《The Neglected fox》Chapter 13


Kurama was happy that kit was a fox he know that when he grow he would be the best ninja ever and he even might help the nations to get together shimmer was watching kit. When kurama and shimmer got kit they became over protive some because some other kit stared at there kit with google eyes kurama was worried some because the pool did take some or alot of kit memory he hoped that he remember shino and those who loved him and didn't hate him like his parents and the stuiped village.

Kurama went to the garden where shino and naruto could talk kurama saw shino he told shino to calm and that naruto is save which made shino relived but wander where he was kurama explained that naruto turned into baby fox and he losed some of his memory shino hoped the naruto remember him he saw baby fox naruto and let me just say it was adorable naruto ran around playing hide and seek rolling in the grass. Kurama went to the council and told the what he and shimmer did and let me say everyone teased kurama the when he turned into his, human form is hole face was so red Kurama couldn't talk right because the hole council saw baby naruto and awwwww and teasing was all.


Kurama was under a cherry tree watching his wife and his kit playing naruto kept flipping over when playing he looked at shimmer and smiled he saw the stars in her eyes it been awhile that he didn't see teh stars in her eyes mostly because when the lost there kits the start disappered but know there back. He looked at the dircation off where the magic pond and how shimmer became his mate. He would never forget the day that they became lover's.


I felt sick I didn't know why though I dont know I was in my human form I laid down on the ground. My stomach was hurting and I didn't know why I turn my head and realize something ' I realize were I was I was in the human village but it all destroyed now I remember. The human thought they could seal me away and use me as a tool but I got away and but in a cost I destroyed the village. I looked down on my wounds and their was a lot by the looks of it I had big cuts on me, bruises and 5 broken ribs which. I put my body on the tree truck to lay up I felt so sick. I started to see darkness I tried to keep my eyes open but they slowly started to close. The last thing I see is a human 'oh no.'


Haha cliffhanger sorry I couldn't so many up dates I have school work which sucks and other thing that are family problems and I trying to update alot but it been slow down.

But do not worry Sweetfox is here with a new chapter I am make 2 more as we speak so don't not worry I will try and update either today or tomorrow so hope you enjoy. 🦊💜💙

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