《Christmas Special - F1 One Shots - Completed》#2 - Gianluca Petecof


'Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me, maybe?'

Sitting with brothers, I crossed my right leg over my left at the calf as I pulled my phone out of my handbag and began to check my messages. It was a welcome distraction to this boring party I had been made to attend. My eyes rolled at the change of the music and at the images on my phone screen. Of course, only my old best friend would think that attending a light switch on in the town centre would be a high light of Christmas. For a moment, I was grateful that our paths had changed, her parents leaving Monaco and returning to England, I would never want to find myself in that situation.

"Is," I heard a voice bringing me around from the thoughts.

When I looked up, I noticed my brother, Arthur looking at me. "Sorry?" I smiled as I locked my phone and placed it on the table. "Did you say something?"

Arthur and Charles, my other brother, laughed at me before Arthur spoke again. "Did you want to dance?"

My eyes looked behind him and to the dancefloor in the middle of the room. "Oh, I don't think that's a good idea," I raised my eyebrows before I picked up Arthur's drink and took a mouth full.

"Is!" He snapped as he pulled the glass from my grip. "Oh my God, are you trying to get me into trouble?" He put the glass on the table before he took my hand, "Lets dance, anything to keep you occupied."

I let out a groan as he pulled me to my feet. I didn't object as he took me to the dancefloor, not with my voice anyway. Arthur smiled at me as we began to dance together, I knew he was just trying to help me not be bored, after all, I didn't want to be here today.


There was a commotion further on the dancefloor, Arthur looked over but let out a small sigh before someone pushed between the two of us. "A kiss mi'lady?" The young man asked as he looked at me with a cheeky grin and mistletoe in his hand.

"What?" I was shocked at how random and strange this way.

The guy didn't wait, he leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek before he winked at me and made a quick exit as my brother went to shove him away.

Arthur rubbed his temples, "That was Gianluca." He looked over and watched as the guy who kissed me put the mistletoe back into his pocket before going to sit at a table. "" He shook his head before he looked back at me, "Ugh, I don't want to dance anymore, that's put me right off."

I watched as he trudged back to the table. My eyes traveled to the lad who had kissed my cheek, I noticed he was looking at me too. Quickly, I turned my head away as the heat rose in my cheeks before I followed Arthur back to the table.

Returning to my chair, I sighed as I looked at Arthur. "You were the one who wanted to dance," I reminded him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"So, what, now you want to dance?" Arthur asked me with a small shake of his head before he sipped his drink.

I looked over at Gianluca with a playful look, his gaze upon me. "Maybe," I looked back at Arthur and wrinkled my nose as I spoke, "Maybe I'll ask someone else to dance with me."

Charles laughed from the other side of me, "You two are idiots." He leaned forward as he looked between the two of us, "You would think we could go at least one night without your stupid arguments."


"Charles," I put my hand over my chest in fake hurt. "I would never argue with my dear brother," I reached across and took Arthur's hand before I beamed at our other brother. "See?" I let go and grinned widely at them both, "Now, excuse me. I must go and dance."

Flouncing away from them both, I walked towards the table where my mistletoe kisser sat.

He looked up at me and smiled before he got to his feet, "You must be the well hidden Isadora."

I nodded my head before he took my hand and kissed te back of it with a cheeky grin. "I guess I must be," I blushed a little as I looked at him as he let go of my hand. "And you are," I recalled the name, "Gianluca?"

"Gianluca Petecof," he took my hand again and shook it. "At your service, madam."

My cheeks were full of heat again as I breathed in deeply. "Well, maybe you can accompany me on the dancefloor?"

The dirty blonde male grinned as he looked at me, "I shall dance with you Miss Leclerc." He offered me his arm before using his other arm to hang the mistletoe over our heads again.

My eyes looked up at the plant he held, I smirked at him before I pressed my lips against his this time. "Now, are we going to dance or do I need to return to my brothers?"

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