《BTS ONESHOTS》TaeKook: Too Young


Jungkook has been feeling sick for the past month, his boyfriend, Taehyung is very worried about him.

"Hey love, you okay?" Taehyung asked, crouched down beside his vomitting boyfriend.

"Yeah, just tired." Jungkook replied.


Jungkook was with Jimin at a cafè when he felt the urge to vomit again, he quickly runned to the bathroom, followed by Jimin.

After Jungkook was done, they went back to their seat, Jimin questioned Jungkook," Hey kook, how long have you been vomitting?"

"About a month now, why?"

"Maybe kook, just maybe, your.... pregnant?"

"What?!" Jungkook shockingly said.

"I mean when Jin-hyung was carrying Namjin he was vomiting for a month too, I was there." Jimin explained.

"What? No, impossible, and besides, were too young, I.... I got to go." Jungkook said and left.

While walking to their apartment, Jungkook was thinking about what Jimin said.

Am I?

No, impossible.

Maybe I am pregnant.

He wanted to find out so bad so he went to the nearest convinience store. The cashier gave him a wierd look.

"Its for my sister." He lied.

When he arrived at their shared apartment, he immediately went to the bathroom.

He took 3 pregnancy tests, luckily Taehyung had a project with Yoongi, Jimin's boyfriend. They also share an apartment.

First pregnancy test shows:


Second Preganancy test shows:


And third pregancy test shows:


He panicked, a lot of things going into his mind.

What? Impossible!

What if Tae hates me because of this?

What if he leaves me?

What if-

"I'm home."

He's here, how will I tell him.

"Hey love, what you doing there?" Tae asked at the other side of the door.

"Nothing, I'll come out in a sec." Jungkook said as he put the tests in a box, hiding it.


After kook came out the door, Tae could already sense that he's hiding something. "What are you hiding?" "N-nothing." He cursed himself mentally for stuttering.

Tae obviously didnt believe him so he went inside the bathroom and found a box. He opened it and saw three positive pregnancy tests.

"Love, I know we're too young, I can just abort and-"

"What? No! Don't! I'm actually happy." Tae said as he kiss jungkook's forehead and hugged him.

"But Tae, we're too young to have a baby, we're just about to go to college and-"

"Shhhh its okay, we can handle this okay? Plus you can already handle pregnancy sickness."

"Okay, but how did you know about the sickness part?" Jungkook curiously said.

"Oh, Jimin and Jin-hyung told me about it." He said as he gave his rectangular smile.

"Oh." Jungkook giggled.

"I love you and the baby, love."

"I love you too."

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