《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 18: Change


*3 Month After the Exams*

After the exams the Hokage appointed Naruto, Naruko, Shikamaru, Lee, and Sasuke to Chuunin. Naruto and Naruko after gaining some experience would be named Jonin.

Naruto was the one of the strongest ninja in the village, but he is still hated by the village. The village don't like him because he is strong and has the kyuubi soul, that wasn't a good mix to them. Naruto would try to talk to some of them but they just yelled at and walked away.

After dealing with that Narutos hair was completely black. His parents asked him why his hair changed, but he had no idea that it was changing. Naruto liked the black better than blonde anyway.

Naruto and his parents relationship was slowly being fixed. They begged him to give them another chance. He gave them one and they never ignored him. They treated him like he existed and this made Naruto happy. Kushina taught Naruto a few things on seals and Minato would give him some pointers in taijutsu. They would walk around the village and talk for a long time.

Aside from the villagers, everything was looking great for Naruto.

Naruto was heading back to the village from a mission. He running at top speed until he a scream. Naruto stopped and ran straight to the screaming.

Naruto had found the person screaming but his eyes widened at what he saw.

He saw Leaf 3 ANBU with a bird, dolphin, and tiger attacking Leaf nin and killed 5 other Leaf nin.

"Why are you doing this? We're from the same village." the half dead ninja asked

"We are ordered too kill you and you're team." bird said bluntly

"The Hokage ordered you to do this." the ninja asked in horror


"No, he didn't. He doesn't know that we were ordered to do this." Bird then killed the ninja

"Let's go." they all disappeared

Naruto just sat there in horror. He watched his own comrades kill other comrades. Should I tell dad. No, it'll probably cause trouble and this will probably be one time thing, right?

Naruto pushed away these thoughts away and went back to the leaf.

*Hokages office*

"Great job, Naruto." Minato said

"Thank you, Father." Naruto said

"That's your 20th successful solo mission." Minato said proudly

"Really, I didn't know I did that many." Naruto said in surprise

"You have unnatural skills. Which is why I want you to be ANBU." Minato told a shocked Naruto

"Me join ANBU. I'm 14." Naruto countered

"That doesn't matter. The lowest age someone joined was 12." Minato assured Naruto

"Ok then." Naruto said while leaving the room to the ANBU building

*After Naruto leaves the ANBU building*

Naruto was wearing ANBU gear and holding his fox mask.

Naruto would be sent on solo missions more than team missions because he always did the missions more efficiently than a team would. And he would do the mission swiftly and never late.

Naruto would build up the reputation "Fox of the Leaf" or just "Fox." This is because he would easily trick his opponents into falling for his traps or how he would a plan before a fight and easily beat them. Plus he has his kyuubi cloak and he uses a fox machete.

Naruto was given a team mission with Bird and Tiger. The mission is to kill a group of mysterious ninja.

Bird signals his team to stop.

"That's them right there." Bird points at a group of Leaf nin


Naruto was confused.

"What are you talking, there Leaf nin." Naruto stated

Bird and Tiger looked at Naruto.

"It doesn't matter we were ordered to kill them. Let's go." Bird said bluntly

Naruto hesitantly followed and were now in front of in front of Leaf nin.

"What is ANBU doing here?" a ninja asked curiously

The team of ANBU swiftly killed the Leaf ninja and left the bodies there and went back to the leaf.

Naruto was thinking why the leaf would order ANBU to kill there own ninja. It was making him mad that his teammates said it "doesn't matter" to kill there own comrades.

When Naruto got back to the village he reported his to be a success. After that, he left to go sit in the forest and think about what he done.

"I hope, I don't ever have to do that again."

(Short chapter, but its the start of a HUGE plot twist.)

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