《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 19: 3 Years Later


Naruto and Naruko are now 17 years old and Mito is 13.

Naruko has become well known threw out the village. She is a candidate for Hokage only until she is of age. She is a sensei for team of genin and they are team of there class.

She looks like this but has her hair is in a pony tail.

Naruto is still apart of ANBU. He has the most solo missions completed in Leaf history. He has a confirmed 738 kills. He was offered the title Hokage, but turned it down because he doesn't feel like doing the job. Naruto is the only ANBU to do only solo missions. Naruto has earn the nickname "Fox" and is feared threw out the nations. And Naruto has fixed his relationship with his parents.

Naruto stopped wearing his ANBU gear (except his fox mask) and wears a red hoodie with black sleeves. There are nine red talley marks on each sleeve. He wears black cargo pants and has arms and hands wrapped in bandages except for the finger tips, because he can grow out his nails. Naruto still has black hair and has a lot of fan girls they all love the way he looks. And he always wears the necklace Mito got him at all times.

Naruto was heading back to the village after killing more Leaf nin and he was getting tired of doing it. They always tell him to do this but they don't say why. He sent to do this ten times in the last month.

He decided he was going to spy on the next council meeting. And see if they were going to talk about, which they probably would. There next meeting is in week.

Naruto is making his way to the village when he see's other ANBU killing more Leaf nin. Naruto couldn't take it. He couldn't watch more of his comrades die. Naruto stopped and attacked the ANBU.


Naruto appeared behind one of them and snapped his neck. He then stabbed the second ANBU threw the chest with his machete. And then sliced the last ANBU head off.

The Leaf nin was shocked at what he did. Until he realized this guy was the "Fox."

"Thank you. I don't know why, but for some reason these 3 ANBU killed everyone." he told Naruto

"He's probably going to tell the Hokage, that would probably cause conflict between the Hokage, the Council, and the Foundation." Naruto thought while biting his lip.

"Let's head back, the Hokage needs to know about this." he stated while heading off

"Hey hold on. Come here for a second." Naruto said waving him over

He went over to Naruto, curious as why he needed him.

"What do you ne-" he looked down to see he had a blade threw his chest

"Why?" was his last words

Naruto had a blank face. He really didn't want to kill him. But he had to, there would definitely be conflict in village.

"I'm sorry, don't need to cause any conflict." Naruto said bluntly

The ninja fell to the ground with a life less.

Naruto instantly left the area and went back to the leaf.

*After Naruto reported that his mission was a success*

Naruto was walking home from the ANBU builder after he reported his mission. He had his hood over his head and was keeping to himself. No one messed with him, his reputation scared everyone in the village. Naruto was still thinking about what he did to all of those Leaf nin. He was going to find answers one way or another.

Naruto was still around the village until he was spotted by Hinata. Naruto and Hinata are a couple, they have been together for a whole year. Naruto cared deeply for Hinata. He threatened Hiashi (Hinata's Father) if he ever hit Hinata again and she has never been hit again. Hiashi never like the fact that Hinata was with Naruto, but in reality he was happy that Hinata had found someone and found someone that can protect, but he never showed it.


"Hello Naruto." She said with glee running to him.

Hinata jumped into Naruto arms and they both kissed.

"How was your day, Hinata?" Naruto asked breaking the kiss and started walking together holding hands

"My day was fine. I taught Hanabi a few things. I have to go on a mission tomorrow to the Hidden Cloud. I'll be gone for at least two weeks." She told Naruto

"That sucks. I was hoping we could do something this week." Naruto pouted. "Well, I guess we'll have to make to the most of it tonight. It is 2:36, right now. Wanna have a date at around 7?" Naruto asked

"Yes. That would be amazing." Hinata said while hugging his arm and separating away from him

"Ok then, I pick you up at 7." Naruto concluded and they went there separate ways

After that Naruto eventually made his way to Ichiraku's. He ordered ramen and was eating it until he heard Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Lee, & Sakura walk into the shop.

"I doubt you can eat 20 bowls, Choji." Sakura doubted

"You would be surprised." Ino sighed

They all sat down together. They ordered a bowl of ramen, until Lee noticed Naruto was with them.

"Naruto is with us too." Lee stated loudly

"Took ya long enough." Naruto said cleaning his ear

"Hello, Naruto." Ino said looking at Naruto very closely

Ever since Naruto had black hair and built up his reputation. All lot of girls started checking him out and they like what they see.

"Hi." Naruto smiled while saying.

"So. how have you been? Fox." Sakura mock asked

Naruto chuckled a little bit at what she said.

"I have been doing good. Continuous missions does a lot for a person." Naruto stated looking up

"I bet. I don't know how you can do so many missions." Ino said in agreement

Naruto just scrugged and continued eating.

"Can you tell us some stories about your mission?" Sakura asked

Everyone leaned towards Naruto to hear a story. Even Ayame and Ichiraku leaned in to listen.

Naruto was deep thinking about what mission he should tell them. He was going threw every mission he could think of. But all that was going threw his mind was how he had to kill other Leaf nin.

Naruto froze up. He was shaking with chopsticks in his hands. Everyone noticed this, they have seen Naruto like this.

"Are you ok, Naruto?" Ayame asked

Naruto just got up, paid for his ramen, and left the shop. Everyone was confused as to why he just left everyone.

"He's hiding something." Shikamaru thought suspiciously

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