《Don't Forget You're Mine || Jerrie》25 - 1


A/n: this is the first part of chapter 25! I REALLY tried to avoid splitting up the chapters in order to not ruin the aesthetic, but it looks like I have no choice here. These are getting very long and I don't want them to be hard to read. I wanted to wait and publish both parts together but I'd rather feed yall now, after a week of waiting. Hope you are okay with this change!


It is one of those days Jade is feeling ecstatic and restless as the same time. Christmas is just around the corner, and so is her birthday, and it seems as though everything is falling into place. Jade in South Shields, visiting her mother, and the rest of her family is here as well. Karl and Shireen are chatting on the couch while a Christmas movie is playing on the TV, which Leoni watches, and little Karl is upstairs, playing with his toy cars. Norma is busy cooking in the kitchen when Jade bursts into the room after taking a shower. She had the best day so far with little Karl, and is not planning on letting it go downhill at dinner today. Perrie will be joining them, and Jade wants everything to be perfect.

Jade opens the oven door and glances at the food inside. When she recognizes the dish, Pan Haggerty,

she presses her lips together and inhales. Jade is trying to remain calm as she shuts the oven door and takes a step back so she could look at her mother.

"Mum, why is there cheese in here? I told you Perrie doesn't like cheese," Jade says in a slightly angry tone. Norma moves her gaze from the dough she is currently kneading and sends Jade an unapologetic smile.

"It's your brother's favorite, pet. There's plenty of other food for Perrie to eat," Norma softly says. Jade walks over to Norma and stands by her side.

"But you did make cheesecake for dessert, right?" Jade asks as she crosses her arms. Norma sighs and shakes her head.

"No, I didn't. I thought you said she doesn't like cheese," Norma says with a puzzled expression. Jade holds back the flood of frustration which is threatening to take over her as she tries to explain to her mother what she thought was obvious.

"But she loves cheesecake!" Jade says and takes a quick, deep breath. She is sure she informed her mother of that earlier; but Norma probably ignored it after it was contradicted by Jade's previous words about Perrie's taste. Norma is unsure of how to react, and all she says is that she made a fruitcake, and that Jade should not be this nervous. "Never mind," Jade mumbles and exits the kitchen. She walks up the stairs, where little Karl is sitting on the hardwood floor, surrounded by his colorful toy cars.

He looks up and adorably smiles at Jade before continuing to play. Jade feels her anxiety fading as she watches him. There is not a single thing about her nephew that she does not admire. Little Karl was born just a few months after Little Mix won the X Factor, and came into the world around the same time Jade started her new life. There is something symbolic about that that Jade simply cannot let go of. This little boy's innocence has brought her endless peace in times of madness. He had only known her as a celebrity, but never made her feel like one. He sees her for who she is, nothing beyond.


"Hey buddy," Jade says and earns herself a quick wave from little Karl. He seems focused on playing, so Jade does not want to bother him. She takes out her phone and opens Instagram, then searches for Perrie's account and yet again stares at the photo Perrie posted earlier today. Perrie is supposed arrive by now, and although Jade is stressed out, she is also very excited. She has not seen Perrie for four days now, and cannot wait to give her a proper hug. They will not be spending Christmas together, and tonight is as close as Jade will get to celebrating the holiday with her girlfriend.

As she mindlessly scrolls down her feed, Jade receives a text message from Perrie.

I'm here! <3

Jade's heartbeat increases again, and she swiftly walks down the stairs in order to get to the front door. When she finally is standing in front of the closed door, she takes a deep breath. As she exhales, a wide smile spreads on her face and she unlocks the door.

Perrie is standing at the threshold, and her piercing blue eyes are salient in the dark. She is holding a small bouquet in one hand and her phone in the other, and immediately pulls Jade into a loving embrace. It is only now when Jade truly understands how much she had missed Perrie's touch.

"You brought flowers," Jade quietly says as they let go. Happiness is obvious on her face, and there is nothing that makes Perrie feel better than seeing that.

