《May I Have This Dance // DNF》five


Dear Dream,

I always look forward every midnight to see you, I always love seeing your smile when I go down to see you (even if you don't help me). I'm starting to realize when I'm not with you, I miss you. Maybe we should spend more time together, and maybe I'll take that kiss next time.

Sincerely, George

I look at the letter for a bit, then fold it up and put it into an envelope. I walk down stairs and sneak down to the stables. Wilbur is cleaning up the barn, he looks up and sees me walking to him and he smiles.

"Well it isn't George,"

"Hello Wilbur, long time no see."

"How do you do?"

"I'm well, how about you?"

"I'm great. What brings you to the stables?"

"I want a favor,"

"What do you need?" Wilbur leans on the wooden pillar.

"Is it possible you can take one of the horses and deliver this letter to Dream?"

"Dream, I got you. I'll try to deliver this letter by tonight,"

"Thank you so much, Wilbur."

Wilbur nods and goes over and starts to get a horse ready to ride. I walk away and when I come back and I see that Willow is back.

"George, finally good to see you." My mother says with a smile. I smile back and try to hide my nervousness. She wants something from me, I look over and see Willow standing there with a smile.

"Willow! It's great to see you."

"George, I'm glad to see you again."

"So, what brings you here?" I bite the inside of my cheek nervously.

"Well since you guys are planning to get married, I think you both should go into town. Make a statement." She squeezes my arm.


"I'm up for that." I say with a smile. She releases some pressure.

"We can go now,"

"Of course, let me get freshened up really quick." I went upstairs into my room, I shut the door and sighed. I could feel my heart ache knowing I'm not going to be with Dream. I take a few breaths and get ready by fixing my hair and put on my crown.


"Are you excited honey?"

"Yea, yes. Of course."

"You seem tense,"

"No, no. I'm fine dear."

She holds my hand and she gives me a soft smile. I smile back and we arrive at the town. I look out the carriage window and see people surrounding the streets. We come out and people are talking and some are cheering. I smile and wave and so does Willow. We walk around of a bit, talk to some people, and look around the shops. Willow is holding my arm close while we both look around the town.

"I didn't expect to see you both here." I recognize that voice, it belonged to Dream.

"Hello Dream, it's nice to see you here." I say with a smile.

"What are you both doing it here?"

"We're just looking around."

"We are," I laugh. I could feel the tension rising, Dream looked jealous about something.

"So are you guys dating or?"

"I guess we are." Willow laughs then kisses me on the cheek, my heart sinks. Dream's smile dropped.

"Well it was really nice to see you guys, I'll see you soon."

"Great to see you." Willow says with a smile. I bite my lip and try to keep the tears back.


It's night time and Dream should have gotten my letter, I'm waiting for him but he seems to never show up. I go outside my window and start to walk to a place that he's most likely at. I walk a bit and I made it, to the hill. I look over and see Dream looking out and he sitting while resting his chin on his knees. I walk closer and he doesn't acknowledge me.


"Dream?" He finally looks at me and his eyes are glossy. His look tears my heart apart.

"Yes?" I sit next to him and he looks back out to the horizon.

"I know you don't want me here-"

"Then why are you here?"

"To make things right."

"How's that going to happen?"

"By apologizing," I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you the whole thing about what ever the hell is going on with me and Willow. I really am."

"I don't accept," He stands up and I see my letter that was he was previously sitting next too. I look back up at him and he's walking away from me.

"Dream wait." I say running up and pulling him back by the shoulder, he immediately pulls his shoulder back away from me.

"George, just quit it. Okay? You don't need me anymore, you have Willow."

"Do you think I really want her?"

"Well, you're dating according to her."

"According to her."

"Exactly and I'm guess you both are already planning the wedding."

"Dream you don't understand."

"Yeah, I clearly don't."

"Why won't you listen to me?"

"I just don't want to hear what you have to say." I make him look at me.

"You love her, not me." My heart starts to race and I close my eyes and kiss him. I could feel him become very tense, then relaxed. I pull away and I start to regret about what I did.

"I-sorry, I wasn't thinking-"

"Don't think." He pulls me into another kiss. I was shocked yet so happy. He pulls away and I look up at him. He smiles at me and strokes my cheek.

"So you really do love me."

"Oh shut up." I say turning away and he laughs and walks me back home.

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