《MOAS ; Coming Home》Purpose In The Machine


As I sit at my desk in my office, I watch my wall computer run a global simulation on trying to find Lincoln as Rosco sits on his bed on my right with his new collar on, and he scratches at it with his left back paw.

"You can scratch as much as you want, it won't come off." I say to Rosco, and he suddenly stops before he looks to my office door, and he begins to bark before running over to it "What is it, bud?" I ask him confused as I rush to stand up, and I run over to my office door and open, and Rosco sprints off into the hallway "Rosco!" I shout as I run after him, and he's heading to the room with the Monolith in.

We then both arrive at the room just as Skye, Hunter, Mack and Morse show up, and we all run inside to see Fitz with glass containment door open as he hits the Monolith with both Fitz, and Rosco stands about twenty feet away from it as he barks at it.

"Fitz! Fitz, get out of there!" I run over to Fitz and pull him out my grabbing his underarms.

"Are you crazy?" Mack asks him as Rosco continues to bark.

"Close it! Close it!" I shout, and they all do so as I turn Fitz to look at me with my hands on his shoulders.

"Damn it, Fitz." I say to him as I run my eyes over his body to check that he is alright as the others close the door, and Rosco immedtaily stops barking.

The Monolith then melts before trying to attack the container it's in, but it soon goes back to it's normal solid state. Coulson then walks in as he straps his left Prosthetic Hand on and pulls his sleeve down.

"I had to know... Had to... Had to know-" Fitz tries to say as I drop my right hand from his left shoulder, but I keep my left hand on his right shoulder as Coulson cuts him off.

"-I already lost Simmons to that thing. I cannot afford to lose you, too." Coulson tells Fitz.

"Trying to get yourself killed?" Hunter asks Fitz breathlessly.

"Sorry. I won't give up. I can't give up." Fitz says teary.

"None of us want to, Fitz, but..." Skye trails off, not knowing what to say.

"Fitz, you tried. Okay? You tried your hardest. Everybody knows that." Morse says to Fitz.

"No. I missed something. I'm... I missed something." Fitz says to us.

"Alright, you missed something. And we're going to get Simmons back, I promise." I promise him.

"Lyra, don't make promises you can't keep." Skye says to me.

"I never make a promise I can't keep, you know that..." I tell Skye before I look back to Fitz "... And I'm not going to start breaking them now. Until my last dying breath, I never break my promises. We will get Simmons back, and I will help you do whatever it takes until we get her standing back right by your side..." I trail off as I wipe something from Fitz' left cheek with my right thumb, and I look at my right thumb to see... Sand?

"What is that?" Fitz asks me confused.

"Proof." I state as I look up at him with a smile, and he smiles back.

After Fitz analysed the sand we found on him Coulson, myself, Fitz, Skye, Hunter, Mack and Morse are in Coulson's office as Fitz shows us the research analysis he found on the sand on the wall computer.


"Sand. Not just sand... Impossible sand." Fitz states.

"The Monolith's case is a clean room. There's nothing in there but that rock. Not even dust." Mack explains to us.

"Unless you blast it open with a shotgun and contaminate everything." Hunter points out what Fitz did to get to the Monolith.

"That's not what this is." Morse tells Hunter.

"Okay, the sand itself... Not unusual. Mostly silicone-dioxide particles just like on Earth." Fitz explains.

"But you're saying this sand is not from Earth?" Coulson asks Fitz confused.

"Sir, carbon dating shows that-" Morse tries to say, but Fitz cuts her off.

"-It predates the Earth by a billion years." Fitz states.

"So you think the rock is a portal?" Skye asks him unsure.

"No. No, I'm proving that it's a portal, okay, to another planet, a-a very old planet... A crack in space-time that carried Simmons away... And carried the sand back. Which means..." Fitz trails off.

"... She's out there." I smile, and Fitz smiles back.

"But it's been months." Coulson states.

"Yeah?" Fitz asks him.

"She could be long gone from wherever this thing dropped her." Coulson states.

"Yeah." Fitz agrees.

"She could be dead." Coulson states.

"Yes." Fitz states.

"But we're gonna find out, aren't we?" Coulson smiles at Fitz.

"You're damn right we are." I tell them.

"Okay, Fitz, what do you need?" Coulson asks Fitz.

"Uh, uh, well, uh, more historical data. People have studied this thing for centuries. I need an expert on quantum mechanics and Einstein-Rosen bridge theory, and a... A sandwich would be nice." Fitz lists, and I smile at his words.

"I might have an idea... About the other things." Coulson tells Fitz before he looks to Skye and Mack "You two, stay with our new Inhuman guest. Be here for Dr. Garner's assessment. Building that team is still the priority." He tells Skye and Mack before they both walk out of the office.

"Lyra-" Coulson tries to say, but I cut him off.

"-I'm on this with Fitz." I tell him.

