《DILF 》fp jones》13.


Cheryl's intentions were good, they were always good when it was Cherry that was involved. Yet why did it feel so wrong, why was there a burning sensation in her chest and why did her stomach ache as she spilt family secrets. Cherry often prided herself on knowing what was going on in her family, so she could avoid it like the plague. This, she didn't know.

She stepped away from the child, trying to immerse herself in the shadows of Blossom's hallway. But nothing could hide her panicked breathing.

"Are you okay, C?" Cheryl tried to reach out to her cousin but as she silently moved away with every breath she felt like she had become one with the shadows.

"N-no." She stuttered. "Where's Jason?" She was scared she was at risk of getting whiplash as her head spun around the dark corners of the mansion. "Where's your dad?"

"They're both sleeping?" Cheryl managed to grab her and hold her still. "What's going on Cherry?"

"I need to tell you something?" She grabbed her cousin's cold, petite hand and pulled her up the stairs to Jason's room.

They barged in without warning, causing Jason to groan. Cherry made sure to shut the door behind her. She leaned against it for several seconds trying to regain her breath.

"Get up Jason!" She shoved his sleeping body, causing him to groan again and pull the covers over his head.

"I saw you at FP's tonight." He lifted the covers off his head.

"You were at Mr Jones'?!" He then sat up at the sound of his sister's voice.

She stood at the end of his bed, feeling lost and confused at the relationship her cousin and twin had that she never knew about.


Jason scoffed. "So?" He turned over and faced Cherry. "I have nothing to hide."

"Yeah, but he does."

Jason furrowed his eyebrows at her vague response. "What were you doing there anyway?" He muttered, thinking it over.

"She was trying to have sex with him." Cheryl but in which made Cherry glare over at her.

"What!" Jason finally stood up from his bed now fully awake. "Do you realise how risky that is? Sex is an intimate thing between two people with a connection and feelings."

It was Cherry's turn to feel extremely confused about Jason's relationships with people. "Hang on, didn't you only get with Polly Cooper for a bet? Anyway, that's not important." There were more important things to worry about than Jason Blossom's old-fashioned views on sex.

"FP Jones is working for our father?" Cheryl butted in, not able to keep it from her brother. "Now please will someone tell me what the hell is going on?"

Cherry sat on the edge of Jason's bed, where she was joined by Jason whilst Cheryl wanted to stay standing, feeling like it would give her more power in this situation, becasue she certainly felt she had none.

Cherry and Jason looked at each other not knowing how to tell their relative. "We're running away." Jason held his breath waiting for his twin's reaction, but she was speechless as she stared at them.

"Everyone works for our father." Jason turned to his cousin, trying to calm the panic that was erupting like a volcano inside her.

"You're running away." Cheryl managed to choke out as her throat felt like it was closing in on her.

Jason looked at his twin again. "We've got to." He whispered. He hated the look on his sister's face and how he clearly showed the emptiness she was now feeling inside.


"Let me go with you."

"You can't Cheryl." Cherry reached out to her cousin and held her hand, she had gone cold, almost like a part of her was dying at the thought of her other-half disappearing from her life.

"Why can't I? Why do you have to?" Her voice was terribly shaky and Cheryl had lost all the hope of having power as she fell to her knees at her brother's feet.

"You know what they're going to do to Cherry, ship her off. We can't have that, who knows what would happen."

Cherry shrugged, that wasn't her reason for running away. "I want, no, I need a laugh of my own Red. You know how trapped I feel in this family, I can't live like this, being watched and scared that I'll slip up."

Cheryl looked down, trying to hide the fact that her tears finally fell from her eyes. "And you? Jay-Jay, why do you have to go?"

Jason took a deep breath in looking from his cousin to his sister. "It's Pol. She's pregnant."

Cheryl gripped onto the bottom of his pyjama pants. "She's going with you? But she's a Cooper."

Jason kicked her sister's grip away and stood up. "That's exactly what they say. Exactly why we need to run away."

"There must be some logic there though." Cheryl was desperate to find some kindness within her parents, desperate to find a way to make her family stay together.

"I love her, Cheryl." He stood with his hands on his hips, the moonlight radiating around his silhouette as he shone through the window.

It was quiet between the trio. And Cherry's inside's felt like they were burning. Hot spit constantly filling her mouth. "And I love FP Jones!"

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