《fanboi | taekook》012


"I still can't believe you invited Jeon Jungcook to eat dinner with us" Taehyung said to his mom, even though it's a while ago since the whole thing happened.

"I can't believe I invited Jeon Jungkook either, but how am I supposed to know that's he's an idol?"

"wasn't my whole room enough?" Mrs.Kim rolled her eyes.

"by the way, I'm hanging out with my friends this weekend"

"why do you sound like a teenager girl? Stop mom"


Taehyung would never do this, but since he was home alone, he decided to buy the Korean vodka, soju.

Jungkook and Jimin watched videos on Jungkook's phone, like they always would do when they have breaks. The two boys were currently watching a video from their favorite YouTuber, ironically and mainstream as it is, Pewdiepie.

Until, "did I see a notification from Taehyung? With a heart?" Jimin asked the younger, but before Jungkook could explain himself, Jimin snatched the phone out of the others hands "oh my god! You actually got his number?!"

When Jungkook could finally understand the whole situation, he tried to get his phone back, but failed.

"Uhm, I think he's drunk" Jimin said with a little bit blush spread over his pale face, and finally decided to give the phone back. Really awkwardly.

"drunk?" Jungkook questioned, but soon understood what the other meant.

JUN cook



;) im hme alon

COME [insert misspelled address]


have s oju deliceous


wanta see ;)


ily nd mor than idol

Read 7:56 pm

Jungkook didn't know how to react to that.

"Jungkook, why are you blushing?" Namjoon asked and was about to look at Jungkook's phone.

"No! This is mine, don't look!" Jungkook yelled in embarrassment, since he realized what he just said. "I'm too innocent for this" he mumbled to himself.


"Did you just say that Taehyung's dick is yours?" Jimin asked, with a smirk. He gotta embarrass the younger busan boy, it's important.



"Taehyung's dick?" Namjoon and Seokjin said at the same time, Namjin much.

"I don't know what he's talking about!" Jungkook tried to defend himself, but got spammed with messages again. From Jimin.

You need


"Jimin hyung, why?" Jungkook asked Jimin, who's laughing his ass at the moment. Because of his own lame joke. "It's not funny! It's an old joke please"

"What joke?" A wild Hoseok appeared.

"The jisoos joke" Jungkook said, and Hoseok's sunshine face turned into a disgusted Kim Kardashian face.

"But it's funny!" Jimin pouted, but started to laugh when he thought about it again.

bby dnt ignor ;(

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