"Yeah," Perrie replies with a matching smile. She allows herself to kiss Jade's cheek, then continues to speak. "Are they okay, though? I told the guy at the store to get me something pretty and that's what he came back with. I have no idea what these are, so if they stink, please tell me so I can throw them in the trash before I embarrass myself in front of your mum. I really don't want her to hate me," she says whilst looking down at the bouquet.

"I think these are violets, and they're perfect. And you already know that my mum loves you, so there's nothing to be nervous about," Jade advises, although she is properly stressed herself. "I swear she adores you. And you've met her so many times by now!"

"As your friend," Perrie reminds Jade. Both women are now beginning to feel how cold it is outside, and Jade finally tells Perrie to come in and hang her coat on the rack by the door. Jade does not have any more words of encouragement to Perrie as Norma is approaching the two of them.

"Perrie! It's so nice to see you," Norma says and pulls Perrie into a hug. Jade gives Perrie an excited thumbs up behind her mother's back, and they let go.

"It's so nice to see you too," Perrie replies with a slightly hesitant grin. "These are for you," she says and hands Norma the flowers.

"Thank you, pet. They are lovely. Let me find a proper place for them while you meet everyone else," Norma answers as she accepts the bouquet and walks into the house with it in her hand.

"Everyone else?" Perrie whispers to Jade. Jade realizes that she did not tell Perrie that Karl and his family are here as well, because she thought it was obvious, but it does not appear so anymore. Before Jade can explain, Karl is already making his way towards Perrie and her. Jade decides to pretend that noting is wrong in order to avoid any embarrassment.


"Perrie, this is my brother Karl. And Karl, this is Perrie," Jade introduces them. She does not use a title for Perrie because Karl is not aware of their relationship, and at the same time, she does not want to use the word 'friend'. Perrie shakes Karl's hand and they exchange greetings and smiles. Then, Jade leads everyone into the living room, where she introduces Perrie to Shireen and Leoni. All four of them have a light chat when Norma calls them to the table.

"I'll get little Karl," Jade declares and walks a few steps to the stairs leading to the second floor. "Want to come?" She asks Perrie. Perrie nods and they walk upstairs together.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you my brother and his family were coming. I completely forgot about that," Jade quietly apologizes.

"It's okay," Perrie assures her with a small smile. "How much do they know? About us, I mean."

"I haven't told them anything," Jade says. They have made it to the second floor, and use the fact that little Karl is so focused on playing to wait one more minute before calling him and continue their chat.

"Do you want to tell them?" Perrie asks.

"I haven't really thought about it, but we could, I guess," Jade answers, a bit unsure of herself. She imagines the two possible scenarios for this evening; it will either be stressful and scary and all about stealing quick glances and 'accidental' touches, or a carefree, fun evening. "Yeah, I want to tell them," Jade says, more decisively this time.

"Alright then," Perrie answers and proudly nods her head.

"Hey," Jade calls, and little Karl turns his head to look at her. "Do you remember Perrie?"

"Yes," little Karl replies after a few moments of staring at Perrie's face.

"She sings onstage with me," Jade reminds him in a soft voice.

"Hi," Perrie tells little Karl and waves at him. He looks at her for a few more seconds before he picks up a blue car from the floor and curiously touches its wheels. "I don't think he likes me," Perrie whispers to Jade and giggles.

"Give him some time, he will open up," Jade encourages her with a sweet smile. "There's food downstairs, if you want to come eat with us," Jade tells little Karl. In response, he drops the toy car and looks at Jade.

"I'm hungry," little Karl says as he stands up. He runs down the stairs, with his small feet pounding on the hardwood floor as he does so, and with Jade and Perrie walking behind him. When they arrive at the dining room, everyone else is already seated. Jade and Perrie sit in front of Karl and Shireen, and little Karl takes the seat next to Jade, in front of Leoni. Norma is sitting at the head of the table, satisfied to see everyone enjoying the meal.

There is a casual conversation during the dinner, which includes mainly the adults and revolves around getting to know Perrie and sharing memories from South Shields. However, Perrie cannot help but notice how much little Karl loves Jade. He asks her to bring him every plate of food his short arms are unable to reach on their own, tells her jokes and tries to distract her from the conversation with everyone else. Perrie can already tell that she will have to compete with him for Jade's attention throughout the evening.

