
"I'm coming back right now. I'm trying to be careful! Whatever... Okay I get it!" Jungkook said and hung up.

"I don't think you should talk to your managers like that.. Its a bit disrespectful." Yoongi mumbled swinging their hands back and forth.

"Me and him are really close but recently he's been getting on my nerves." Jungkook pursed his lips and Yoongi smiled.

The shorter boy leaned up and kissed his boyfriend quickly, hoping no one saw. Jungkook just smiled and then the two entered a huge building.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jungkook asked as they entered. "Yeah, let's just get it over with." Yoongi said and Jungkook nodded.

The younger boy led the older throughout the building and they soon reached a door. The name on the door they both recognized very well.

Kim Namjoon. Yoongi's eyes widened. "Namjoon! Like Namjoon? Ha." Yoongi chuckled. "Wait you know Namjoon?" Jungkook asked and the short boy nodded. "We used to record songs together before he got into this business stuff. He's really good." Yoongi smiled.

"Alright then." Jungkook felt relieved. He knocked on the door and it soon opened. "Yoongi!? I haven't seen you in forever! Wow, nice hair." Namjoon smiled and ruffled the olders hair.

"Yah, I'm still older than you. And thanks." Yoongi chuckled and Jungkook stood there watching as the two reunited.

"Jungkook and I are here to tell you something." Yoongi said motioning between him and the said boy. "Well then come in." Namjoon opened the door wider, letting the two in.

Everyone sat down and Jungkook started tapping his foot on the ground anxiously.

"Well.. What is it?" Namjoon asked and Yoongi looked at Jungkook. "We're dating." Jungkook blurted out and smiled. "Everything on the news is true.." Jungkook added and Namjoon nodded.


"You've only known each other for a couple of days.. How does that work?" Namjoon asked confusion lining his words. "We actually texted a lot before we met. Jungkook accidentally texted me and I responded, we just kind of grew from then."

Yoongi squeezed Jungkook's hand that was connected with his own. "I can tell the media, if that's what you want. I'm sure they'll be super excited to have the information they wanted." Namjoon smiled.

"Please, I just want this all to be over." Yoongi sighed. "Um.. This is just the beginning, it gets worse. If you both are doing this to get privacy you should stop now because privacy is not what your going to get. Your both going to get hate, people won't leave you alone, trust me."

Yoongi's eyes widened and he cursed under his breath. "Then what do we do to get people to leave us alone?" Jungkook asked, clearly irritated.

"I think what you two are doing is great, you'll just have to wait it out I guess." Namjoon said and the couple nodded their heads slowly.

"Okay now that that's settled, I need you two to finish that song. We can't push back the date any longer so I need that title song, as soon as possible." Namjoon smiled and Yoongi chuckled.

"Its almost done. We can give it to you by the end of today if we're able to use the studio." Yoongi said and Jungkook smiled.

"Yeah, go ahead. Be careful. Try and stay out of the publics eye until I give the news." Namjoon said and the couple stood up nodding, thanking Namjoon for his help.

"Then let's go finish this song." Jungkook pecked Yoongi's cheek and they left the building.



It took the two about a hour to finish the song. Yoongi and Jungkook were listening to it one last time, checking to see if everything was perfect. It was.

"Your perfect." Yoongi blurted out as the song ended. "I mean- the song is perfect." The boy blushed and Jungkook smirked.

"Your just as perfect." Jungkook said leaning in and connecting their lips.

"Okay, okay. We have to give Namjoon this song." Yoongi said as they pulled away. Jungkook pouted slightly as Yoongi put the cd in a case.

"You know I was a teenager last year, and you know how teens are." Jungkook started and Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "What are you trying to say Jungkook?" The older chuckled. "Well I've never like had se-"

"Woah, hold on. What does that have to do with giving Namjoon this song?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook blushed. "Can't we give the song to him tomorrow?" The boy asked and his hyung shook his head.

"He said he needs it as soon as possible. Let's go." Yoongi said and grabbed Jungkook's hand. They turned in the song and Namjoon listened to it, he really liked it.

After that Jungkook showed Yoongi where his dorm room was. "Why are you showing me where you live?" The older boy asked.

"I want you to stay, please?" Jungkook asked and Yoongi shook his head, a small laugh leaving his lips. "I am not staying when your feeling some type of way. I'll see you tomorrow." Yoongi leaned up and pecked Jungkook's lips.

"Come on~! I won't do anything, I promise." Jungkook pouted. "I'm having a hard time believing you." The older smiled, making the younger groan.

"I'm not even allowed to stay, its against the companies rules. Hope you have fun... By yourself." Yoongi winked and started walking away.

"Yoongi hyunnngg! Your pissing me off but I still love you." Jungkook said, pulling Yoongi close to him. "I love you too, now I'm tired so let me go home." Yoongi groaned.

"Stay here~!" Jungkook whined. "Okay." The older gave in and walked passed the younger.

Jungkook smiled and closed the door. The younger wrapped his arms around Yoongi and led him to his room.

"I'm tired." Yoongi mumbled and plopped down on Jungkook's bed. Jungkook didn't say anything as he cuddled close to his boyfriend on the small bed.

The young boy smirked and pressed his lips to Yoongi's neck. He bit lightly and sucked on the pale skin.

"Jeon fucking Jungkook, go to sleep." Yoongi groaned and Jungkook chuckled. "Okay baby, I love you."

"I love you too."

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