《DILF 》fp jones》14.


The two redheads spun round to face their cousin. Her eyes were wide and her palm clasped over her mouth. She pulled it away slowly. "I love FP Jones." She whispered, wanting to hear the words fall from her mouth again to see if they even sounded right coming through her voice.

She looked at her cousins' shocked faces. "I've got to tell him!" She muttered, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, she had never felt like this before and she didn't understand how it had hit her so suddenly.

"No!" Jason lunged forward, grabbing her upper arm. "No you don't Cherry!" She tried to struggle away from his grip but failed. "Are you trying to ruin everything!?"

She pulled her arm free. "No, I'm trying to make my life better!"

Jason ran to his bedroom door and blocked her exit. "This won't make your life better. He won't make your life better. He's scum, Cherry. He's working for our family."

Cherry stepped back, hearing such harsh words come from the Blossom boys mouth about his own family shocked her.

"He's offered me a job." Cherry whispered. "I think I'm going to take it."

Cheryl pulled her cousin by the arm to face her. "What job?" She was angry and her vision was as red as the lipstick she wore.

"At the Whyte Wyrm. A stripper and bartender if I wanted." Cherry looked back at Jason.

"For how long?" He muttered. "We were meant to be leaving."

"Yes, Jason we were! We were meant to be leaving next month! Just you and me, you think I'm taking risks, leaving in summer is a bigger one. So I've decided that I am going to leave this toxic house next month and I'm going to keep a low profile in the southside until you and Cooper are ready to go."


"A low profile." Cheryl scoffed. "You're a stripper for god's sake, that's not low profile." She rolled her eyes. "And the number of men you mess around with it won't last long."

There was one single sound that overpowered Cheryl's voice and it was the sound of Cherry's hand colliding with her cheek. Cheryl gasped as she tried to rub the sting away.

Cherry tried to step forward to her exit, but Jason refused to move. His arms stretched out against the door frame. "You still can't tell him."

"And why not, J? Just let me do something for myself for once, something that would benefit me."

"Because it's obvious that he loves you back." Another gasp was heard from Cheryl but it was not part of an after effect of a slap. "And what do you expect to happen after you tell him? That everything will just be as it is. Don't ruin the man, don't tell him you love him just to leave him."

"Why should you care, I thought you said he was scum?" And at one moment where the boy was caught off guard, Cherry yanked on his arm and managed to make her escape.

Both the Blossom twins believed she made her way out of the mansion and deep into the shadows of the southside, but Cherry Blossom curled herself up in a cocoon of blankets and bed sheets, starting her countdown of days for when she could leave this place.

Cherry was awoken by a loud, vicious knocking on her bedroom door. Not like she had slept much anyway. She climbed out of bed still wearing the clothes she had worn the night before and opened her bedroom door.

Clifford Blossom impatiently tapped his foot on the floor and folded his arms. His eyes darted to the open window by her bed before shoving the girl back int her room and closing the door behind him as he followed her in.


"How dare you corrupt my children!" His index finger was extended and pointing at the girl in front of him. This time she didn't want to stand her ground she was secretly hoping that they wouldn't send her away that she could stay until summer and wait for Jason. there were only two hundred and nine days to go.

She sat down on the edge of her bed and the finger followed her. "My children are gone and it's entirely your fault." Clifford stormed out of the room once he realised he wouldn't get the reaction from her that he wanted. Cherry could hear his echoing stomps throughout the house as he called out to his wife.

Cherry glanced at her window, the curtains flying out in the morning breeze. She pulled them back and closed the window after staring down at the Blossom driveway and seeing that a car was missing alongside the twins.

What Cherry didn't know was that the twins were out looking for her most of the night. Begging that she hadn't gone to FP, but once they saw that his dingy trailer on the outskirts of town was empty there were stumped.

They had sat in Pop's diner in the early hours of the morning, trying to survive on what the Blossom's referred to as working man's coffee. Polly Cooper had joined them soon after a distressed phone call from Jason had woken her up.

The trio sat in silence, Cheryl couldn't help but stare at Polly's stomach looking for some sort of growth even though she was merely a few days along. A pair of headlights illuminating the car park hurt their vision as the darkness of Riverdale forced the driver to put them on full beam.

A small hooded figure ran into the diner and their shoulders relaxed in relief as they stepped in. She pulled the hood down to reveal herself to a wide-eyed Cheryl Blossom who had recognised the way the girl ran.

Heather looked around the diner and rushed over to the trio once she saw them. She was out of breath and bright red in the face. "She can't take it!" She managed to say within deep breaths, She leant her hands on the table and tried to catch her breath. "Cherry." Cheryl glanced at the girl's hand that was placed a mere few inches away from her own. "She can't take the job."

"Why not?" Jason let go of the tight grasp he had on his girlfriend's hand.

"Because he knows. Clifford Blossom knows about it. About FP as well. He'll kill him and her too!"

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