"Me, too." Morse agrees.

"Yeah, haven't you been on this with Fitz the whole time? Hiding his trip to Morocco, covering for him on a constant basis?" Coulson asks Morse.

"Have I?" Morse asks Coulson playfully.

"You replaced me?" I ask Fitz playfully heartbroken.

"No..." Fitz trails off as he shakes his head before slowly nodding "... Yeah, you ditched us. All of us." He tells me.

"Yeah, I deserved that." I say to him before the both of us and Morse leave.

After Coulson suggested we see to Prof. Elliot Randolph to help us with the Monolith, right now Coulson, myself, Fitz and Morse have flown to Norway and made our way to a prison to find that Prof. Randolph had been arrested for public drunkenness and destruction of property as I carry the Berserker Staff in it smaller form on my belt, and right now we are all standing in front of Prof. Randolph as he sits in his cell reading a book as we have just explained about what we need his help with, getting Simmons back and opening the Monolith's portal without get stuck on the other side.

"I'm sorry. I can't help you." Prof. Randolph says to us as he reads his book.

"Can't or won't?" Coulson asks him.

"Potato, puh-tah-toe." Prof. Randolph says to him.

"And your reason?" Coulson asks him.


"The nightly news, cities flying into the atmosphere, government task forces, and now the public is freaking out about alien outbreaks. Pretty crappy time to be on Earth if you're not a local, so I am staying low. And of course..." Prof. Randolph begins to light-heartedly chuckle "... There is my current situation." He sates as he refers to himself being in prison.

"Destruction of property, public drunkenness?" I ask him.

"Yes, well, Asgardians can generally hold their drink. It's just, well, one night I tried to hold all the drinks." Prof. Randolph admits.

"Asgardians are also strong, you could easily break out." I point out.

"What? And miss dinner..?" Prof. Randolph trails off as he chuckles lightly "... Oh, no. Yes, Norwegian prisons are surprisingly evolved... Decent food, comfy bed, extensive library, and no attention being drawn to me. Come back in a few months, why don't you? Maybe then I'll be in the mood." He explains to us.

"We don't have a few months." Fits states.

"And neither do you. I don't have to remind you that I saved your life, though I did just mention it in case you forgot. But I'd still have no problems contacting those task forces you mentioned. I bet they'd go bonkers to have a real-life Asgardian to dissect in their labs. I don't know how comfy you'd be there." Coulson threatens Prof. Randolph.

"Why, Agent Coulson..." Prof. Randolph trails off as he places his book on a table behind him before standing up "... Are you threatening me?" He asks him as he walks over to the cell bars and places his hands on the bars.

"I wouldn't call it a... Well, yeah, I guess I am. That's absolutely a threat." Coulson tells him.

"You're different now. You know that?" Prof. Randolph asks Coulson with a small smile.

"One must accommodate the times or things get messy." Coulson admits.

"What's with the hand?" Prof. Randolph refers to Coulson's left Prosthetic Hand.

"Things got messy." Coulson states before Prof. Randolph looks at me.

"And you? You've changed as well." Prof. Randolph says to me.

"I may have learned a few new tricks, killed a few inner-demons or two." I admit to him, and he nods intrigued.

"I can tell. " Prof. Randolph smiles "Well... You'll have to cover my release. And if there is a portal, which I will have to see to believe, you are diving into very dangerous waters here." He says before he lets out a small exhale "All right. Well, it's not like you're giving me any choice." He says before he rips the cell door off of it's hinges and he places it against the cell wall. Prof. Randolph then picks up his jacket from his bunk and exits the cell just as two policemen enter the room "He did it." He points at Coulson using his left thumb, and Coulson smiles politely towards the policemen.

After arriving back to The Playground with Coulson, Fitz, Morse and Prof. Randolph are standing in a secure room with the Monolith, and Prof. Randolph walks around the Monolith as it sits it it's containment.

"Well, I hate to disappoint, but it looks like your regular, old-" Prof. Randolph cuts himself off when the Monolith becomes un-dormant and liquifies before becoming dormant again "-Oh. How often does it do that?" He asks us intrigued.

"It's random." I state.

"No. No, no, no, no. It may seem random. But this... Something is clearly triggering it." Prof. Randolph explains.

"I've checked it against tides, relation to the sun, rotation-" Fitz tries to list, but Prof. Randolph cuts him off.

"-On this planet. So you have no idea how to control it. Why come to me? I'm no interstellar-travel expert. I've never even studied gravitational lensing or zero-point energy fields or quantum-harmonic oscillation theory." Prof. Randolph explains.

"Yet you know all those words you just said." I say to him.

"And you're scared of portals. You're scared of being dragged back home through a portal. So I think in your drunken stumble through history, you've probably investigated every story involving one." Coulson explains to Prof. Randolph, and Prof. Randolph doesn't say anything, confirming Coulson's belief.

