《Wake Up Δ Walker》chapter twenty


Stella parks at school, Todd sitting outside and he waves when he spots them. Stella smiles and waves back at him.

"Wearing mom's necklace again?" August notices Stella fiddling with the piece of jewelry.

"Yeah, um... Colton found it." Stella says, smiling. The twins share a look at her big grin.

"You got to tell Todd." They declare.

"What?" Stella asks.

"Come on, you said Colton's name, and you did that thing you do with your-your face, your cheeks or whatever." August says.

"Smile?" Stella chuckles.

"You don't smile like that with Todd." Janie states.

"I smile how I smile.. This is just the way my face moves." Stella argues.

"No, you have different smiles. You have the giddy smile, the sad smile, the, uh, hiding your pain smile, uncertain smile, little siblings are annoying smile, "I'm about to kill you" smile. You have a lot of smiles." Janie states.

"What's this one?" Stella asks before smiling.

"That would be the "I'm about to kill you" one." Janie states.

"Look, it's not fair -- to either of you." August says.

"I know. It's just... it's not that easy." Stella says.

"Just rip it off, like a Band-Aid." August says. Todd walks up and stands in front of the car. August gets out. Janie leans forward and kisses Stella on the cheek.

"You got this. If we need it later, there's two pints of ice cream in the freezer." Janie whispers before getting out.


Janie and Peter get out of the back of the truck, staying away from Stella and Colton.

"Stel." August calls from the backseat. "You seriously only brought SPF 15? It's like zero coverage." He gets out of the truck. "All right, with this I'm either bronzing or I'm burning. You know, it's a fast ride to burn."

"You know, if you're so worried about how much SPF you have, maybe you should task yourself with bringing it. I mean, you are fifteen, you're old enough, right?" Janie asks.

"I agree with her." Stella says.

"She's the one with the license." August grumbles.

"Hey, Augie, you said you were meeting a friend here, right?" Stella asks.

"Oh, God, please, say yes. I don't want him either." Janie comments.

"You know, you're really mean." August tells her, Janie grinning.

"Do you think maybe you should go meet her?" Stella asks.

"All right, all right, I'm leaving. Whatever." August says.

"Hey, Augie!" They hear Rieger call out, making her way over to them. August slides the hat off his head.

"Uh-huh. Go be with your friend." Stella smirks. "And I'll see you guys at the trail cutoff at 4:00." She tells her siblings.

"Trail cutoff -- 4:00. Bye." Janie grabs Peter's hand, dragging him off.

"So, do you really like hiking?" Peter asks.

"It's not my favorite thing. Or even in the top ten. But... I don't know, my mom liked to do it. Would drag me kicking and screaming." Janie laughs a little. "I ended up not always completely hating it. Do hate the heat, though."

"Guess living in Texas kind of sucks, then." Peter chuckles.

"Oh, yeah, definitely." Janie nods and laughs.

"I don't know. I just... Stel does it cause of mom and so between them, I... part of me just feels like I should hike... so I do. And maybe one day when I have kids I'll take them camping or something and not totally despise it."


"So your mom liked camping?" Peter asks.

"Actually, according to my dad, not really. She just liked time with us." Janie says.


The twins, Peter, and Rieger are at the trail cutoff, waiting for Stella and Colton. The twins are trying to contact Stella, but don't have service.

"Ah, damn it. Stella, how are you this late?" August grumbles.

"You've been saying that for half an hour, and you still don't have any bars." Rieger says.

"Well, she should've answered by now." Janie snaps.

"Okay, you know what, maybe she just got overly ambitious on a trail." August says.

"Or they're off sucking face, and super don't want you guys around." Rieger adds.

"Definitely did not need that image." August says.

"Or they're in trouble. Hurt, brink of death, already dead." Janie lists.

"We're supposed to meet everyone at the Continental Club, and we're already gonna be late." Rieger says. "I'm gonna go." She stands up. "Are you sure you want to stay here?"

August seems to consider. He looks at Janie, seeing the worried look in her eye for Stella.

"I'm sorry, I really have to go find my sister, mostly so I can kill her for this." August says.

"Okay, Augie, good luck." Rieger leaves.

"I can stay." Peter offers.

"Um... no, no, Pete, you can go. I just-- we were supposed to meet them, too, and I'm sure it's nothing. Augie and I got this." Janie assures.

"You sure?" Peter asks and Janie nods. Peter kisses her cheek before leaving.

