《BTS ONESHOTS》Yoonmin: Prank? Serious?



Yoongi and Jimin were bestfriends, they always were there for each other until they hit puberty.

They always went to the same school. Yoongi wasn't talkative like Jimin, but Jimin was the only person he's comfortable with.

The only problem was, they're both clueless about eachother's feelings. They always get jealous when someone get too close. But never had the courage to confess.

Until one day, Jimin decided to confess. It was time for their lunch break and they were currently at the rooftop.

"Hey hyung."


"I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I-I like you." Jimin said as he blushes. Yoongi thought it was a joke.

"Hahaha, not funny Jimin. There is no way we could have a chance." Yoongi said trying to hide his blush.

Jimin's heart broke. He started to cry. "Oh o-okay."

Yoongi looked at him, he was shocked to see Jimin crying. "I-I got to go hyung, bye."

Yoongi regrets doing that, he thought he was joking, yeah he feels the same but he thought if he said he likes him too Jimin will say it was just a joke.

I'll talk to him tomorrow, maybe he needs space. Yoongi thought.

Yoongi didn't see Jimin anywhere, he asked his classmates, they said he was absent. He got worried and went to their dorm, but nothing, he called his brother Jungkook,




Hey Kook, have you seen Jimin?


Yah! How could you reject him! Now he's here crying!


I didnt know he was serious okay? I thought he was pranking me.


*sighs* You guys should talk. Come here.



When Yoongi arrived at Jungkook's house. Jungkook immediately pulled him to where Jimin is. And went to the kiving room to cuddle with his boyfriend, Taehyung.


"Hey Chim."

No response

"Hey please, look at me."

No movement


Jimin flinced and look at Yoongi. Yoongi's heart broke at the sight, Jimim has red and puffy eyes, obviously from crying.

"I'm sorry okay, I thought you were pranking me. I'm scared that if I tell you what I really feel you'll just laugh at me and say that it was just a prank, Im sorry." Yoongi said with sincerity.

"What do you really feel?" Jimin asked.

"I love you Jimin, I really do, no pranks, just true feelings."

He didnt wait for Jimin's response and just kissed him with love.

As they parted, Jimin smiled again.

"I love you Chim."

"I love you too Hyung."

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