《Wake Up Δ Walker》chapter fourteen


The family are at the Side Step, having breakfast.

"All right, here's the bacon." Cordell announces, walking over to the table his family is sitting at.

"Bring it here." Bonham says.

"I have something, uh, very important to share with y'all. I'm gonna wait until... Uncle Liam doesn't get here." Cordell tells them.

"That doesn't sound ominous." Stella jokes.

"Yeah, who died?" Janie mutters.

"Ooh, "ominous." Yeah. Someone's SAT prep courses are paying off." August says.

"Hey. I utilized "ominous" prior to prep." Stella objects.

"Definitely never utilized "utilize" so they must be paying off." Janie smiles.

"Liam, hey!" Cordell greets as his younger brother walks in.

"Hope y'all didn't wait for me to start eating." Liam says.

"Of course not. I don't have that kinda patience." Janie says, Liam chuckling at her.

"I already got my green juice, though." Liam says.

"I'm sure everyone was worried about that." Janie mutters.

"Luckily, Saturday is my cheat day, so..." Liam reaches for the bacon.

"Hey! Bacon isn't a cheat. It's a lifestyle." Bonham says.

"So, what's the big news, big brother?" Liam asks.

"There-There's a camera hidden in our home." Cordell announces. Janie freezes with the eggs halfway to her mouth, looking at her dad confused.

"Is this like a... like a scavenger hunt?" August questions.

"Did you put in a security system?" Abilene asks.

"How is that a breakfast out worthy announcement?" Janie questions.

"I don't need no stinking security system." Bonham objects.

"You brought me down here for a scavenger hunt." Liam smiles.

"Why can't people just say what they mean?" Stella asks, everybody talking over each other.

"Okay, okay, okay. Stop, stop, stop, stop." Cordell talks over them. "Stop, please. Please, please. Listen." he gets their attention. "What I'm saying is that... somebody or-or-or somebodies, um, broke into the ranch and hid a surveillance camera-- uh, more likely more than one-- in our home, to spy on us."

"When did you learn this?" Abilene asks.

"Last night. After-after..."

"You let us sleep at home after you found a spy camera?" Stella asks. "The day I take my SATs."

"I needed to make sure you were all safe." Cordell says. "And now I'm a step ahead of whoever's watching our home, a-and I can get to the bottom of this. Plus, I have a decent idea of who is responsible."

"I hope the Davidsons are on your list of suspects." Liam says.

"The Davidsons?" Cordell asks.

"Gale Davidson stood right there. She made us out as jerks in front of the entire community at the chili cook-off last night. So it would stand to reason that she would want more dirt on us. What better way to do that than to hide cameras in our home?"

"Yeah." Cordell walks over to his brother. "Hey, Liam. Can I-Can I chat with you for a sec?" The two walk off a small distance.


"I don't need you to add fuel to this dumpster fire of a family feud in front of my kids." Cordell mumbles. "Besides, the person behind this is Serano."

"Oh, really? You know, we never found anything in his warehouse that would suggest that he's using hidden surveillance, okay? That's not his M.O., but it could be the Davidsons' M.O." Liam states.

"They're our neighbors, Liam. They're not some crime syndicate." Cordell whispers.

"Oh, you know what, you know what, you always do this."

"Do what?"

"You always give Denise the benefit of the doubt."

"I'm not giving--"

"Never me."

The two begin to argue.

"Hey!" Abilene shouts, getting them to stop. "Boys. Enough."

"Yeah, mama. Of course, yeah. Yeah." Cordell says, walking back over with Liam. "Um, here's what needs to happen, um... we all have to stay away from the ranch until I figure this out. Yeah? And I will figure this out. I'll-I'll figure this out by going after the people actually responsible. Great, great. Eat up."

"Yeah, no, kinda lost the appetite." Janie mumbles, pushing her food around with her fork.


The security camera issue is over with so now they're safe and the siblings are currently at the dining table, helping Bonham frame a map of the property they found.

"You know, my daddy used to say that maps say more than they mean to." Bonham says.

"Yeah? What do you think this map is saying, grandpa?" Stella asks.

""Sure was dusty in them there walls."" August says in a country accent making the other three laugh.

"You're funny. He's funny. When did he get funny?" Bonham asks.

"Oh, it's a rare occurrence." Stella says.

"Oh, I guess so." Bonham says, going into the kitchen.

The siblings continue working on the frame, Janie not paying attention to her grandparents' conversation.

"We can do it, mawline." Stella suddenly volunteers the three teenagers for chores.

"See?" Bonham says.

"Stella, hey." August quietly calls. "What-what are you doing?"

"I don't wanna work. Since when do you wanna do stuff?" Janie whispers.

"Dad's going to The Side Step later. No one will be home if we invite people over to... help with chores." Stella whispers.

The twins grin in understanding.

"Yes." Stella turns back to their grandparents. "Augie, Jane, and I, we've got it."

"There it is." Bonham says.

Stella turns to her siblings, giving a double thumbs up.


The siblings are standing outside and Bonham, Abilene, and Trey get in the truck, driving off as the siblings wave them off.

They wave and bid goodbye as the truck drives away.

"All right. I invited a couple girls from my classes." August says.

"I invited some of my friends and one might bring her brother." Janie says.

"You invite Todd?" August asks Stella.

"Yes." Stella nods. "And a few other friends." The twins share a suspicious look.

"How many other friends?" August asks.