"Jade, could you please go boil the keetle?" Norma asks after Leoni and little Karl leave the table after dessert. Dinner passed without any remarkable events, and Perrie could not be happier. This is all she wished for. She feels at home with the strong accent and Geordie words, and more than everything, feels welcome. Her feet are sneakily touching Jade's before Jade stands up.

"Sure," Jade replies with a small smile. She kisses Perrie's cheek and gives her shoulder a light squeeze before she walks away. It is only when Jade gets to the kitchen when she understands that these gestures probably will not come off as platonic. She did them out of a habit, since most of the people close to her already know about her relationship with Perrie by now. Panic washes over Jade for a few seconds, but she remembers that she wanted to tell Karl and Shireen anyway, and maybe it does not have to be done directly. Perhaps she will just act as she wishes with Perrie, and let her brother and his wife figure it out on their own.

Jade fills the kettle with water and leaves it on the gas stove, then goes back to the table and takes her seat next to Perrie. There is a conversation going on between everyone, and it warms Jade's heart seeing how easily Perrie fits with her family. Jade does not pay much attention to the words being said, since all she can think about is how insane it is that she can show affection to Perrie if only she decides to. She takes it slow. First, she reaches for Perrie's hand under the table and gently holds it.

The chat turns to the X Factor and everyone's experiences from twenty eleven, and Perrie tells the story of how she first met Jade. Jade could listen to this tale over and over again forever and never get bored of it. She knows Perrie's version of things by heart, since Perrie always the tells the same charming story with the same details. This time, however, it seems as though Perrie is taking a different approach to it. Instead of describing the events leading up to the meeting and how everyone told her that there is another girl from South Shields, Perrie tells about her thoughts and feelings. She says things Jade has never heard so openly before; how truly scared she was, and how she cried to her mother on the phone because she wanted to go home. She talks about how lonely she felt, and about her fear of the judges' critique.

"And then I met this little cutie," Perrie says and giggles as she points at Jade using her thumb. "And she made everything so much better, because was just as terrified as I was. She was the prettiest girl I have ever seen in my life. I remember being told that she has the voice of an angel, but I was too shy to ask her to sing for me," Perrie continues with a sweet smile. Jade is filled with love and admiration towards her girlfriend, and allows herself to lay her head on Perrie's shoulder.

"Thanks, babe," Jade quietly says as she closes her eyes and smiles. When Norma talks about meeting Perrie's mother for the time, and Jade opens her eyes, she sees Karl and Shireen's looks. They seem a bit confused, but Jade knows they understood. She does not have to say another word of explanation.

Later that evening, Jade and Perrie are upstairs with little Karl. Jade could not wait to hang out with two of her favorite people, and took the first chance she had to bring Perrie upstairs. Jade, Perrie and little Karl are sitting together at a children's sized table, and Jade resists the urge to tell a dirty joke about Perrie's bottom not fitting into the chair.

"Do you want me to draw?" Perrie asks after little Karl hands her a piece of paper and a green crayon.

"Me," little Karl replies and points at himself. He brings himself a paper and a crayon as well, and sits at the table.

"Oh, you want me to draw you? Okay," Perrie tells little Karl. She attempts to copy his face onto the paper as best as she can using a single crayon. The smile does not leave Jade's face as she watches Perrie draw. "Done!" Perrie declares after a few moments. She shows her piece to little Karl, and he stares at it before mumbling a quiet 'good'. Jade and Perrie laugh at his response and Perrie apologizes for her drawing skills. Little Karl stays silent, then drops the crayon he is holding and shows his finished drawing, which is supposed to resemble Perrie, to Jade and Perrie.

"That's amazing!" Perrie says and puts her right hand on her chest in admiration.

"Perrie's very pretty, right?" Jade asks little Karl, and makes Perrie smile and roll her eyes.

