《The Exciting Arrival》Chapter 16: Movin' In For All Eternity! (part 1)


Right after my precious dwarfskies and Empathy got back to the cottage after the Jollypalooza, they quickly changed out of their tuxes into their everyday clothing. Empathy had a blue ribbon that she received from the queen after she won and she didn't want to take it off .

Happy: So, Em, how's it like to be the winner of the Jollypalooza?

Empathy: 1: VICTORY!!! That's it... I smell victory all over me and all of you!

Just then, music was already playing all of a sudden and the adorable little munchkins had already begin to sing.

The 7D: 🎵Tonight we are victorious, champagne pouring over us! All us friends were glorious, tonight we are victorious!🎵

Empathy: 🎵Oh, oh, oh, oh, victorious! Oh, oh, oh, oh!🎵

Sneezy: 🎵Double bubble disco queen, headed to the guillotine. Skin as cool as Steve McQueen, let me be your killer king.🎵

Sleepy: 🎵It hurts until it stops, we will love until it's not. I'm a killing spree in white, eyes like broken Jollyday lights.🎵

Bashful: 🎵My touch is black and poisonous and nothing like my punch drunk kiss. I know you need it, do you feel it? Drink the water, drink the wine!🎵

Dopey: (whistles 🎵Oh, we gotta turn up the crazy, livin' like a washed up celebrity. Shooting fireworks like it's the fourth of July until we feel all right! Until we feel all right!🎵)

Grumpy: 🎵I'm like a scarf trick, it's all up the sleeve. I taste like magic waves that swallow quick and deep.🎵

Doc: 🎵Throw the bait, catch the shark. Bleed the water red, fifty words for murder and I'm every one of them.🎵

Happy: 🎵My touch is black and poisonous and nothing like my punch drunk kiss. I know you need it, do you feel it? Drink the water, drink the wine!🎵


Empathy: 🎵Oh, we gotta turn up the crazy, livin' like a washed up celebrity. Shooting fireworks like it's the fourth of July!🎵

The 7D and Empathy: 🎵Tonight we are victorious, champagne pouring over us! All us friends were glorious, tonight we are victorious!🎵

Grumpy and Doc: 🎵Tonight we are victorious, champagne pouring over us! All us friends were glorious, tonight we are victorious!🎵

Bashful: 🎵Oh, we gotta turn up the crazy, livin' like a washed up celebrity. Shooting fireworks like it's the fourth of July until we feel all right! Until we feel all right!🎵

The 7D and Empathy: 🎵Tonight we are victorious, champagne pouring over us! All us friends were glorious, tonight we are victorious!🎵

The song was already done, then Empathy was holding a bunch of suitcases, showing that she's moving in with the dwarves.

Sleepy: What's with the suitcases, Em?

Empathy: I'm moving in with you guys!

Doc: Empathy, you show up in Jollywood unannounced, you've been staying with us for nearly 2 weeks and now you're saying that you're moving in with us?!

Empathy: Yep!

Grumpy: Nope, you're leavin'! Scram!

Doc: Grumpy!

Grumpy: (blushes at Doc) I-I mean, sure! Why not?

Happy: You most certainly can live with us, Empathy!

Empathy: YES!!! Thanks a bunch, fellas!

The human leaned in for a long group hug. Bashie-Cakes blushed very hard since he was leaning against Empathy's bosom .

Bashful: Oh, floom. Oh, floom. Oh, floom. Oh, FLOOOOOOOM!!!

Empathy: What's wrong, Bash?

Bashful: (in a singsongy voice) Nothi-i-i-ing!

The group hug had sadly concluded.

Empathy: Doc, can you make an invention where I could wish for whatever I want?

Doc: I don't know, Empathy. It might seem like a hard-

Empathy: I'll give you a huge amount of toast!

Doc: Okay then, I'll make it!


The tall-hatted bozo got to inventing right away.

Grumpy: Heh heh, you know how much Doc loves toast.

Empathy: You know how much you love Doc.

Grumpy: (blushes super hard) Well, I-I... (clears throat) I've been meanin' to ask you, how come you don't have a nose?

Empathy: I guess it's just the way people draw me.

Sneezy: What about your ears?

The human lifted up both ends of her hair and showed the dwarves that she does have ears, but she prefers hiding them underneath her hair.

Happy: Now you can just make yourself at home and place your bags upstairs! I promise you that Doc will make a bed just for you to sleep on tonight.

Mechanic Menace was already walking downstairs as if he had teleported upstairs.

Doc: I already just did that!

Empathy: Thanks, Doc!

Doc: Don't mention it, Em.

The human zoomed upstairs and back downstairs after she had placed her suitcases on the bed that Doc had just build for her.

Empathy: Now let's just wait until the next ch... episode for Doc to finish his thing and for this fanfic to finally come to an end.

Sleepster was not happy with Empathy not breaking the fourth wall at first, but then actually doing it.

Empathy: 😅 Sorry, Sleeparooni.

Sleepy: No worries, Em.

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