"Yeah, define few." Janie says.

Stella simply smiles, walking off.

"Okay, this goes south, we're throwing her under the bus, right?" Janie asks.

"She'll just fight back." August argues.

"Right." Janie mumbles. "Well, nice knowing you guys."


Janie is playing horseshoes with a couple of girls from the twins' classes against August, Todd, and one of Janie's friends, Peter.

While August throws a horseshoe, Janie watches Stella whispers something to Todd and he follows her away.

"Wha-- Todd." August calls.

"What, man, you forfeiting?" Peter asks.

"They're heading over to the barn." One of Stella's friends says as the three girls walk up to August and Peter.

"Dude, we were winning! Really?" August grumbles.

"Didn't someone burn alive there?" Faye asks.

"Yeah, but, like, a really long time ago." August says.

"Super long." Janie nods in agreement.

"The bad luck coming from Burned Luck Barn transcends time." Kenzie says.

"The what?" Janie laughs as August scoffs.

"What are you talking about?" The boy asks.

"You guys don't know this?" Kenzie asks.

"Kenzie, it's a myth." Peter says.

"Anyone who steps foot in there, brings bad luck on their entire family." Kenzie says.

"Oh, no. I guess we gotta go save Stella from her doomed fate." Faye says.

"Yeah, let's go see how ridiculous this Burn Luck Barn story is." August agrees, him and the two girls walking off.

"You guys would die first in a horror movie!" Janie calls after them.

"Wanna go?" Peter asks, slightly bouncing on his feet.

"Fine, but if I die, I'm haunting you." Janie says, starting to walk off, Peter keeping up with her.

"Well, what if I die, too?" Peter asks.

"Ahh, I'll just haunt my dad." Janie says making Peter chuckle.


They're at the barn and August -- despite Janie's protests -- starts to climb to the top of the barn.

"August, if this doesn't kill you, I will." Janie says as Stella and Todd rush over.

"August, what are you doing?" Stella protests.

"Don't go up there." Faye says.

"Dad's gonna kill me if you get hurt." Stella says.

"How's the weather down there?" August asks.

"You were just down here, you idiot. Get down!" Janie exclaims.

"Come on, bro, what are you doing?" Todd asks.

"This is ridiculous." Stella says.

"It's fine, it's fine." August assures.

"Come on, get down!" Faye tells him.

"This is crazy! Come on." Stella calls up as August reaches the top.

"You're gonna get yourself killed." Janie says.

"See, guys?" August says, standing on top of the barn. "It's all right, just your average burnt out old barn." He walks back and falls through the roof, landing on the ground.



The group rush to him, Faye and Janie helping him up.

"Are you okay?" Stella and Janie ask.

"Please don't be dead, little buddy." Todd says.

"You good, dude?" Peter asks.

"I told you this devil barn was bad luck." Kenzie says.

"Are you okay? You had us all so worried." Faye says, hugging August.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Yeah." August assures.

"You landed on your right arm, right?" Janie asks.

"Yeah. Why?" August asks.

Janie nods before punching August in his left arm.

"Ow!" August whines.

"Freaking idiot! We told you not to!" Janie says, shoving him a bit.

"I get it, I get it. Sorry." August says. "Wait here." He tells them before walking behind Faye. They watch as he digs under a few pieces of wood and pulls out an old lantern.

"What is that?" Stella asks.

"Why is there a lantern with our family brand on the Davidsons' property?" August asks his sisters, holding the lantern sideways so they can see the bottom of it.


The kids all got back to the party and the girls, Peter, and August are gathered around talking while Todd is helping with the grill.

Stella taps her siblings' arms making them follow her gaze to find their grandparents and Trey.

"Oh, we're dead." Janie mumbles.

Trey leaves and the they hear the grill shut.

"Hey, hey! Party's over! Go! Go!" Todd exclaims, all the teenagers rushing off.

"Call you later." Peter tells Janie, squeezing her hand, before running away.

"Ye-Yeah." Janie stutters, ignoring the blush rising to her cheeks.

"Don't trip and fall and break your necks." Abilene calls out.

"Yeah, Trey told me today so many things about you three that made me proud. Seeing what you've managed to do to this ranch in mere hours. Well, I... I don't feel so proud right now." Bonham says.

Janie avoids all eye contact, messing with her rings.

"Bon, wherever we hang our hats, this will always be home." Abilene says. "It's where you grew up. We raised our boys here. It's a real home. Where the mess lives."

"Damn, Abbie." Bonham kisses her forehead. "All right. Well, you kids better get ready for a whupping. Cause I'm gonna crush you in horseshoes!" He states, taking the horseshoe out of August's hand. "Get on over here! Come on."

The siblings share a laugh, although slightly confused.

"Hey, don't think this game gets you off scot-free." Abilene tells them.

"Oh, so close." Janie whispers.

"You've earned a week of shoveling the stables because you let your friends run amok. Hope it was worth it." Abilene says before going over to her husband.

"Where the mess lives, indeed." Stella says as August pulls out his phone. He chuckles at his phone, getting both sisters' attention.

August tilts his phone in their direction, showing the text from Faye.

"It was totally worth it." August smiles.

"Okay." Stella grins, the three sharing a fist bump, but August winces in pain.

"Your shoulder okay?" Janie asks.

"Yeah, no, it's fine." August says, holding onto his arm.

"Worth it, yet still an idiot." Janie says making August gently shove her with his left arm.

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