《Riverdale Imagines!》Betty Cooper: Traitor


"Alright Sweet Pea, that's enough!" You yelled as you stood quickly. Sweet Pea turned around, glaring daggers at you. "Oh, and you think this is a good idea?" He asked, obviously pissed you were taking her side. "Yeah, I do. Them being on the inside would be better than us being shoved out because we're from the southside."

Sweet Pea kept glaring at you, trying to contain his rage. All other serpents in the room stayed silent, not wanting to get in between you two. The two of you hardly fought, but when you did it would get heated real quick.

"Alright Sweet Pea! I've had it with you! Yes, I get it that her mom betrayed the serpents! Yes, I get it that she's from the northside and her mom has slandered the serpents multiple times! But guess what, people move on! They grow and evolve! Now stop shit talking my girlfriend before we have a serious problem!"

Multiple gasps filled the silence, Betty's being the most noticeable. You glared at Sweet Pea as you grabbed Betty's hand, pulling her into a long kiss. "Are you fucking serious?" Sweet Pea shouted as he looked at you.

"You're a traitor! You're betraying your own by being with her!" Sweet Pea shouted at you, getting in your face. At this point, people had moved out of your guys' way. "Sweet Pea, I suggest you get out of my face and leave my relationship the fuck alone."

"No, you're betraying us (Y/N)." His voice was full of genuine hurt as he kept his gaze cold. "If I'm betraying then so is almost every other serpent in this room Sweet Pea. All of us have come to accept that we can't change anything about this and are trying to make the best of it.


I don't know why you are so hurt about my relationship with her, but you can take your issues and shove them up your ass Pea. If you can't get over this problem you have, then don't fucking bother talking to me again. Let's go Betty," you grabbed onto her hand as stormed out of the class.

Everyone stayed silent as Pea slammed his fist down on the desk, storming out the door and disappearing. No one knew what to do so they decided to pick the meeting back up at a later date, half of them going home while Toni and Fangs went to look for Sweet Pea.

Jughead snuck to the hiding spot you and Betty showed him when you were little kids. When he got there, he saw you crying as Betty comforted you. Jughead cleared his throat as he walked up to the two of you.

"You know Sweet Pea better than he knows himself, you of all people should know that he just needs time to cool off," Jughead said as you wiped away tears.

-the next day-

All day, you avoided almost all serpents like the plague. When you were about to leave with Betty, the two of you going to her house when Sweet Pea stopped you. "Can I talk to the both of you?" He asked, his voice quiet as his eyes showed all the emotions swirling through his mind.

You looked at Betty and she nodded, lacing her fingers with yours as the three of you walked away from the crowds of people.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for acting like a total dick. This doesn't really mean we are going to become friends but if you make (Y/N) happy then I'm happy," you chuckled as the both of them gave you weird looks.


"I think I can say this for the both of us. We forgive you Pea, and honestly, I've seen you checking out the cute northie Ethel Muggs. Now go get em' tiger," you said as you bumped him with your hip, motioning to the cute red-headed girl glancing at the three of you.

Sweet Pea smiled as he made his way over to her, her cheeks turning a bright red as he smirked at her. "How could you tell?" Betty asked as she grabbed onto your hand, leaning her head on your shoulder.

"I've been his best friend since we were little, I can tell when he gets the slightest bit of a crush," you said as you placed a soft kiss on her forehead, a smile breaking out on your face as Sweet Pea and Ethel were laughing together. "Ah, young love at it's finest," Toni said as she sat down, Cheryl next to her.

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