The twins start to walk, continuing to try to get bars.

~ ~ ~

The twins are still walking around and calling out for the couple.

"Colton, Stella, your rescue party is here and..." August trails off as they come to a dead end. "Lost."

"And I'm the directionally challenged one." Janie mumbles, rolling her eyes.

~ ~ ~

They're by water and calling out for the two still.

"August! Janie!" They hear a guy yell out. Janie turns to see Denise and Dan.

"What the--" She's cut off as August slips on water, instinctively reaching out and yanking on Janie's wrist. Janie helps as she falls on her back.

"Help! Help!" August yells.

"Augie! Janie!" Denise shouts, he and Dan rushing over.

"Janie! August!" Dan shouts.

"Help!" Janie shouts, feeling August keep a tight grip on her wrist.

They both shriek as they fall down the waterfall and into the water. Janie breaks the surface, coughing a bit, and fighting against the rough water.

"Augie?" She looks around for him, watching him come above water.

"Janie, August, hang on!" Dan yells. "I'm coming! Hang in there!" He yells as the two call out for help, both trying to stay afloat.

Dan jumps in and manages to get to both of them.

"I got you. I got you." Dan assures. "I got you. Turn over on your back. Both of you."

"You have both of us?" Janie asks.

"Yes. Just turn on your back." Dan says and she does so, August already on his back. "Kick. Kick, kick." He tells them. "Kick." They get to shore and Dan manages to drag them both onto land.

"Are you guys okay?" Dan asks.

"What are you doing here?" August asks. "Actually, you know what, who cares? I'm glad you're here." He says as Denise rushes over.

"Are you guys okay?" She asks, sitting next to Janie. "Look, your sister called, she could be in trouble. Do either of you know where she is?"


"Look, we were supposed to meet here at 4:00. She and Colton were late, so we headed here. I-I know where they're headed." August says.

"Okay, let's go." Denise says. She helps Janie to her feet while Dan helps August up, the four rushing to the truck.


The ambulance loads Colton up and Denise gets in as well before it drives off. The second she sees Stella, Janie breaks into a run towards her.

Janie crashes into the redhead, both of their arms wrapping around each other.

"Dude, I thought you were dead." Janie mutters.

"I'm okay." Stella quietly assures.

Abilene catches up, the others not far behind, and Abilene hugs both of the girls, kissing Stella on the head.

"I'm fine." Stella assures as Abilene breaks away, but Janie stays attached, having been terrified about the possibility of losing another family member. "I'm just... I'm really sorry about all this."

"Oh, it's fine, sweetie. We just... we're just glad and happy that you're okay." Abilene says. Janie pulls away from the hug, the sisters rewrapping their blankets around themselves. Janie leans against her sister, her head resting on Stella's shoulder.

"Stella Walker. That was some real grace under fire back there." Angela states.

"It's mostly just what coach taught me." Stella says, looking at Trey. "Thank you for everything." She tells Angela. "He's gonna be okay, right?"

"Yeah, I... I think so. Because of what you did." Trey says.

"Mm-hmm. Cass here knows how to get ahold of me. If you ever want to fly with us, don't be a stranger." Angela tells the teenager. "That goes for you, too." She quietly tells Trey before walking away.


Janie grabs two pints of ice cream out of the freezer and two spoons before going up to Stella's room. She knocks on the open door, the redhead looking up from her phone as she lays in bed.

Janie smiles and holds up the two ice cream pints. Stella lets out a quiet laugh and nods. Janie practically jumps onto the bed making Stella laugh.

"Here you go." Janie hands her a pint and a spoon.

"Thank you." Stella sits up, taking the two items.

"You sure you're okay?" Janie asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. Ice cream and watching TV with my little sister help." Stella smiles.

"Then, cheers." Janie grins, clinking her spoon against Stella's.


The Walkers, aside from Cordell, are outside of the ranch and waiting for the grandparents to go in. As they walk towards the kitchen door, Gale opens it.

"Hey, there y'all are. You find us okay?" Gale asks. Janie rolls at her eyes at the woman's joke.

"Yeah, we were-- we were just--" August starts.

"She's kidding, August." Abilene tells him.

"Oh, and you brought things. You shouldn't have." Gale says. "Um, Geri is, um, whipping up a salad. Yeah, family recipe."

"For salad?" Bonham questions.

"How do you have a family recipe for salad?" Janie quietly asks, her and Bonham sharing a confused look.

