《BTS ONESHOTS》Yoonmin: Cold pt.2



Jimin is always a happy person even though his boyfriend Yoongi is cold.

"Yoongi~ lets go to the park!" Jimin said while clinging to Yoongi.

"Not now baby, Im busy, and I need to go to work." Yoongi said with his blank expression.

"Oh okay, can I come with you instead?" Jimin said with puppy eyes. Yoongi thought it was cute actually.

"Okay fine, but behave there okay?" Yoongi said giving into Jimin's cuteness.

Jimin was roaming around when he bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Jimin?" the handsome guy said.

"Oh! Chanyeol!" Jimin said with joy and hugged him.

Little did he know that Yoongi was watching.

"Jimin, its been a long time eh?" Chanyeol said.

"Yeah, wait, your a doctor too?" Jimin said. Aish this cute mochi~

"Well yeah, Im on my break. Could you maybe go with me? its been a long time and I want to catch up with you." Chanyeol said as he offers his hand.

Jimin got excited and said yes while taking Chanyeol's hand.

Yoongi was watching from far, and oh boy, his jealousy is really rising up.

Jimin and Chanyeol were sitting beside the window, sitting the opposite to each other.

"So Jimin? anything new?" Chanyeol said as he took a sip from his drink.

"Well, not really. I mean, me and Yoongi are still dating. But he is still cold." Jimin said as he rest his head on his hand.

"Oh, well that has to change you know?"

"I know, I know, but even if he is cold, I really love him."

Jimin and Chanyeol talked about many things. When they went back to the hospital hand in hand, Chanyeol accompanied Jimin to Yoongi's office.


At that time Yoongi was outside his office waiting for Jimin actually, but when he saw the two, he got really jealous and came inside and closed the door with a loud bang.

Jimin knew why as he realized that he and Chanyeol were holding hands the entire time.

After what happend, Yoongi became twice as cold to Jimin, he doesnt say I love you to Jimin anymore, doesnt cuddle with him in bed nor even looked at him. Jimin ain't liking it.

I mean, everytime that Jimin smiles to Yoongi, he just looks away.

This kept going for weeks and Jimin is breaking apart, he decided to talk to Yoongi and confront him.

" Hey Yoongi?" Jimin said.

"What?" Yoongi answered eyes glued to his laptop.

Jimin was nervous. "Did you know that yesterday I saw a cute little puppy!" Jimin mentally slapped himself because why cant he tell?

"That's it? are you done? Im busy."

Jimin just looked down and begin to walk away. But this time, he had enough. He threw the pillows to Yoongi.

"What the F-" Yoongi saw Jimin crying, it broke his heart. Jimin is still throwing stuff at him so he grabbed Jimin and hugged him.

Jimin had enough," I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" he shouted as he tried to break free Yoongi's hug, when he did, he shouted more." WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS TO ME?! YOU BECAME COLDER TO ME TO THE POINT THAT YOU DON'T EVEN LOOK AT ME ANYMORE!" and that hit Yoongi, Jimin was right, he doesnt deserve to be treated like this.

"Dont you love me anymore?- no, you never loved me, it was always one-sided..." Jimin said, tears falling non stop.

"Jimin no, that's not true." he said trying to hug Jimin but he pushed away," NO! STOP LYING!" Jimin ran outside the house.

"JIMIN WAIT!" Yoongi said, he just realized that he was crying too. Jimin did nothing wrong to him yet he treated him like shit.


Jimin was just wandering around, not even caring that it was late already. He felt like his other half was gone.


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