《The Fox Prodigy》Chapter 5: Realization



Team 7 is in the Hokages office waiting getting there next mission.

"Dad can we have higher ranked mission. I'm tired of chasing after that stupid cat." Naruko begged her father.

Minato smiled, then looked at Kakashi.

"Do you think there ready for a higher ranked mission?" Minato asked while smiling

"I think there more than ready, Minato-Sensei." Kakashi said

"Very well. I have a C-Ranked mission ready. You must defend workers while they are working on a bridge in the Wave Country." Minato said.

"Tazuna come in." Minato called for the worker

Tazuna then walked in the room and looked at the team escorting him back to the bridge.

"Your having a bunch of kids and one eyed man defend us. None of them look like they know what to do. Especially that one." He yelled pointing at Naruto who was sitting down against the wall.

Naruto then got up and threw 3 throwing knives at Tazuna. Kakashi jumped in front of him and caught the knives.

"Naruto, you don't kill a client." Kakashi said handing Naruto his knives back.

"I'll meet you all at the gate." Naruto said leaving the room.

Minato was shocked that Naruto tried to kill there client. Let alone just kill someone. He even used throwing knives. Since when did he did he know how use those. He was trying to think more about Naruto but thought of nothing.

He snapped out of his thoughts because of Naruko shaking him.

"Dad, are you ok?" Naruko asked while shaking him

"Yes I'm fine." Minato said a little startled.

"Ok, meet me at the gate in 1 hour." Kakashi said.

They all left the office.

Minato left the office knowing no one would visit him today and he had all of his paperwork done.


He got home to Kushina hugging him.

"Naruko just left the house and she told me that has a C Rank mission." She said joyously

"Don't forget about Naruto." Minato said

"He's going too." She hugged him harder.

She noticed Minato looked unhappy.

"What's wrong Minato?" She asked worriedly.

"I've been thinking about Naruto." Minato said looking down

"Why are you worried about Naruto." Kushina asked

"I'm not worried about him. It's the fact that I can't think of any memory of him." Minato said grabbing his hair

Kushina then began thinking about Naruto. The only thing that came mind was yelling and slapping him. No good memory of being with. She then sat down and started crying.

"All I ever did was yell at him and slap him." Kushina said with her head in her arms.

"What kind of mother am I?"

While they were sobbing they heard opening. They instantly fixed themselves and waited for the door to open.

Mito came inside the house with a big smile on her face.

"Mom, Dad. Naruto and Naruko just left for there mission." Mito said happily

"Mito come here." Minato said waving her over.

Mito listened and went to sit down.

"What do you know about Naruto." he asked

She smiled at the subject.

"He's awesome. I've watch him train he trains so hard, he forces himself to go beyond his limit. He trains with such brute force but when he takes a break it's like the brute force is gone and he's so peaceful. He sits down and just enjoys the nature. A fox always come by and takes a nap next to him and he doesn't care. I've notices the mean things people call him, but the stuff they say doesn't effect him. He caught me spying on him one time and he said didn't care that I was spying. And if I wanted to watch him all I had to do is ask. I asked him if he could teach me something and he did. He's such a nice guy." Naruko finished with smile on her face.


Minato and Kushina were shocked at what Mito just said. She speaks so high of him.

"How strong is he?" Minato asked

"I can't tell you. He made me promise not to tell anyone. He said he'll show it in the chuunin exams." Mito said

"Ok then, what about his fighting style?" Minato asked

"He fighting style is very dangerous. Its hard to explain." Mito said

"I'll have to ask Kakashi." Minato thought

"What did he teach you?" Kushina asked

Mito smile got bigger.

"He taught me how to use my bloodline limit more effectively. He was surprised at how fast I learned and said that I'll be stronger than anyone in the village at the rate I'm going." Mito said happily

Minato and Kushina were even more shocked at what she said. Naruto taught her how to use the chains more effectively.

"Wow. Thats great. Why don't you go to bed. You'll need some rest for what I'm gonna teach you tomorrow." Minato said with a smile

He eyes got brighter.

"Ok. Goodnight mom and dad." She said going to her room.

When she was gone. Kushina was about to cry about how much she didn't know about her only son.

"We need to start talking to him." Kushina said softly then started crying.


Team 7 just defeat the "demon brothers."

"This escalated to an A Rank mission." Kakashi said looking at his team.

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