《BTS ONESHOTS》Namjin: Pregnant


Last night, Jin and Namjoon had an amazing night.

"Last night was fun, right babe?" Namjoon smirked at Jin who choked on his food when he heard that.

"Your lucky your sitting across the table or else I would've punch you." Jin said as he looked away blushing.

Jin was sitting on the couch while reading a book, he was waiting for Namjoon to come home from work.

He was sitting peacefully when he felt dizzy and had the urge to vomit. He ran to the bathroom and sat infront of the toilet, elbows at the toilet seat, after he threw up he saw no food, just some thing clear?

Jin heard the door open, probably because Namjoon is home. He quickly fixed himseld and walked up to Namjoon to greet him. Namjoon knew something was wrong. He already knew Jin very well, whether what he likes, dislikes, or even if somethings wrong, etc.

"Hey babe? what's wrong?" Namjoon asked with a worried tone.

"Its nothing, Im fine." Jin answered and smiled to him,even tough he knew Jin was lying.

Jin's vomiting kept going for two months now, its a good thing he's good at hiding it from Namjoon.

Namjoon was on a business trip so he decided to visit the doctor.

"So Mr.Kim? Your 26 right?" the doctor questioned.


"Your married to a man named Kim Namjoon?" the doctor questioned again.


"So Mr.Kim, how long have you been feeling dizzy and vomitting?"

"About 2 months now." Jin answered while looking down.

"Is it okay to examine you?"

"Yes" Jin answered

"Good news Mr. Kim, your a month pregnant." the doctor said.

"Ohhhhh." Jin said like it isnt something special.

"Whats wrong Mr.Kim?"


"I just dont know if my husband would like this news." Jin said worried

"Mr.Kim you see, we're the same, it may suprise you but Im also gay, Im married to a man too, at first he also didnt tell me that he was pregnant, when he told me he was very nervous. But little did he know that I really want to have and create a family with him. If he really loves you, he will love you and the baby more than anything." the doctor explained.

"Thank you Dr.Min."

"Oh please, call me Yoongi, you are older than me." he smiled

"Thank you." Jin smiled back

"Just remember the things I told you, take ca-" Yoongi's phone rang.

"Oh, excuse me, Ill just take this call, its my husband Jimin, probably because he has pregnancy cravings again." he laughed a little and left. Jin also left.

Jin entered the house and he saw Namjoon, with Suho. Namjoon was on top of Suho, after he saw that, his heart broke. He ran.

"Babe! I can explain!" Namjoon shouted as he ran after him. Jin was running like there'd be no tomorrow, he was crying, he knew Namjoon was running after him so he ran faster. They reached the park. Namjoon gave Jin a back hug but he just pushed Namjoon away.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN THAT BROUGHT ME?!" Jin shouted, voice cracking.

"Babe let me explain-" Namjoon was cut off by Jin.

"I DONT NEED YOUR EXPLANATION. I THOUGHT YOU WERE LOYAL BUT I WAS WRONG. YOU DONT KNOW HOW STRESSED I AM AND INSTEAD OF HELPING ME YOU WILL CHEAT?! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE-" Jin was cut off, he felt a large pain/cramp in his lower abdomen. Jin held his stomach, he's really in pain right now.


"Babe whats wrong? babe-"

"DONT BABE ME- AHHH" Jin really is hurt, he doesnt know why. Namjoon came close and held him, Jin didnt have the strength to refuse because of the pain. Jin was crying now.

Namjoon took Jin to the hospital, he was really worried, he saw Jin crying so it broke his heart. Namjoon didnt cheat on Jin. It was just a misunderstanding.

The doctor came in. "Mr. Kim?" the doctor said.

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