《Riverdale Imagines!》Sweet Pea: I Just Laugh


"Sweet Pea! Shutup!" You whisper yelled as you snuck the boy into your room. He continued to laugh as you quickly shut the door. "I swear to god if my sister catches us, we're screwed," you mumbled as you locked the door. Your parents weren't home and you had found a way to sneak the walking tree of a boy pass Andre. How you did so, no one may never know.

The two of you just want to lay on your bed and cuddle, maybe watch a movie or two so that's exactly what you did. Of course, Sweet Pea was a gentleman and let you pick first. Oh boy was that a mistake.

"Are we seriously watching the fucking Bee Movie?" A loud laugh escaped your mouth as he groaned, the title screen appearing. "You love meeeeeee," you said as you smiled at him. "Mhm, sure I do," he mumbled as you fell back onto the bed.

Halfway through the movie, your mind started to wonder. "Hey Pea." "Hm?" "Do you think grass has feelings?" At first, he didn't know if you actually asked him that or if he was hearing things, but the small chuckle from your mouth confirmed it was a real question.

"Like, when it's being mowed does it scream in pain as the mower is screaming because it's murdering a bunch of grass. Like Oh my god! I'm so sorry little grass blades! I can't stopppmmm!"

Once you stopped re-enacting your thoughts, Sweet Pea started to laugh. "You are such a little weirdo Lodge." "But I'm your weirdoooooo." Sweet Pea smiled at you and pulled you back down onto your bed.

As the two of you started to kiss, you didn't hear the door handle jingle over the movie. "He-OH MY GOD!" A loud laugh escaped Veronica's mouth as she saw you and Sweet Pea on the bed together with the Bee Movie in the background.


"Veronica! What the hell!" "Why are you mad at me? You're the one dating a serpent!" "You can't tell mom and dad!" You shouted, forgetting Sweet Pea was on the bed. As Veronica walked away, you fell off the bed and chased after her. Before getting too far you turned back to your room.

"Stay," you said to Sweet Pea before shutting your door and running after your sister. "Ronnie, you can't tell mom and dad," you said again as the girl sat on her bed. "I won't, but why him?" She asked.

"I could ask you the same about Archie," you sassed, the smile on her face growing. "I'm not gonna tell mom and dad but get better about sneaking around and don't let Archie find out."

"Don't let Archie find out about what?" A new voice asked, making the both of you jump. "Oh don't worry about it Archikins, just girly problems," Veronica said as she threw her arms around his shoulders.

"We're back girls!" Hermione shouted from the other room, Archie leading Veronica out of the room. You gave her a worried look and she winked, mentally telling you she'd help.

"I'll be right there, I have to use the bathroom!" You shouted before running off to your room. "I hope you enjoy my bathroom cause you might be in there for a while," you whispered to Pea as soon as you closed the door.

"They got back a lot sooner than planned."

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