"So, I..." Liam holds up a couple bottles of wine.

"Oh. That was really thoughtful, Liam, thank you." Gale tells him, taking the bottles.

"I-I didn't know whether or not to pick white or red, but it felt like the situation called for wine." Liam says.

"Where's Cordell? Protesting?" Gale asks.

"Uh, no, he's at work. But he'll be here soon. Uh, where's Dan?" Liam asks.

"I sent him out to get ice, but he'll be back." Denise says.

August and Janie walk over to where Stella and Colton are.

"Okay, are you two sure this was a good idea?" August asks.

"Well, we can't all be scared to be in the same place the rest of our lives." Colton says.

"Agreed. But, I mean, look, you two get to go off to college and escape. Janie and I have to stay back and deal with these guys." August says.

"Yeah. The-The passive aggressiveness, the subtle shade throwing, the little fight breakouts, the constant hatred." Janie lists.

"Look, just... let me take the lead on this." August says.

"There's no leading. We just want to sit down at a nice meal to show everyone that it's possible." Stella says. "It's gonna be great." She says, Bonham humming in disagreement as he passes.

"Hey, gramps." August follows his grandfather.

"I vote somebody's dead by the end of dinner." Janie comments before walking off.

~ ~ ~

"Y'all, dinner's ready." Gale calls out. They all get to the table, Bonham and Gale going for the same chair, Abilene and Denise also doing so.

They awkwardly stand around, turning at footsteps, Dean walking in with two bags of ice.

"Uh, we sitting?" Dan asks.

"Please." Gale invites. Everybody sits down, Abilene winning in getting her chair, but Bonham loses to Gale. They all start to dish out the food and get their own helpings, the adults pouring their wine and all manage to have small conversation that doesn't involve ripping each other's heads off.

"Well, I-I'd like to make a toast." Gale announces. Abilene, who just finished chugging her wine, rushes to refill her glass. "To... new beginnings and... family. To us."

During dinner, August does one of his magic tricks, everybody applauding at the disappearing card trick.

"Mmm, the spice is really good. Is this dry rub?" Liam asks.

"Uh, a little mixture I whipped up. Happy to share it with you." Dan says.

"The grandparents don't look all that great at this nice meal." Janie whispers to her sister who shushes her.

"Oh, well, this is great." August says. "Look at you two. This is nice. Right, gramps? This is pretty nice." He mumbles the last sentence.

"You quite all right, son?" Bonham asks.

"You know what? I forgot the mint in the salad. I'm gonna go cut some now." Geri says, getting up. "I'll be right back." She says, walking out.

"I thought you took out the garden beds, Gale." Abilene says.

"Oh, I did. But that mint just ran wild all over, didn't it?" Gale responds.

"Now, why the hell did you take out that garden, anyway?" Bonham asks, dropping his silverware.

"Here it comes." Janie mumbles.

"It makes no sense -- all those mature plants?" Bonham says.

"Uh, well, just better light, Bonham." Gale says. "You know, just, those trees cast such a shadow."

"Yeah, well, I suppose you'll be taking those out next." Bonham quips, throwing his napkin onto the table. "So..." He scoots the chair out, standing up. "Excuse me a moment." He walks out.

"Well, this is nice." Colton mumbles.

"Great plan, guys." Janie quietly tells the couple, a sarcastic smile on her face.

"Okay, wait, so can you-- can you just walk me through the beginning, the morning of the race?" Liam inquires. Bonham returned a few moments ago. "Okay, so Denise was supposed to race originally?"

"She wasn't supposed to." Gale says. "She wanted to."

"No, no, I said that I would if it came down to it." Denise states.

"Right, and it did come down to it, so--" Liam starts.

"Oh, Cordell's here." Gale points out, the man and Geri standing in the entryway. "Thanks for joining." Geri sits down in her previous seat.

"Oh, hi, son." Abilene greets. "No, she was busy." She returns to the previous topic. "Remember? Arresting Augie." Cordell quietly sits down, placing a quick kiss to Janie's head when he notices her playing with her earlobe which she does when she's overwhelmed.

"Those actually weren't on the same day." Janie comments.

"No, no, no, it wasn't an arrest." August says. "Besides, Janie's right, that was the day before the race even happened, so it's..."

"Correct." Liam says. "Thank you, August. Very helpful."

"Yes, so helpful." Stella remarks.

"Those-- those are both sarcasm, right?" Janie asks.