"Yeah," little Karl replies and places his drawing back on the table. He turns the paper over and picks up the green crayon Perrie had previously used.

"Thank you," Perrie replies and giggles.

"You can be my girlfriend," Karl tells Perrie without lifting his eyes from the page.

"I'd love to! But you have to ask me first," Perrie playfully replies.

"It's a little too late for that, buddy," Jade chimes in. Little Karl looks up at her with curious eyes, and she wraps an arm around Perrie's shoulder. "She's already my girlfriend. See?" Jade asks and kisses Perrie's cheek. Perrie smiles, and as little Karl looks back down and continues to draw, she sends Jade a questioning look. No matter how good things might seem, they still have to be careful. Jade mouths back saying that he's three, he doesn't understand and laughs. Perrie joins in as little Karl watches them.

"Write Perrie here," little Karl orders Jade and hands her his paper and crayon. She does as she is told and returns both to him, and he draws a heart next to Perrie's name and sloppily writes Karl beneath it.

"Is this for me?" Perrie asks as little Karl hands her his drawing. Perrie cannot hold in her laughter as she reaches out to accept it, but Jade is quicker than her and takes the drawing instead.

"Sorry, buddy. I don't share," Jade says and shrugs her shoulders.

"Jade! Don't be mean," Perrie playfully says and snatches the drawing from Jade's hands. "This is lovely, thank you for making this for me. I'll hang it in my house when I get back," Perrie assures little Karl. "Can I have a hug now?" She asks and spreads her arms out. Little Karl shyly nods, then walks over to Perrie and wraps his arm around her. Jade is wearing the widest smile she is able to form as she watches Perrie adorably pet little Karl's back.


"How's Christmas with your dad?" Jade asks Perrie. She is sitting on the bed at her childhood bedroom and talking to her girlfriend on the phone. As she does so, the smile does not leave her face. It was only twenty four hours ago when Perrie came here to meet Jade's family, but Jade already misses her a lot. Knowing that Perrie is only a couple of streets away is the hardest part, but Perrie has not told her family anything about Jade yet, and it would be too odd for her to come to Perrie’s house as a friend so close to the holiday.

"Jonnie and I forgot to get presents for dad and Caitlin," Perrie says with a light laugh. "So we bought some wrapping paper, looked around the house and picked out a few things my dad probably doesn't know he owns. We wrapped them up, and added notes, and we put them under the Christmas tree. No one noticed anything so far," Perrie explains.

"That's great, babe," Jade replies with an amused grin. "I just hope they won't be disappointed when they open them up."

"Oh, I'm not worried at all about that," Perrie replies. "My dad doesn't really care about this stuff, and Caitlin got a few pairs of men's socks so she will be fine. I think I'll invite Ellie and her to go on the vacation I'm planning on January with me. I'm going to pay for everything, so it's going to be my late Christmas gift."

"Yeah, you should do that. The three of you are going to have fun together," Jade answers. She feels a little pinch in her heart as she realizes that while they are going to enjoy their vacation, she is going to be in Paris with Jed.

"Tell your mum thank you for yesterday. I had a lot of fun," Perrie says in a sweet voice after a short pause.

"I will," Jade promises. "I really miss you," she says.

"I miss you too," Perrie replies, and Jade can perfectly picture the soft look in Perrie's blue eyes as she says those words. "I got to go, but we'll talk later, okay?"

"Okay, baby," Jade assures her. Perrie reminds Jade that she cannot wait to see her at her birthday party, and then hangs up the phone. Jade closes her eyes as she lets Perrie's loving words sink in, but opens them when Leoni's loud voice sounds.

"You have a boyfriend?!" Jade turns around to see Leoni standing at the door, he mouth open in surprise. Jade feels herself getting nervous. Her heart is racing, and her cheeks are blushing. Luckily, there is only one correct answer to that question.

"No, I don't," she tells Leoni as calmly as she can.

"Um, yes you do," Leoni firmly replies and walks into the room.

"I swear I'm not lying," Jade insists as Leoni sits next to her on the bed. "Why were you even eavesdropping, huh?" She teases her niece.

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