《May I Have This Dance // DNF》four


TW//Mention of abuse

I wake up happy about last night.

It look at the flower and smile to myself, I head downstairs and my parents seem to be waiting for me.

"Good morning George." My mother said with a smile. "You seem to be in a good mood."

"I am." I say with a smile.

"I'm glad," My father says. We eat breakfast together and we actually get through a whole meal without arguing about something.

I go upstairs and I start to read one of my new books that I bought, I flip through the pages while sitting on my windowsill. I hear a knock on my door and I look up to see Wilbur standing there with a smile.

"Wilbur, it's good to see you." I say smiling.

"Good morning George, I have a letter that is addressed to you."

"You do?" He hands me the letter, and I inspect the envelope. "Who's this from?"

"Dream, I believe." I nod and start to look at the wax seal.

"Thank you Wilbur, I'll start to read it."

"I'll leave you to it."

Wilbur leaves my room and I open the letter. I started to read it.

Dear George,

Thank you so much for an amazing night and I want to be honest with you. I can't stop thinking about you, you always are on my mind. I hope that you're still taking care of flower that I picked for you late last night and in all honesty we need to more late night garden walks together. How about we do it tonight? I know if you're up for it if you show up.

Sincerely, Dream

"What are you reading?" I look over and my mother is standing at the door.



"It doesn't look like nothing, it looks like a letter. Who's it from?" she starts to move closer to me.

"Just Dream,"

"Dream." She hisses under her breath. "What did he write about?"

"Just wedding ideas." My mouth was dry.

"Well, I'll just read it." She reaches for the letter and I panic.

"Stop!" I yell. I look up at her and she looks a little shocked.

"Fine," She walks out of my room.

My heart starts to slow down, and I look outside my window to the trees standing tall and still in the sunlight. I sigh and look back at the letter. Midnight, just to see him.


I was on the roof, but this time I was able to get down myself; I look up to see Dream with a surprised look on his face.

"So you were able to get down yourself?"

"Yes, I bet you're wishing that you helped me down."

"That may be true," I start to walk towards the garden and Dream trails after me.

"How's your whole family situation?" Dream asks. I hesitate.

"It's okay," I say quietly. I look down at the grass while walking on it. There was a small warm breeze that made the grass flow with the wind, I look back up at Dream and his hair flows with the wind.

"You know, we can do this every night. To keep your mind off things of course." He says in a low tone. He moves closer to me and brushes the hair strands covering my forehead.

"I would like that," He glides his fingers down my cheek and eventually they stop at my chin. He parts his lips, he moves closer in what felt like a slow motion and his eyes look at my lips. I feel my heart skip a beat; He moves his face closer to mine and closes his eyes, so do I. I feel his breath on my lips then he stops moving. I open my eyes to see that Dream was moving the opposite way from me.


What a tease.

"Let's continue to walk," I frown. I really wanted it to happen, I really did. We walk upon another open grass field, it was on top of a hill and it was a little farther from my castle. You can look out upon the horizon and see faint lights through a bit of fog; it was peaceful.

"I rarely bring people here," Dream says striking up a conversation to avoid the awkward silence. He sits down and I sit next to him.


"I don't know, I guess it's a really special place in my heart. When I was younger, my father and I would always come to this hill and he would teach me how to fence." He lets out a small laugh. "That was years ago,"

"That's really sweet."

"I kind of miss it,"

"Why can't you still do it now?"

"Well, my biological father passed away when I was eight years old. He was very sick and he wasn't able to do anything because of how much the sickness made his body tired. I felt like I lost my best friend when he passed, my father's death hit hard especially for my mother. She took it the hardest; eventually she remarried but her new husband treats me so badly."


"He holds this expectation of me being the perfect prince and son. If I don't up hold them, he would hit me. As hard as he can. I always try to avoid him whenever I can, but at the end of the day I know it was just my fault."

"No, no, no. Don't say that. It's not your fault, your step father just doesn't know how to contain his anger. I promise you, I'll always be here for you."

He look towards me and I pull him into a hug, he lets out a shaky breath. I squeeze him and I can feel wet drops onto my shirt, he was crying. I close my eyes while rubbing his back to comfort. He buries his face into my shoulder, and I just hold him close.

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