《kpop bxb one shots》Valentines Day || Tag x Jangjun (Golden Child)


*This one shot will be written in 3rd perspective, Jangjun POV and Tag POV*


3rd person

Jangjun and Tag have been friends for what seems like forever.

Sure, there have always been bumps in the road but they have always overcome them.

Tag and Jangjun are both seniors in highschool, Tag works at the mall in a clothing store and Jangjun works at a coffee shop downtown.

Today was a very special day for couples at their school, it was Valentines Day.

It wasn't a big deal for them as they did not have someone to spend the day with.

Jangjun didn't care much for the Holiday because he thought it was pointless.

Tag however, liked it. Seeing all the happy couples made him happy.


My alarm goes off to wake up and I jump out of bed, knowing what day it is today!


I squeal running over to my calendar to make sure I had the correct date.

Of course, I do.

I go to my closet and get a red sweater and black slightly flared pants and black shoes.

I look at myself in the mirror satisfied with how hot I look.

I get in my car and head off to school, excited to see my crush.

Jangjun POV

My alarm goes off and I roll over hoping for 5 extra minutes.


I hate this day but my best friend loves it so I have to at least act like I like it.

I go to my closet and pick out an all black outfit and head out the door and get in my car.

3rd POV

Tag pulls into the parking spot and while getting his bag, Jangju pulls into the parking spot right next to him.

"Hey!!" Tag says enthusiastically

"Hey Taggie, you're very excited today. What's up?" Jangjun says tilting his head in curiosity, taking a step closer towards Tag.


Tags eyes open wide due to the little space between them.

"I-Its Valentines D-Day Jangjun!"

Tag said nervously, avoiding eye contact with Jangjun.

"Oh is it?"

Jangjun said, taking a step toward Tag. Causing Tag to avoid his eye contact.

Tags POV

Oh my god, he's so close, shit my face is so face red.

"W-what are you doing Jun?"

I say, my voice clearly shaking from being flustered by the closeness between us.


Jangjun innocently says, stepping back and rubbing my head which makes my face heat up.

I stare at him because of the surprising act of sweetness from him.

"What are you two love birds doing over here?" The random girl comes around the corner of Jangjuns car and comes up to us, with a puzzled look on her face.

"What do you want?" Jangjun says annoyingly.

The girl takes a step closer towards me looking at me with a strange look.

Jangjun grabs my hand and pulls me behind him.

I can feel my face turn a bright red from embarrassment, but I don't let go of his hand.

"Why did you pull Taggie away?" The girl says pouting.

"I want to see my soon to be boyfriend!!" The girl shouts at Jangjun.

"Your what??" Jangjun says confused.

"I was just about to ask him to be MY boyfriend so WE can spend Valentine's Day TOGETHER! But I come around the corner and see YOU touching Taggie, so please get away from him now!" She says to Jangjun, causing him to tighten his grip on my hand.

"Sorry sweetie pie, but you can't claim someone who's already taken, so now I ask YOU to leave please, and thank you." He says to her causing her mouth to fall open, and him to smirk in return.


"And who would that be?" The girl asks sassily.

Jangjun pulls me out from behind him and shows her our hand interlocked.

"He taken by me sweet pie, understand?" Jangjun says boldly.

"I don't believe you." She says and turns her head away in disbelief.

I can't take this girl anymore.

I grab Jangjuns face and turn it towards me and kiss him on the lips.

He kisses me back and grabs my face with his hands, to be honest I didn't think he would. I'm not sure why.

Jangjuns POV

It's happening, it's happening

He's actually kissing me, I have to take advantage of this situation. I grab his face and kiss him back.

He pulls away even though I don't want it to end, and it's obvious he doesn't either.

"Is that enough for you?" Tag says, starting to get pissed off at the girl.

I grab his hand sensing the tension in the air.

The girl scoffs and walks away.

Tag turns toward me, looking embarrassed.

"I-I'm so so sorry Jun I didn't mean to, I don't know what got over me." Tag says looking down in embarrassment.

"Will you be my boyfriend Taggie?" I say quickly after he finishes his apology.

Tag looks up in disbelief.

"What??" Tag says in shock.

"I've liked you for a long time and now I'm asking you, Will you be my boyfriend Taggie?" I say boldly, freaking out on the inside.

"Y-Yes!! Tag says hugging me tightly.

I chuckle and whisper 'thank you' in his ear.

I pull away and grab his hand leading us to the front of the school.

"Happy Valentines Day Taggie." I kiss him on the cheek.

Tag gives a noticeable blush and smiles.

"Happy Valentines Day Jun." Tag says

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