《The Neglected fox》Chapter 14


Everything was dark.....






I woke up I looked around I was in a room and it look nice. I look at my body and saw that there was bandges I tried to get up but the pain in my back and my legs. Than I heard something I saw the door opening and saw a beautiful women there I saw that she had red long hair with dark teal eyes on the end of her hair was orange. She was wearing a grey kimono. 'Wait red hair there is only one clan that I knoe that has red and that is the uzumaki clan crap I have to get out of here.' I looked around to see some exits the one behide her and the window but the condition that Im in I dont think I can run.

The young women looks at me and smiles put down the tray I looked at it and saw that there was ramen noodle's I looked at her and she gives me a sheepis grin and said ''sorry it was the only thing I was making'' I grabbed the bowel of ramens and sniffed it. It smelled really good not like posion I start to eat the ramen when I was done I looked at her and she smiled and said ''there is nothing to e worried I live by myself so you are save.'' I looked at confuse and shoocked the reason is that I am a kistume she can seal me inside her an use my charka.

Why? Why is helping me than capturing me why? I looked at her and asked her ''Why am I here? Why are you not trying to capture me? Why help me?'' She looked at me and with a sad smile and she said ''I understand that you think that im going to capture you but please trust me Im not going to seal you I.....I........I live by myself far away from the uzuamki clan they............... *sigh* I saw you hurt and I could let them hurt you so I brought you her were it's save here.'' She smiled at me and gave me a sweet smile and walked away ''oh by the way my name is Shimmer.'' She smiled and walked away. I lay on the ground and looked at the ceiling I smiled to myself and closed my eyes.


I has been with shimmer for about 5 months and she was very nice an sweet to be even thought I'm a kistume she dosen't care wetalk a lot and I help her with cooking (mostly to help her cook something other than ramen), washing clothes, and hunting. I did ask her why is she alone and not with her family when ever I speak of it she become's very quiet and looks down and say ''I have to use the restroom excuse me.'' I stop talking about because she looks so sad me and shimmer has been help around her house I was happy with her and helping her so much. BUT ONE DAY.

''Hey Shimmer'' I called her she looked at me and hummed a responded "I was wondering why don't you like talking about you'r family''she looked at me with a weak smile and say ''follow me and I will explain everthing.''

I got up and followed her she sat down and I sat down next to her ''When I was a little girl me and my family were so happy or so I thought they start pushing me away and loved my sister more. The gave her what ever she wanted they started to forget that I was even ther daughter they would hit me or say 'why can't you be more like you'r sister' once me na dmy sister got into ninja school I thought that I can prove to my family that I was good just like my sister but it never work they would say to my sister 'good job' or 'you will do better next time' but when it cam to me they would say 'is this the best you can do' or 'you such a failer why can't you be just like your sister she doing so much better than you' I try and try but they never looked at me once with something postive so when I got older I ran away and lived her away from my 'family'.''I looked at her with shock on my face she had tears running down her face I hugged her and said she hugged me back and started to cry on my shoulder.


~Few years later~

I woke up and got up and took a shower and changed I looked around to find Shimmer but I couldn't I walked out of the house and looked around but she wasn't there so I started to walk alittle farther and saw her standing under a beatiful cherry tree I walked up to her she looked at me with her sweet smile ''hey kurama what are you doing here'' ''oh just looking at the view'' shimmer said I looked at the view it was amazing.

I looked at shimmer and grabbed both of her hands and said I took a deep breath and said I hated myself for studdering and looked at her she was crying and said "YES YES I love to go out with you kurama'' I was happy that shimmer loved me.

Over the year shimmer and kurama lived there love grew even more. Kurama took her to where his home is the fox village and asked her if she wanted to turn into a fox and she agreed they lived together and they where happy together.

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