《Shadows {Book one in the Coriana Johnson series}》Lots of Confusing Things


"I'll just ask the question that someone should ask at some point ... is this even possible?" I heard someone- Coulson?- say.

My head hurt. A lot. I wasn't quite sure what had happened, but all I knew was that I was in a lot of pain.

"Technically, it's-fourth-dimensional perspective," I could hear Fitz say. I started to be able to pinpoint more of the pain. My left arm hurt really badly, and it felt like it was resting in something- a sling?

"Well, Hermann Minkowski would say yes, for one," Simmons said. Hermann Minkowski? Who? I hadno idea, but I didn't feel like asking. Matter of fact, I didn't even feel like opening my eyes yet. I wanted to figure out what they were talking about first.

"That guy Edwin predicted everything that happened," Daisy said. Predicted? I thought. That doesn't make sense, but I guess I'll figure out later.

"We had a similar experience with Raina, remember?" Lincoln interjected. Again, I had no idea who Raina was, but I wasn't going to ask.

"That's a dumb question," May said. I smiled a bit. It's just what I would expect her to say.

"Okay, got it. So, we all agree it's possible. Now what?" Coulson asked.

"I can change it," Daisy responded. CHANGE WHAT! I yelled in my mind, but for some reason, I continued to just listen.

"No," Fitz said.

"We can reverse-engineer the visions, figure out where this went down, and get there ahead of it."

"Save that poor man," Simmons said with sympathy in her voice.

"You can't. I mean, fourth-dimensionally speaking, is all. If you saw the future, then that's the future," Fitz argued.

"I don't want to believe that. I can't explain how it felt, but it was awful. I felt so helpless. I was inches away from him. I have to save him," So now I was totally confused. What was she talking about? WHO was she talking about.

"Edwin called in with your name for a reason. Maybe you're meant to change it," Lincoln said. Again, CHANGE WHAT!

"And we know what this homeless man, Charles, looks like," Coulson said. So now I knew who they were talking about, just not what.

"And we're running a search," May said.

"If Daisy can remember details about the location and we get there in time, we-" Coulson began.

"Guys, there is no time," Fitz cut him off. "She glimpsed the fourth dimension. Time is an illusion. It's how we perceive the fourth dimension. Simmons." Oh, so they were talking about something to do with time.

"It's mathematics. He's talking about spacetime," Simmons explained. Ok, that's a word I've never heard before.

"How do you ... How can I explain this ? Right. We're 3-D, yeah ? Okay, but imagine ... imagine we lived in a 2-dimensional existence -flat, just like a piece of paper," Fitz said, and I heard him grab something. I opened my eyes a little bit. I saw him placing a piece of paper on a stack of paper. He bent over and I started drawing a diagonal line on the side of the stack. "We wouldn't be able to conceive of three dimensions, of...of...of a...a cube or anything that's not 2-dimensional, okay?"


"Yeah," Coulson said.

"Right, so, we flat paper people would perceive this 3-dimensional cube as many separate 2-dimensional moments. As time passing ... the point on the line traveling through space and time," He continued, running his thumb over the side of the stack so the papers were being flipped as he spoke.

"But, in fact, the cube, the line is fixed," Simmons continued for him.

"Yeah, it's just sitting there. There's no future. There's no past. It just ... It just is. And nothing you can do will change that," Fitz finished.

"You're hurting my brain," May said.

"My head hurts too, but for more reasons than that," I groaned.

"Cori!" Daisy exclaimed and ran over to me.

I sat up and opened my eyes fully.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The explosion flipped the car you were in over," May told me.

"You have a broken arm, several fractures, some deep cuts, and a slight concussion," Simmons explained. "I took care of your injuries."

"Well, that explains my headache," I said, rubbing the side of my head. "Now what the heck were you guys talking about?"

"Well, in a nutshell, it turns out there's this homeless dude who is an Inhuman, and when he touches people, they see a vision. Daisy touched him, and she saw a vision," Lincoln began.

"And she thinks she can change what she saw," Fitz said.

"Change the future? You want to try and change the future?" I asked her, a little uncertain.

"Look, I don't know if Fitz is right or if I even understand what he's saying, really, but Hydra has this guy. And we got to try to stop them. I think I might have a strategy," Coulson said.

"We're all ears," Lincoln responded, turning towards him.

"All we have to do to guarantee that we change the outcome is not let Daisy out of the base," he began.

"What ? No. I have to go help him!" she exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. There she was again, stubborn Daisy.

"The one thing we know for certain is that Daisy was at the center of these visions, whereas May doesn't appear in any of them," Coulson continued.

"Look, I get the logic, but I can handle this myself."

"I'm sorry. May goes instead."

"Coulson...I was meant to save him."

"If you want to try to stop this man from dying, then this is how we're doing it. Understood ?... Lincoln and I will chase down any intel we can on the homeless man. Daisy, remember every detail you can about where this happens, and then we'll send May. No one else goes. I won't pick up a gun until this is finished. And Fitzsimmons will stay out of the dang snow... Are we clear?"

"Uh sir?" I asked.

"What?" He said.

"What about me?"

"You stay here. I think you've had enough time out in the field today."