"So, you were late to the race because...?" Liam asks.

"I was at work, doing my job." Denise states.

"Right, right. Now, your father, Liam, that was an arrest." Abilene comments.

"Is it really necessary to go back over all this?" Dan asks.

"Yeah, it's-- it's all -- it's all just part of a process, Dan." Liam says. "I mean, it's part of closure, right? I mean, we go back through the steps, we acknowledge what happened. I mean, we discussed this. You agreed to this, right?"

"Wait, you discussed this?" Denise questions her husband.

"Yes, Liam and I tried to find some kind of closure." Dan says.

"Closure? Coming from the man who's been dodging divorce papers for months." Denise bites.

"Mom." Colton says.

Janie is now messing with both of her earlobes and she sinks down into her chair, barely even sitting on it by now.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Denise says.

"Wow." Dan whispers.

"Oh, my God." Denise mumbles. "I mean, I know you want to keep your place in the farmhouse." She quietly sneers at Dan.

"Well, I didn't know I was in danger of losing it." Dan mutters back.

"Hey, mawline, is that your crumble in the oven?" Stella asks. "Because it smells so good." She chuckles, hoping to diffuse the tension.

Cordell looks over and notices Janie's position, gently nudging her arm. She knows he wants her to sit up so she simply shakes her head, still playing with her earlobes.

"And so does everything else at this table." Colton adds, Stella agreeing.

"Why in the hell I ever decided to help you rebuild that barn, I will never know." Bonham says.

"Oh, oh, what? You finally started to rebuild the barn that Cordell burned down?" Gale questions.

"You know, finish it yourself. Fool me once." Bonham glares.

"Can we-- can we just-- can we just circle back to the morning of the race, cause I have a quick question." Liam says, Denise, Dan, Gale, and Abilene's voices overlapping with his.

Janie lets out a quiet whine and covers her ears, shutting her eyes to mentally take herself out of the current surroundings.

"Liam, what is your obsession?!" Denise asks. "What? You think I cut the saddle? Is that what you're trying to say? Cause--"

"Wow, I actually didn't say that, Denise. I didn't say that." Liam says. "But since we're on the topic, why don't you just walk me through exact--" Gale bangs something on the table, shutting everybody up.

"We won." She declares. "Okay, you're still trying to drag us through the mud. You just can't stand that we're here, huh? Then you tried to-- tried to buy us off with-- what was it, Dan? 10 acres?"

"20 acres." Dan mutters.

"Oh." Gale hums.

"What are you talking about?" Denise asks.

"Yes, Liam and I tried to find a solution, and he offered me 20 ac-- he offered us 20 acres." Dan explains.

"Wow, well, I did not know that." Denise says.

"Well, it didn't happen. Right? Didn't happen. I mean, all deals were off once you took in my son." Cordell states.

"Wow." Denise whispers, quietly laughing. "Everybody, wow. What else don't I know?"

"Is there anything you guys want to share with the table?" Liam asks.

"Okay, what? You think 20 acres is a deal?" Gale asks.

"You know, we were trying to help you out." Bonham angrily states.

"You know what, Bonham Walker? You had your chance. You had the chance to give up a sliver of land, but you didn't. Because your pride wouldn't let you. So don't blame me for the situation you got your family into."

"Yeah, well, that sliver of land happened to be--" Bonham starts yelling, a few other voices in the mix.

"Okay, okay, okay! Are we seriously doing this right now?" August asks loudly. "Look, this was supposed to be a celebration, wasn't it? Right? That we didn't all die the other day? That our families were finally working together for once?"

"He's right." Denise states. "You want me to lead you through the events of that morning? Fine. That's the example that you want to set for our kids? Fine. I got up, I went to work. I arrested your father. And I was wrong. I am adult enough to admit that. But it is a shame that you cannot give us a moment of piece."

Denise throws her napkin onto the table, grabs her wine glass, and leaves.

Cordell finally looks back at Janie, noticing her state, her knuckles white from how tight she's gripping onto her hair.

"Excuse us." Cordell gets up. "I'm just gonna... take Janie Bug outside for a bit." He pulls Janie out of her seat and leads her outside. Shutting the door, he gently sits her down in a rocking chair, crouching in front of her.

"Hey. Hey, hey." Cordell gently calls, prying her hair out of her grip. "Breathe, baby girl. All you gotta do is breathe."

"Di-dizzy." She manages to get out.

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