《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 6: Wave Mission Part 1


After defeating the demon brothers. There was ranked up to a A Rank mission. They decided to continue the mission.

While they're walking Zabuza appears and attacks Tazuna. Zabuza does a over head slash on Tazuna but is stopped by Naruko. Naruto then attacks his knees and falls down. Naruto then pulls out his machete and tries to stab him in the chest but Zabuza recovered and dodge his attacked and jumped away from Naruto making him 15 feet away from team 7.

"Your a lot more skilled than I thought." Zabuza said with surprise

A thick mist starts coming around the ninja. Zabuza then jumps to trees and disappears. The genin's instantly surround Tazuna.

"From what I've seen out you all. The 2 blondes are the offspring of the Hokage. A Uchiha and a pink haired girl. And finally Kakashi of the sharingan. I guess I'll have to take you out first." Zabuza said his correct analysis to the team.

He then jumped down to a puddle.

"Ninpou: Mist Consealment." Zabuza then disappeared

"Zabuza, a missing nin of the Hidden Mist. Mostly known for silent kills." Kakashi said.

Zabuza then appeared in the middle of the genins' and Tazuna but was stabbed by Naruto's machete and Kakashi's kunai.

Zabuza then turned into water. Zabuza the appeared behind Kakashi and did a over head slash with his sword but was caught by Naruko.

Naruto then punched Zabuza in the stomach. Kakashi then attacked Zabuza.

Kakashi did a roundhouse kick to Zabuza's head. Zabuza went flying back. Kakashi then threw a kunai at him.

The kunai hit Zabuza in the right thigh. Zabuza couldn't get up.

"What are you doing here?" Kakashi questioned Zabuza

"I've been hired to kill him." Zabuza said pointing at Tazuna

"And I will kill him." Zabuza said as he disappeared


He then appeared in front of Kakashi and stabbed him in the arm. He then advanced to Tazuna but was stabbed in the stomach.

Zabuza looked down to see a machete stabbed across his stomach. He look at who was holding the weapon but saw no one.

Zabuza was then attacked at the knees forcing him to fall to his knees. Then the machete was removed from his stomach. He looked up to see Naruto holding the bloody machete.

"Your really good for a genin." Zabuza said in admiration.

He then disappeared in a puff of smoke. And the mist went away.

"I guess he's gone." Naruto stated

"Sensei are you ok?" Sakura said rushing to Kakashi

"I'll be fine." Kakasbi said pulling out the kunai.

"Its about to turn night we need to set up camp." Kakashi declared

"No need. Follow me, my house is not to far from here." Tazuna said, then started leading the way to his house.


Team 7 enter Tazuna's house.

"There are 2 room's upstairs. 2 people each room. There won't be any workers on the bridge because its there day off. So get some rest tomorrow." Tazuna told them.

"Sasuke and Naruto will share a room and me and Sakura will share a room. Get some rest I'm going to teach you all something tomorrow." Kakashi said this and they all went to there rooms.

Sasuke and Naruto got dressed for bed and just before Naruto could get in bed, Sasuke asked Naruto a question.

"How did you get so strong?" Sasuke asked

"Thats a dumb question. The only way people ever get strong is by training." Naruto said


"Fine, who taught you how to be so strong. I've never seen a fighting style like yours." Sasuke clarified


"I can't tell you that and my fighting style has nothing to do with my strength. I just memorized where vital spots and pressure points are on your body." Naruto said

"How many jutsus do you know?" Sasuke asked wanting to know more.

"A number." Naruto chuckled

"Oh my-"

"How much do you know?" Sasuke demanded

Naruto chuckled.

"I know enough jutsus. But I'm not wise. I just use common sense when I fought you." Naruto said

"Can you teach me something?" Sasuke asked

Naruto chuckled again.

"No." Naruto said bluntly and went to bed.

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