《Blood Thirsty [Kim Seunghun - CIX]✔️》24


I had stood there frozen. I didn't know what to do. He was aggressive, almost forceful with it all. When I tried to push him off he gently grabbed my hips and started to kiss me softer. Then I kissed back. His lips were soft and his breath hot. I throw my arms around his neck and then he moves down to mine. Sprinkling it with kisses. I let out a small man then clasped my hands to my mouth as if I just admitted to murder.

Seunghun pulled his head up and with a sparkle of lust and adrenaline he smirked and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"You wanna go somewhere?"

He asked and through I really didn't know about my feelings for him or where he was taking me I said yes.

Seunghun grabbed a bag and then gave me a pair of shoes. We looked back to see no one was looking for us so we started running. Smiles on our faces and excitement taking over our bodies.

When we came to a stop Seunghun handed me a shirt.

"Put this on, there's a motel just ahead."

I smile nodding as I slipped the shirt over my body. A shirt long enough to be my very own dress. Then we started walking again.

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