《May I Have This Dance // DNF》ten


It's been months since I saw him.

Every night I waited for him to show up in my garden again, to see him smile once he saw me. I missed us, or memories, our everything.

It was the day of the wedding and everyone else seemed to be one thousand times happier than I was about today, the day I dreaded. It didn't help that the weather was also gloomy, the sad pouring rain on what's supposed to be a happy day. Dream was supposed to take me away and we live happily together, but I guess that was only in the books I read.

The maids were helping me get ready while I just stared at myself in the mirror, who was this person staring back at me? Definitely not the same person months ago when he had his lover. Wilbur and Nick were there watching me get ready for the wedding, they smiled every time I looked at them, but nothing more than that. I sighed at I was finally finished, about to get married. The maids left and it was just me, Wilbur, and Nick.

"George?" Nick says. I look over and he looks worried. "Are you excited?"

"Not really." I say quietly. "I miss him." I whisper.

"We know you do, George."

"I don't think-" Wilbur started.

"But he promised!" I said. "He promised."

"But I don't think he is, I know you probably don't want to hear that, but I don't think he's coming back George." Wilbur said sharply.

"What if he comes today? Before or after the wedding, then should I go with him?"

"If that's the right thing to do, it's your call." Wilbur says walking out. Nick comes up to me while I turn back to the mirror.


"You do what's right in your heart. If he comes and you go with him, make sure you send me a letter." He pats me on the back and leaves the room. I look at the sad boy who was betrothed to the wrong person. His lover was somewhere out there, but he obviously didn't care enough to bring him with him.

I walk to my window one final time, I look around and I don't see him. I sigh and start to head to the door disappointed, then I heard a faint voice.

"George." It was very quiet, but I can tell the person wanted my attention. My voice was called more times and I walked around to find the person who was yelling my name, it was coming from outside. I look outside and see Dream in the rain with a white wet shirt, dark brown pants, and a horse standing by him. I smiled.

He kept his promise.

I step out and the dark grey bricks were very slippery from the rain. I tried to step on one, but slipped and fell off; I close my eyes and was ready for the impact, but instead I fell into Dream's arms.

"I got you, I've always got you." He says before giving me a kiss. He puts me onto the horse and then he gets on and I wrap my hands around his stomach. He starts to ride the horse out and far away from my castle. My outfit started to get soaked, but I didn't care, I was with Dream.

"You kept your promise,"

"Of course I did, I couldn't let you marry someone who wasn't meant for you."

"I missed you, so much."

"I missed you too, now we can finally be together."


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