《Jockstraps to Bra-straps》Chapter 13


Notes: Edited by Fetusfluid69.

Eijiro took his parent's rejection hard. The day after our parent's meeting he spent most of the day in his room. He came up to mine sometime late afternoon, he curled up on my bed pulling me with him. He was quick to place a hand on my belly rubbing it and holding me tight.

"Izuku..." He paused. "I love you. Promise me that even if the babies aren't mine you won't leave."

I turned to face him "Eijiro, we made a promise to each other, don't think for a minute that me or Kacchan plan to break it." I said kissing him and pulling him closer "It doesn't who the biological father is, both of you will be great fathers." Eijiro pulled me closer, I could feel the new wave of tears falling from his eyes. We lay like that for a long time, just holding each other. We didn't pull apart until my phone rang; Filling the room with my All Might ringtone 'A phone call is here, a phone call is here.' that at least got a snort from Eijrio as I blushed and moved to go answer it.

"Hello?" I said putting the phone to my ear.

"Izuku my girl, I was hoping you would come meet me and Nezu for a cup of tea. We have quite a bit to talk about... Nothing bad really we just want to come up with a plan so you can stay on track to be a Hero." Yagi said making sure he clarified so I wouldn't panic and overthink the meeting.

"Of course, I will be right over I just need to find Kacchan so he can take over Eijiro duty." I said looking over at the said boy.

"Of course. Please let young Kirishima know 'I am here' if he needs me." I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"I will All Might, I will see you soon." I hung up and turned to see Eijiro now sitting up and looking at me curiously.

"Is everything ok?" He asked moving to the edge of the bed as I moved to sit down with him again.

"Yeah, everything is fine, I just need to leave for a little bit to meet up with Principal Nezu, and All Might. Something about making a plan so I don't fall behind." I gave him a smile. "Let's go find our hot head, and you can cuddle him for a while, don't need him getting jealous." Eijiro chuckled as he nodded, standing up my hand in his as we left the room. Kacchan was luckily in his room, I gave them both a quick peck before heading off to the meeting. I had come to the decision last night that I was going to tell Eijiro about One For All. I just needed to tell All Might first; with the babies coming it was only far that Eijiro knew about my power, Kacchan knew so it was only fair. We would be tied together forever by these children, I wouldn't give them up like Nana had her child; Because of that, he needed to know what was coming.


Reaching the meeting room I could hear Nezu and Yagi talking; taking a deep breath I opened the door and entered the room.

"Ah welcome, come sit Midoryia; I was just telling Yagi here about this wonderful prenatal tea I found for you to try." Nezu said gesturing to the cup that sat beside his own.

"Oh thank you, sir." I said bowing as I sat down next to him, looking across to Yagi I saw a pastel gift bag sitting at his side. He saw me eye the bag and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Here, I know it's early and all but I wanted to get you a little something to show you my support." He said handing me the bag. I opened it, pulling out the tissue paper and placing it on the table. I reached in and pulled out two small All Might onesies; one in his golden age costume and the other the new age. I could feel tears falling down my face as pulled them tight to my chest.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me." I looked up at Yagi. " I'm terrified of all this. I know I have the best support group and amazing partners, but I grew up a guy childbearing and birth was never in my plan, let alone a teenage pregnancy. If this was ever to happen.... I wanted it to be on my terms. Not forced upon in this way." I couldn't stop the tears even if I wanted to at this point. "I feel like I've let everyone down; That I let you down All Might. I feel like I should have done more to prevent this; that I should have been stronger." I stopped unable to talk anymore over my tears. I felt Nezu's paw on my leg and looked over at him.

"Now I don't want to hear that kind of talk if anything it was I who let you down my dear. I should have been more diligent about security. You are one of the strongest and most promising students in this school, and it is my goal to help you through this. To start I think seeing a therapist would be helpful." Nezu said handing me a tissue. Yagi was nodding in agreement.

"Nezu is right young Izuku, we are just as much as responsible for all this. We have already made arrangements for your floor to remodeled into a place you, Bakugo and Kirishima can all live and take care of the babies. I have a feeling you will need all the help you can get. We have also been working on implementing an on-site daycare. You are far from the first student who has had a teenage pregnancy." Yagi added giving me a small smile.

