《fanboi | taekook》013


The next morning Taehyung woke up with a painful headache, with 8 empty soju bottles around him.

He can't remember that he drank that many, but that probably explains why he can't remember anything. He was going to check the time, like everyone do right after they wake up, but he was just met by a black screen. 0 percent.

'I wish drunk me were smart like sober me' he thought to himself, until he decided to charger his phone, like he wished drunk Taehyung could do for him.

Taehyung walked downstairs to get himself some food, but he also found the clothes he wore yesterday spread over the floor.

He wondered why he was literally freezing to death.

He picked up his grey sweatpants and jacket from the cold floor, and quickly got dressed also walking towards the kitchen.

He later found out that he should take painkillers, because he didn't notice that he had a painful headache. But when he finally found the painkillers and deep throated one of them, obviously, down his throat;; he could make himself some breakfast.

Taehyung quickly made himself some chocolate milk, with milk and chocolate powder. When he was done mixing it together in a huge bowl, he added cereal as well. Why? He saw it on YouTube that they do something like that in France- or something.

He grabbed the bowl, with the unhealthy breakfast, and quickly walked upstairs again, only to find that his phone has 28 percent already and unread messages from his favorite idol.

He didn't know if he should be happy, panic or fanboy like crazy. Alternative two would fit him perfect at the moment.

The boy checked the messages Jungkook sent him.

Yesterday, 8pm

Are you okay?

Why are you drunk so early???

SCRATCH THAT;; why in the world are you drunk anyway???


Did something happen??

Why don't you answer my messages?

I'll call you, hold on

The messages stopped there, so Taehyung checked if he had any missed calls, which he didn't.

"OH MY GOD DID I??? OH MY GOD NO" at this point he planned out his trip to Svalbard.

Taehyung did a lot of mistakes in his life, like accidentally calling Jungkook.

Taehyung heard coming from his phone.

"when did I call you? Why am I like this?"


"What? Yes, I'm okay?"

"because I'm home alone, and I wanted to do something new"

"why? did I do something?"


"what about our conversation?"

Jungkook stayed quiet, which confused the other.




It took Taehyung some good 5 minutes to open their conversation, he was scared.

When he found the picture, he decided that he's moving to Greenland and stay there for the rest of his life without any electronic.

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