《The Neglected fox》chapter 11


haha didn't see this coming)

I saw my dad and the other shinboi parents well mostly like my dad listen so I took this opportunity to go to see naruto I left I went to this hide spot I place a bug back there to make sure that if someone follows me or my dad released im gone and looking for me. He been has question alot mostly about naruto and where do I go every day and come home late I really did want to tell my dad but I couldn't. I know that in my clan we don't show emotion's but I know that my clans do I know that my dad is worried about my proctection he my only family memeber my mom die by give birth to me my grandparets both died in the war they were ninja's. Me and my dad have been training I meet the kid heir and heiresses kiba was annoying alot because he think he the best he has cockyness the other were ok because they but they didn't talk to me I just catched some bugs I just want to start the acadmeny the only reason why is because I want to talk to naruto even though that I do see him and talk to him but not that much the only reason why is one that naruto need to train two is that my dad want me hme early.

I keep having what shinn say I don't know why that was in my mind but everytime I think about that I start to blush I don't know why though. I know that one day that I have to tell my dad that my friend is naruto but I don't know if he will like naruto or is like everyone else and hate him i don't want to lose him as my friend he is my only friend not many people would want to befriend a kid with bugs living inside me. I remember what kurama said.



Me and naruto where talking he told me that he had five months with all the animal leader to train. When naruto came to the secret spot usely he the early one because my dad would ask were Im going I had to tell lies some time but mostly I say 'Im going to meet a freind' when I saw naruto he had bags under his eyes I asked him what happened to him he said ''oh yeah im um I was train my slither chains and well they were a hand full I didn't get that much sleep'' I nodded what naruto said I saw about to say something but than naruto put his headon my lap and than feel asleep on me I felt my face heating up but I don't know why than a red puff of smoke came the smoke clear and there standing was a fox with nine tail. Kurama looked at me and smiled and said I nodded my head I wasn't much of a talkim usally the listener kurama nodded his head and than said I nodded my head I remember that he said that when I get into the academeny that when I will be train with the golden bug what did that mean I had no clue I looked down at the sleeping naruto in my lap I looked at kurama and ask what time it s and it was noon I had to get home because of dad question me alot.

~flashback ending~

I still did know what that mean when something bad happened like what something bad happing to me the village I pull my arm out and saw my braclet naruto had the other one I still could put my finger on what kurama said. I wonder whats going to happen I saw the other kids play with eachother I now that there going to ask me to play with them the only reason why because how would want to play with me I saw there was a bug I was about to capture it but it got away I followed it I finally caputered it I turned around to show my dad what I catch but when I did he wasn't there I walked straight but nothing but trees 'how far did I walked' I said to myself than I heared somethin behide me and saw bee user they saw me and attacked I ran away but there was more bee's comething to attack me. I ran to get away from them thn I feel into a hole and BANG everything went black.


I was with kurama he told me that I was going to be train my chakra for a while I was happy that I can train with kurama he was like my dad that I never had. I found out that kurama has a wife her name is shimmer and I can see why her name is shimmer the reason why it because her fur was shimmer in the sun light with the dark purple tips sh ealso had nine tails I found out that they couldn't have kid that use to have two kids but one couldn't make it and the other die by a human.(Picture above is what shimmer kurama wife loks like) shimmer and kurama were talking about something but I could make out what they were saying shimmer told me that when she had her kit that the one lived didn't listen to her and kurama she said that how kurama got sealed into the first place. Me and kurama train most my running speed and my strength I put on my weights and ran about 45 laps around the training round and when I finsih my legs hurt so much. Kurama gave me a 10 miunte brake I fell on the ground to let my legs rest I kurama said next to me I said ''hey kurama'' he meh me ''what are you going to train me next on'' I ask I groan at his reposend I nodded my head and than said ''umm kurama what have you and shimmer been talking about'' kurama looked at me and than said ''oh ok''

I lie to kit the only reason why is because me and my wife both grew a bond on naruto and shimmer really wanted to adopted naruto so did I but I dont know about. I still remember that when he wants seal in humans and how both of his kids die and the council said either they can adopt or he can changes mate. One kurama didn't like cheating on his mate and two adopting was hard because the lose of both children was upsetting. Kurama was thinking sure he adopted naruto or not.

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