"Yes, this will make things much easier for those students as well. It's been something I've been thinking about for a while. I want to make sure all my students have the best chance to reach their goals." Nezu said, "Now drink your tea and let's talk about our plans in more detail."


We ended up talking for quite a bit longer than planned and it was dark by the time I got back to the dorm. The talk with Yagi and Nezu had actually made me feel better. I was even given say about how the daycare would look. The renovations on my floor were all planned out already apparently they wanted to surprise me so I was going to stay in one of the guy's room for a day or two. My physical training would be put on hold till after the birth, but I would still be part of it observing and taking notes. The little onesie's in my hand made me happy, it was easy to tell Yagi was excited for the babies, I had caught a glimpse of his phone during our talk, he had an Amazon cart full of baby items ( a lot of items were All Might themed.) I was already planning on having the kids call him Grandpa Might.

Walking into the main room I was greeted by Ochaco and Momo.

"Hey Izuku where have you been." Ochaco said getting up to give me a hug. "Oh what's that?" she pointed to the clothes in my hand.

"Oh, All Might, got me a little gift to show me his support." I said holding them up for her to see.

"AWWW that's so cute!" Momo said as I sat down with them.

"Oh this is nothing, He left his phone on and I saw in his amazon cart. I don't know who is more excited for the babies him or the guys." I laughed.

"Speaking of your two guys, how is Eijiro doing? He seemed really out of it when he and Bakugo came down earlier." Momo said a sad look falling over her face. I looked down at the onesies in front of me and sighed.

"Things didn't go well yesterday with his parents. They tried at first but the babies were the breaking point, not that their support would have lasted any." I said thinking about the hard looks that his parents wore as Eijiro came out to them. They were cold even before we told them about the pregnancy, but once that came out they were icy and unforgiving.

"Oh no, how bad was it." Ochaco said a frown falling over her usually cheerful face.

"My mom is calling a lawyer to become his guardian bad." I took her hand knowing exactly how she was feeling.

"That's awful, it there anything we can do? I can't imagine how he's feeling." Momo said tearing up a little.

"I was actually thinking since we have an extra day off tomorrow we could throw him a little party. I want to show him that he still has family, and people who love him." I said looking between my friends. "My mom and Bakugos parents are coming and I know they would be more than happy to help."

"Oh, of course, I will go make some calls right now, leave all the plans to me and Ochaco!" Momo jumped up pulling her phone out and creating a stack of paper and pen. "I need you to write down your mom's information as well as Bakugo's parents. Ochaco I need you to text Kaminar, Sero and Mina and get them down here ASAP; they are Kirishima's best friends next to Bakugo and Izuku." She stated taking full charge. "You go to him and show him those onesies, I will make sure everything is taken care of." She gave me a warm smile as she shooed me into the elevator.

I smiled as I got off on Bakugo's floor and headed over to his room. The sounds of the T.V. playing came through the door as I opened it and walked in. Bakugo was sitting up back against his headboard. Kirishima was asleep in his lap, a small trail of drooling coming out of his mouth as he quietly snored.

"How did it go?" Bakugo asked as I closed the door, and came over to him.

"It was good, Look what All Might got the kids." I handed him the little onesies. "And expect more, I caught a glimpse of his amazon cart." I laughed as took them from my hand shaking his head.

"So the old guys going to spoil the kids before they are even born." He rolled his eyes handing back to me.

"He also said it was ok to tell Eijiro about One For All." I placed the clothes on his nightstand as I sat down, beside

"Oh, heh. Guess that makes sense; you wanna wake him up and do it now." Kacchan said wrapping his arm around me. I nodded, and we woke him up. I told him about how I was born quirkless and met All Might for the first time, I explained how he trained me and then passed his power onto me. I told him about how All Might's fight and his injury and about One for all the Villain that he saw at Kamino ward. He was shocked but understanding; If anything he relieved knowing the reasonwhy my quirk broke my body when I first started using it. We spent the rest of the night talking and answering questions until we fell asleep.

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