《Calamity Falls》Chapter 2


"Are you ok? How do you feel?" I asked him. "I'm ok but who are you? Who I'm I? And why I'm I here in a casket?" he asked

"Y-You don't r-remember anything?" I gulped. "Well... No" he said getting up from the casket.

"Hey Grandpa. I need your help" I panicked. "Ok but who is this man?" Grandpa pointed at him

"Ok but will they ever regain their memories?" I asked at the edge of my seat. He didn't speak "ANSWER ME GRANDPA" I boomed impatient, startling the man a little. "Honestly, the chances of him regaining his memory is one to a thousand" he frowned.

"I know you're shocked but I can explain everything to you if you'd let me in" I said gently, afraid of her reaction. She nodded hesitantly, her gaze fixed on the man behind me.

"Now, you're telling me there is no way he can regain his memories?" I asked the guy whose name was Samuel. "Well, I don't know. Like my Grandpa said the chances are very low but we can only hope for a miracle" he sighed. "I am deeply sorry" he said.

We just had dinner and now we're in the living room in an awkward silence. "Mom. Who's this?" Lee asked.

"Don't you know? It's you" Daniel said.

"What do you mean?" Lee asked.

"You look alike, can't you see?" Daniel rolled his eyes.

I watched as Lee walked over to Jace as Jace held a horrified look. Lee stood in front of Jace, poking his face. "Are you really me?" Lee asked.

"I don't know" Jace shrugged.

"Or maybe he is an alien" Daniel gasped.

Lee narrowed his eyes at Jace 'Dear God'. "ATTACK!" Daniel yelled and immediately he and Lee jumped on Jace resulting to them falling off the couch unto the floor with Lee and Daniel on top of Jace; they were pulling and tugging his face.

I know I should be concerned but for some reason I found it funny. I laughed so hard I thought I'd die. Mary was rolling on the floor laughing as Jace screamed for help making the situation less better.

I walked over to them, pulling Daniel off as Mary helped carry Lee off Jace. "Thank you" Jace gasped for air making me laugh and almost drop Daniel.

"Die Alien!" Lee said, straining to get out of Mary's hands


"Lee" I warned and he stopped immediately. "Sorry about that" I laughed helping Jace up. My hand tingled as we touched each other's hands making a warm fuzzy feeling settle in the pit of my stomach

He dusted himself then took his sit on the couch. "Ok, now can someone explain what's going on to me?" Daniel said his hands on his hips, tapping his foot repeatedly.

"Calm down big boy. I'll explain" I shook my head in amusement

Then I proceeded to telling them everything and at the end Mary had tears in her eyes while the atmosphere filled up with a choking silence. I bit my lips nervous of what the outcome of what I said might result to.

What surprised me was when Daniel and Lee ran straight into Jace's arms hugging him tightly. "I missed you Daddy" Lee said crying into Jace's shoulders as Daniel cried on Jace's shirt.

I was pretty sure Jace didn't know how to respond so he did what a normal being would've done. Hug the kids and mutter sweet words into their ears.

They eventually let Jace go, wiping their noses with their hands. "It's ok" Jace smiled wiping their tears away making me smile. He looked over at Mary, "I know you want to" he sighed opening his arms wide open as Mary ran to him hugging him tightly I thought he would pass out from the suffocation

Mary detached herself from the embrace walking back to her seat as if nothing happened. 'Teenagers' I rolled my eyes.

"I get that I must've somehow incarnated or came back to life or something like that but can you please explain how my life was before I died" Jace said making me wince at the word *died* as the memory of how he was killed flashed in my eyes

I gulped, explaining everything to him. When I told him we were dating I frowned, there aren't any possibilities he still likes me. I help back the tears daring to pour out and proceeded.

At the end, he held a pitiful look in his face. I knew what it meant but I didn't want him to say it, at least not infront of the kids. "Now that that's it, let me get you kids ready for bed" I said looking at the kids playing beside Jace

"NO. We want to play with Dad" Daniel whined.


"Yes Mom. And we won't leave until we do" Lee nodded.

"But you have school tomorrow. You need to be well rested" I tried to reason

"No! Come on Dad, let's go play with our toys" Daniel said getting off the couch as Lee did the same.

"No boys. Your mom said you should sleep and I agree with her. I promise we'll play tomorrow once you get back from school" Jace said getting down to their level.

"Promise?" Daniel and Lee said in sync.

Sometimes you wouldn't know that Daniel is older than Lee; They have the same mentality of thinking and are so alike. Only if they looked alike then you would've mistook them for twins

"I promise. Now off to bed" Jace kissed them both on the forehead making me smile.

"Let's get your bath ready, shall we?" I said getting up from my seat.

"No. I'll do it for them" Mary said getting up.

"Why? I'll do it" I said.

"I'll do it. You have things to take care of" Mary said, glancing at Jace for a second making me realise what she meant.

"Ok. If you say so" I sighed kissing Lee and Daniel's foreheads

"Come on. I'll show you to your room" I said, motioning for Jace to follow me as Mary went to bath the boys. 'Unfortunately, he has to sleep in the guest room'. I showed him the other rooms as we went down the hall before stopping in front of the guest room which was at least 5 doors away from mine.

"Thanks so much. But can we talk?" he asked as I nodded. He opened the door to the room, walking in as I followed.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I asked as I closed the door behind me.

He sighed, sitting on the bed. "I know what we had before I died was really strong. I can see it in your eyes when you talked about our relationship earlier" he explained looking at me. I gulped "I'm deeply sorry to disappoint you but I don't like you, as before" he said hanging his head low

I inhaled a sharp breath, closing my eyes for 5 seconds before opening them to find Jace studying me with his eyes. "I know. I can't forced you to, it's totally your decision. I'm cool" I forced a smile

"You don't have to lie. I know you aren't cool about this. It hurts, doesn't it?" He asked walking towards me making me back up slowly.

"I'm completely fine. No harm done" I laughed.

He was standing directly infront of me as my back was pressed completely against the wall in fright. I was having a hard time breathing due to our close proximity. You'd think after so long his presence didn't leave me breathless. Well it still does and maybe even more than before, now my heart pounds vigorously against my chest making me wonder if he can hear it or not

"Don't lie" he whispered in my ear as he leaned in close to my ear. I closed my eyes 'What is he playing at?'. I inhaled sharply, unable to speak as I opened my eyes. I cleared my throat pushing him away from me by his chest

I smooth the wrinkles on my dress "I'll leave you to sleep" I said turning to open the door only to feel him wrap his hand around my wrist making fire run through my veins like a fast spreading virus only this time the virus is good for my body but I don't want it to.

I jerked my wrist from him "I'm sorry" I heard him say but I didn't care as I opened the door and slammed it. I walked into my room. Once in, I walked over to my dresser and on it laid some photo frames but one stood out of all

It was a picture of me and Jace on our first date. He had secretly taken a selfie of him and I as I was playing with the baby monkey. I didn't know he did it till he showed me the framed picture of it, unfortunately, days before he died.

I choked as the image flashed in my eyes once again. This as become a recurring thing; Images of how he died flashes past my eyes and of course I have nothing to do about it. The memory was more or less like a broken record in my mind, playing all over again

I sucked in a breath as I dropped the photo then walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I came out wearing this. As I laid my head on the pillow, I ended up in a familiar nightmare I kept having.

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