"I know, but I didn't get to observe anything, except what it feels like be a human pinball. Wasn't observing how a mission works the whole point?"

"Yes, but you need to rest."


"I would just stay with Fitzsimmons!"


"Yes sir," I said reluctantly and sighed.

Simmons had ordered me to stay in bed, but why would I do that?

So, I went to see what Daisy was doing.

I found her in the the lab, talking to Fitzsimmons.

"There- there's a red metal staircase nearby. It's a rooftop, twenty stories, at least. And the light was weird ... maybe a ... a ... a flashing billboard behind me ? I wish I could remember more clearly. They're probably taking him there now... And whatever bad thing happens, I feel like it happens tonight," I heard her say.

She must be describing the vision, I thought.

"Hi," I said, coming up behind them. "What's up?"

"Cori!" Simmons exclaimed. "You're supposed to be in bed!"

"I got bored. And I wanted to see what was going on," I said.

"Let her stay for a little bit. She has the right to know what's going on," Fitz said.

I looked at him gratefully.

"Fine," Simmons said and sighed. "But try not to move around too much."

"Ok!" I said cheerfully.

We heard footsteps behind us and turned to see who it was. We saw May walking towards us.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm trying to find the building. I've retasked the S.H.I.E.L.D. servers to search for keywords we're feeding in," Fitz replied.

"Not all the servers," May said.

"Yeah, all of them," Daisy replied.

"Daisy...." May said, and I wondered why that was so important to her.

"May, if I'm not allowed to go on the mission myself, then I'm sure gonna do everything I can from here," Daisy said.

"Not all of them! Got it?" May snapped and I was taken aback.

She walked away.

I raised an eyebrow.

"She and I have built a similar algorithm to find Dr. Garner, and a number of the servers are running it. We're both understandably desperate to find him," Simmons explained.

"No worries. I'll leave those servers alone," Fitz said.

She smiled and followed May.

"Ok, so, who is Dr. Garner?" I asked, completely lost.

"He- he's May's ex," Fitz began.

"Whoa whoa whoa, let me stop you right there. Ex? May was married? Seriously?"

"Yeah. But, became an Inhuman and he-" Fitz stopped.

"He becomes this bluish, bloodthirsty thing we call Lash," Daisy finished.

"Wait, so he becomes it? Like the Hulk?" I asked.

"Not exactly. He's still what Inhumans call 'transitioning', so right now he switches back and forth, but eventually, he'll change for the last time, and will be like that forever."

"Wow. So...she's trying to find him? Did he- did he kill people?" I asked.

They both nodded.

I started to speak again, but suddenly Daisy noticed someone in the hall. I could see a spark of recognition in her eyes. She stood up and rushed into the hall. I followed her.

There was a woman with short brown hair and brown eyes, wearing a coat standing in the hallway, escorted by SHIELD agents.

"It's you," Daisy said.

The woman sighed, looked at Daisy, and said,

"You touched him, didn't you."

"Charles Hinton's wife. He was a teacher....well-liked, but he walked out on her and their 18-month-old daughter in July," Coulson said, explaining who the woman was as we watched Daisy talking to the woman on a screen in Coulson's office.

"Walked out? Why?" Simmons asked.

Coulson shrugged.

"I guess we'll find out."

"It drove him crazy," we heard Charles's wife say.

"When did it start?" Daisy asked.

"It was a Sunday. We'd just gotten home from the farmer's market, and it started to pour. Charles ran out to the yard to bring our daughter's toys inside. I heard him howl like he hurt himself. I ran out and found him on the ground covered with some kind of....crust. I took his hand...and we saw flashes- random events, ending with a horrific car crash."

"He sees it, too?"

"We just sat there, shocked. But then, leading him inside, it happened again. We saw- We saw my mother in a hospital bed. Code blue."

"So you had to stop physical contact?"

"We thought we were going crazy. But it would happen any time Charles touched anyone. He and that person would both see someone's death."

"A death?"

"That was probably enough to make Charles go mad, but then it got so much worse a few days later when..."

"The visions started coming true....Did he ever try to stop them from happening?"

"Of course! Of course he tried....over and over. That's what sent him over the edge, I guess. He couldn't make a difference...not one. He was powerless."

"Is there any other detail you could share with us that could help? Could you tell us about the bird?"


"Charles carved a little bird- I think it was a...robin- out of wood.

"He did? That's our daughter's name- Robin. Charles left in the night, and he didn't take anything but a jacket. He left because he would never be able to hold his little girl again. At least, not without her crying and screaming and seeing death."

I looked at the rest of them, my face showing sympathy.

"That- that's horrible," I said.

Simmons nodded.

"That poor man- not able to touch his family again," she said.

I looked at the screen again, staring at his wife.

"She said a death," I said.

Coulson nodded.

"Which means that whatever Daisy saw could be his death," Coulson said.

"Or hers," I added.

They all looked at me.

"What? I'm just saying, it could be anyone's. It could even be Lincoln, or Coulson, or Fitz, or Simmons. Or anyone else!"

Fitz nodded.

"She's right. I'm know we want to save this man, but what if saving him means one of us dies?"

"It won't come to that," Coulson said. "We can Charles, we can save him, and we can do it without casualties."

"I sure hope so," I said and left his office.

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