"And I've seen you eyeing all of your exits, my knee brace, wondering if you can get away with it." Morse explains.

"The only reason you came with us was to confirm its existence." I state as I refer to the Monolith.

"And destroy it." Prof. Randolph adds.

"You'll have to go through me." Fitz tells him.

"And I could. Literally. But, then, I don't know what the Inhuman and Robot hand are capable of these days, so I will help you get her back. I'm not entirely heartless. But if I do, I want your word that we will demolish this portal and no one passes through it again." Prof. Randolph looks to Coulson.

"I'll sleep better at night." Coulson states.

"Good. Well, I've investigated a lot of these wormhole rumors, but that's all they were... Rumors. None have panned out. So we know nothing of its origin." Prof. Randolph says to us.

"Possibly Kree." I state.

"And this parchment was found with it." Morse says as she picks up the parchment in a plastic wallet Fitz picked up in Morocco from a near table, and she hands it to Prof. Randolph who takes it with his right hand and reads it.

"Well, hello. I've seen this." Prof. Randolph says as he stares at the parchment.

"It's a common Hebrew word." I state.

"Yes. What else do we know, Mr. Fitz?" Prof. Randolph asks Fitz.

"Uh, well, the Monolith changed hands a lot... Germanic tribes, spent the hundred years' war in France. But before the Napoleon era, it was moved again. I lost track of it somewhere in-" Fitz tries to say, but Prof. Randolph cuts him off.

"-England." Prof. Randolph states.

"Yeah. How did you know that?" Fitz asks Prof. Randolph confused.

"Because I have seen this word carved into the walls of a castle in Gloucestershire, England, in 1853. To the plane!" Prof. Randolph says before he begins to leave, but none of us follow him so he stops walking and turns to us confused "Wh... Am I allowed to say that?" He asks us, and he looks to Coulson.

"Let's all go to the plane, I guess." Coulson says before we all leave.

As arriving to An Abandoned castle in Gloucestershire, England, I stand on the landing Bay as I wait for Coulson, Fitz and Morse to finish gathering some tech and gear before we head inside.

"It didn't take you too long to ask for The Staff, I thought you would had strong will power." Someone says, and I turn around to see Prof. Rudolph.

"It wasn't so much for me, but Fitz and Simmons. They were kind of kissed when I told them that I turned down the offer." I explain to him.

"It doesn't seem like you need it now." Prof. Rudolph says to me.

"... I don't, but..." I trial off as I take it out of my belt with my right hand and look at it as it glows to my touch.

"You feel like it chose you." Prof. Rudolph says to me.

"... Yeah." I look up at him confused with a small smile.

"She has that affect on her favourites." Prof. Rudolph states.

"It's a she?" I ask him confused.

"... The Berserker Staff was my daughters', Amara." Prof. Rudolph says to me.

"'Was', as in..?" I trial off, not wanting to get too personal.

"I crafted The Beserker Staff for her from many earth from all of the different relms, and she took The Staff with her through every battle, and she was one of the best of the best... Until the battle with The Frost Giants, Milenias ago... But it feels like it was yesterday. Joining the Army of Asgard wasn't just for my own personal gain." Prof. Rudolph explains to me.

"It was so you could get away, wasn't it?" I ask him, but he doesn't say anything "Those Demons I killed, they were a part of my life... My whole life, and once I got rid of them I thought I could be free. But I still needed time to heal, understand how to live without them being in my life anymore. I guess healing and understanding takes a little longer for am Asgardian." I explain to him.

After entering the Castle with Prof. Rudolph and Coulson, myself, Fitz and Morse's, Prof. Rudolph is our Guide as we all hold torches to see where we are going.

"Yes. Yes, yes. I came here for a costume ball... That was the pretext, of course... 'Cause I had heard rumors of travel to the stars. Found it all to be nonsense. But it was a fun party." Prof. Randolph explains.

"The carvings?" I remind him.

"Oh, right, right. Of course. So I was here admiring the stone work, and..." Prof. Randolph trails off as he shines his torch at the top left corner of the room, the same symbol that is on the parchment.

"The same as the scroll... 'Death'." Fitz states.

"'Maveth'." Prof. Randolph states in Hebrew "Yeah, one of its translations is actually 'Death by punishment'." He states.

"Could mean 'No trespassing'." Coulson suggests.

"A Hebrew warning carved in an English castle struck me as odd. Out of place. Seems ancient." Prof. Randolph explains.

"But you stopped looking into it?" Morse asks him.

"A man dressed as an owl, of all things... I got him drunk enough to admit that no travel to other worlds was even occurring. Just ritualistic killings. Eh, the whole thing stunk of half-baked Satanism... Just some fabrications to entice new members. And, well, there were fire dancers. I got distracted." Prof. Randolph explains, and I shine my flashlight to an arch on the left wall.

"Here's another one." I state as the symbol is carved into the arch.

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