《The Neglected fox》Chapter 10


Shinn told naruto what the slither chain's were and what they do they were different from the uzumaki chain the reason why is that the don't need chakra to move the chain's live inside of naruto and if something happens the chains will fight to protect. Shinn told naruto that the chain come from the owner was a sweet person or so people though but the own slowly became greedy for power and used the chain for bad thing shinn wife name was starlight and they loved eachother. The owner tried to used shinn but it didn't work ad in the end the owner didn't take no for an answer and kill starlight shinn grew anger and cursed the owner his chain finally disappeared and the owner was curse that was a terrible bad lucky and in the end the owner died. Naruto felt sad and hug shinn and took told him that starlight is all was with him and that she is watching him from the above.


''ok shinn report on naruto for the passed 5 month's'' kurama said in his fox form and is medium side shinn nodded and said ''naruto has apporved for the pass 5 month's I have found out the naruto has the slither chains and he had trouble with it for awhile becuse the chain like to mess with him but he got used to it. I have taught naruto some seals and he has been great at them.'' kurama nodded and the other were shocked that naruto had the slither chain they were rare for a uzumaki to have or an one in the matter of fact ''I worked with naruto alot and he has down great on alot of thing but I wonder went will naruto and shino start training together'' shinn said looking at kurama ''umm who is this shino you speak of shinn'' the wolf leader said ''shino is a friend of naruto he was the one that saved naruto from......'' shinn couldn't say that word just think about sicken because a kid at the age of five tried to kill himself. All the leader went silence kurama said ''yes shino is naruto friend and shinn to answer you'r question went both goes to the acandemy that when shino will be trained.'' The pheniox said ''kurama I must ask you but what are you going to train shino on'' ''well ****** I will get *****, ******, and ***** to train naruto and shino different thing and for shino he will be train with *********'' kurama said ''wait wait you'r letting shino have the golden bettle'' the dog leader said ''yes ******* shino is in the clan of abramu he the heir and he already has bug living inside of them the only thing will change is umm'' kurama said than relisead something that shino will be changed alot well only if he used the golden buttle mode so and some of his bugs oof. All the leader nodded there head than the snake leader said ''ok now who issss going to train naruto now'' ''I will I have to train him to control my chakra when he going to ue it but also the fox's ways'' kurama said than ''he almosty like you son kurama'' the owl leader said all the other leader nodded there head agreeing with that. Kurama shaked his head disagreeing and said ''ok I will get take naruto to the fox world you guys go back to you'r world shinn do you want to say goodbye to naruto because you will not see him for a while'' shinn shacked his head and said ''no I already did he is packing his things and is at my cave'' kurama noddd his head and went to the dragon world.


Kurama went into a cave and there were piturce's on the wall they were all different kurama start to think what the owl leader said kurama didn't want to might it but it was true that kurama did think that naruto was like a son to him. Naruto was like a fox he was a trickster and all kurama felt bad for lying to naruto about his chakra well sort of it was true that kurama was gettig some of his chakra back from those brat's but it was a slow progress and but kurama had to start to train naruto for 5 months. Kurama wait for all the leader to vote if naruto is still good to be the master of animals kurama stop and looked at the picture there was a mountain with clounds and there was alot of mountain and there was grass will a pond that had a water fall kurama put his paw on the piturce and his paw went throught and he when it to the picture and there kurama was in the dragon world. Kurama saw the leader mountain how because he the leader and go the biggest mountain you couldn't see the top because of the clouds kurama turned into his full form and climb the monutain and saw naruto sit with his dark blue backpack. Naruto turned his head and said ''KURAMA'' and hugged kurama snot and kurama laughed and said ''hello kit'' naruto let go and said ''are you going to be training me kurama'' kurama nodded naruto wa shappy that he can see kurama again ''ok kit hop on I were going for a long walk so you can sleep'' naruto nodded kurama help naruto to get on his back by use his tail. Naruto cuddle into kurama fur and kurama started to walk to his world.

Minato and kushina reliased that what they had done to there youngest son and they knew nothing about there own son than the siblings didn't care that much the only reason why because they thought they were better than him and they started to hate him more because they made there parent's upset. Minato summoned the anbu and tried to find naruto but there was no trace kakashi, anko, and iruka were upset but belived that naruto was still alive some were safe tsunade she was pissed and scodded kushina of how bad of a mother she is and that she didn't do anything and forgot her own son. Minato and kushina both are hoping that there son is still alive.


The council was talking about the acadmeny they were finally finish the shinboi's clans saw there kid's there and play around but there but there was one kid that was not playing with the other and his name was shino her was looking at a bug siting on grass. Shikaku nara noticeted that shino was gone he wasn't there and said ''shibi were you'r son'' shibi was about to say were he was but saw that he wasn't there and send his bugs out to find him one of his bugs find shino and shibi went where his son was he saw his son looking at him and said ''shino why did you leave'' shino couldn't tell his dad the truth because one the place was a secret and two he friend with naruto. Shino said ''I saw a bug and went to catch it'' shibi sigh tought that he lost his son he said ''ok shino but why not talk to the other kids'' shino nodded and went back to his spot some kids went to talk to shino but than leave. Choza said ''shibi you'r son has been actting werid and not usualy'' shibi nodded his head he saw how his son has been acting werid he came home late and his mystery friend he tried to ask shino who was he but shino said ''I cant tell you.'' Shibi couldn't place a bug on shino because his bugs would warn shino that there is a bug on him.

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