《Riverdale Imagines!》Fangs Fogarty: Rewrite the Stars


A smile spread across Fangs' face as you danced to the song Josie was singing. It was a talent show and the two of you decided to perform together. Kevin loved the idea and was more than happy to let you guys audition.

As the last note played through the speakers, the crowd of students and parents started to clap and whistle at the two of you. When you looked over the crowd, you saw Fangs with the biggest smile as him and Sweet Pea clapped and whistled. You bowed with Josie then followed her off the stage, the two of you freaking out as you were out of site.

"You did amazing out there!" Veronica said as all of you were in the music room to gather your stuff. "Thanks Ronnie, but it was Josie's idea and she put in the most work." "Oh please, all I did was belt like Mariah, but you! You danced around that stage like you were a magical fairy princess."

A light blush spread across your cheeks as the three of you made it outside the room. Fangs stood a little ways away from the door, a small bouquet of flowers in his hands. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the two girls grimace at the serpent but you couldn't be bothered.

"You did amazing babe," Fangs said as he pulled you into a hug, placing a light kiss on your forehead. "Thank you for coming and supporting me," you said as he handed you the flowers. "I totally didn't pick those out by the way," Toni said as she walked up to the two of you.

Fangs rolled his eyes as Sweet Pea joined your group, his face showing how bored he was. "Be careful on your way home (Y/N)! If you need anything I'm only a call away!" Josie said as she walked by you, making sure the serpents around you knew she didn't want them near you. "Bye Josie!"


"You would think after having classes with us and getting to know us they would know we aren't bad," Pea mumbled, his face changing from boredom to anger. "I mean, you guys wear leather and use hair gel so you must be bad, right?" You joked, Toni laughing while Fangs pretended to be offended.

"We should probably get you home before your northside friends get worried," Fangs mumbled, you agreeing before all of you walked to their bikes. "You could do better than those snakes baby!" Reggie shouted as you walked out of the front doors.

"Fuck off Mantle!" Toni shouted as she threw up her middle finger, wanting to let you enjoy your night.

"You can do so much better than his, (Y/N)," Ethel said as you and her walked down the hall. "Why does everyone say that? Cause I don't think I can. He's literally perfect," you said, getting sick over everyone saying the same thing over and over again.

"(Y/N). First, you have amazing talents like singing and dancing. Second, you are one of the richest families on the north side. Third, you are a total smoke show. Like, have you looked in a mirror?" Josie asked, siding with Ethel.

"For people who are supposed to be my best friends, you guys are being really shity," you said before leaving to make your way to Fangs.

-A couple years later because time jumps-

"Alright ladies! This is our last run, let's make it our best!" As soon as you made it onto the stage, your eyes met with your husbands as he held a small child in his arms.

All your effort went into making this performance the best, your old friends in the crowd as well.

"Mommy! You did amazing!" (Y/S/N) shouted as he ran up to you. You picked him up and placed him on your hip, taking the flowers he held out for you. "Thank you baby, and thank you as well for being my good luck charm," you said as you placed a light kiss on Fangs' cheek.


"You guys are still adorable," Toni said as she laced her hand with Cheryl's, Cheryl complimenting your performance. A smug look fell across your face when Ethel and Josie appeared.

"I guess we were wrong in high school," Josie said as she pulled you in for a hug. She smiled as your son started to gush about how you told him he was going to be getting a sibling soon. "Again? He's only what? 4?" Pea asked as he gave you a side hug.

"I'm 5 Uncle Pea!" Your son shouted, making sure he was heard. "5? Already? You're an old man!" Sweet Pea said as he picked (Y/S/N) up into a hug, a squeal escaping the little boy's mouth.

"Look at that babe, I guess they were wrong about us not lasting," Fangs said as he pulled you into his side. You smiled as you looked up at him, the two of you kissing, causing Sweet Pea and your son to gag.

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