trigger, shooting through his head and releasing the ghost like Ether inside of him.


My Ghost looked around, " Uh oh," he said, " Looks like they spotted us."

I shot at another Vandal as I found cover, " Wow, I didn't know that."

A Fallen Skiff flew down just in front of us. More and more Fallen of all shapes and sizes jumped down from it, landing a short distance away. I took a deep breath, standing and firing at the Vandal's behind me. An arc blast hit me in the back, making me fall and roll forward. I aimed my gun at the remaining Dreg that stood over me, and shot through his body.

After I stood, I could see at least twenty Vandal's, and even a Captain walking towards me, with some going into a building to my right. I continued running until I found a complex. It was damp and overgrown with vines. A screen reading Ishtar Academy was to my right, along with a few broken down walls.

I sighed, knowing that I needed to hide. Once I was behind the broken wall—which provided quite a bit of cover—the Fallen walked by, allowing me to go the opposite direction. Though I didn't know where I was going, I did find an overgrown path that seemed to lead somewhere. After slowly walking through the path, I realized it wasn't natural, if you could consider anything on Venus to be natural. Up ahead, I saw more and more Fallen. Ikora was right. There was Fallen activity which could've rivaled the numbers at the Battle of Twilight Gap. They wore different colors than the ones I was used to seeing.

They reminded me of...

The Fallen that Ar Nyt killed in the Cosmodrome. They wore the same colors. Dark blue cloaks, with silver armor and faded orange lines.

My Ghost flew up to me, " That doesn't look good," he said, " They're building something. We should go see what."

I nodded, going into a crouching position and slowly walking forward. The ground beneath me began to shake quite a bit. I looked up to see at least three Fallen Ketch's floating above the odd structure in front of me. I eventually got close enough to see a few details on the massive structure. It was an odd shape, with red lines throughout and most of the frame still visible on the right side. It was only half complete.

One symbol in particular caught my eye. The symbol of a Warmind.

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